Deadline Jan. 31st, 2015
University of California, Berkeley Call for Papers to the 6th Annual Islamophobia Conference
Islamophobia Studies: The State of the Islamophobia Studies Field UC Berkeley Center for Race and GenderIslamophobia Research and Documentation Project is hosting the sixth annual International
Islamophobia Conference and invite’s Scholars, Researchers, Artists, Poets, Media Producers, Artists, Activists and Community Organizations to submit an abstract for a mutli-medium engagement in the Islamophobia Studies field. The conference’s theme this year is focused on assessing the Islamophobia studies field from a broader multi-disciplinary and transnational perspectives. As the Islamophobia Studies Field has witnessed rapid expansion in the past 15 years, an assessment and exploration of the research already done, in progress and existing gaps needing scholarly attention is the focus of the 6th annual conference.
This year’s conference committee is attentive on creating a collaborative approach to forging more critical scholarship in the Islamophobia Studies Field and expanding the existing networks of
researchers across disciplined and the geographical areas of the world. We encourage themes and panels covering specific academic disciplined, quantitative and qualitative research, specific case studies in countering Islamophobia, curriculum and course designs, as well as comparative approaches to Islamophobia in different countries and settings. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words, include a title for the paper and a short bio to be used for the conference program if selected. Please the abstract should be in Microsoft word document and sent to the attention of Dr. Hatem Bazian:
Abstract Deadlines: January 31st , 2015 Invite Letters: Feb. 27th, 2015
Conference Dates: April 23-25, 2015 Location: Boalt Law School, UC Berkeley