Monthly Archives: May 2013

The Dynamics of Sunni-Shia Relationships: Doctrine, Transnationalism, Intellectuals and the Media

New title on Sunni-Shia relations available from Hurst Publishers:

The Dynamics of Sunni-Shia Relationships

Doctrine, Transnationalism, Intellectuals and the Media

Edited by Brigitte Marechal and Sami Zemni

Hardback / 320pp / 978-1849042178 / £39.99

‘This collection of brilliant contributions by leading scholars from various disciplines is a welcome reminder of the complexity of the sectarian question in Islam.’ — Stéphane Lacroix, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Sciences Po, Paris, and author of Awakening Islam: The Politics of Religious Dissent in Contemporary Saudi Arabia __

Nouveau livre

Dieu en ligne

Expériences et pratiques religieuses sur Internet Isabelle Jonveaux Paris, Bayard, 2013, 248 p., ISBN : 9782227486454.

Présentation de l’éditeur

Le monde du web religieux est vaste, ses confins difficilement identifiables. Il existe de nombreuses propositions virtuelles spirituelles. L’utilisation d’Internet et des nouvelles technologies de communication bouleverse nos représentations et nos conceptions des rapports entre la religion et le monde. Isabelle Jonveaux, sociologue, mène ici une enquête enthousiasmante, détaillée, sur les pratiques et les expériences religieuses sur la Toile et les réseaux sociaux. Monastères, paroisses, communautés et associations religieuses ont investi souvent de façon originale le monde virtuel. Mais quelles conséquences peut-on observer ? Quels changements attendre ? En quoi le pratique religieuse en ligne diffère-t-elle de la pratique traditionnelle ?


Isabelle Jonveaux

est sociologue des religions, diplômée de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales. Elle est chercheuse à l’université de Graz (Autriche).

Elle a publié aux Éditions Bayard Le monastère au travail.

Incorporating Faith: Religion and Immigrant Incorporation in the West

The following special issue of International Migration may be of interest to readers:

International Migration Special Issue:

Incorporating Faith: Religion and Immigrant Incorporation in the West

June 2013 (Volume 51, Issue 3)

Guest editor: Phillip Connor

Articles include:

God Can Wait – New Migrants in Germany Between Early Adaptation and Religious Reorganization

Claudia Diehl and Matthias Koenig

God Bless Our Children? The Role of Generation, Discrimination and Religious Context for Migrants in Europe

Koen Van der Bracht, Bart Van de Putte and Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe

Intergenerational Change in Religious Salience Among Immigrant Families in Four European Countries

Konstanze Jacob and Frank Kalter

Piety in a Secular Society: Migration, Religiosity, and Islam in Britain

Valerie A. Lewis and Ridhi Kashyap

Intermarriage Attitudes Among Minority and Majority Groups in Western Europe: The Role of Attachment to the Religious In-Group

Sarah Carol

Religious Dimensions of Contexts of Reception: Comparing Two New England Cities

Wendy Cadge, Peggy Levitt, Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky and Casey Clevenger

Religion as A Context of Reception: The Case of Haitian Immigrants in Miami, Montreal and Paris

Margarita A. Mooney

Currents of faith, places of history, 3 PhD Scholarships, 1 Postdoc position

Joint Research Programme: Currents of faith, places of history:

religious diasporas, connections, moral circumscriptions and world-making in the Atlantic space

Starting date: October 1st, 2013

Duration: 3 years (36 months), fulltime for PhD-projects, part-time for postdoc-project

The JRP Currents of faith, places of history: religious diasporas, connections, moral circumscriptions and world-making in the Atlantic space, coordinated by Ruy Blanes (ICS Lisbon, Univ. Bergen) with Birgit Meyer (Utrecht U.), David Berliner (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles) and Ramon Sarró (Univ. Oxford), is an international HERA-funded Joint Research Project that brings together a multidisciplinary team of scholars. The central foci of this program are the interconnections between religion, mobility, place and heritage in the Atlantic space. We aim to rethink theories of Atlantic history by exploring three dimensions of ‘religious

diasporas’: connections, moral circumscriptions and world-making.

Based on a partnership between universities in Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway and the UK, the program brings together a team of senior and junior scholars. Combining problems and methodologies sprung from social anthropology, history and religious studies, we seek to synthesize an empirical ethnographic methodology with a historical-comparative approach so as to explore ‘meaningful histories’

in their cultural and religious manifestations.

The CURRENTS JRP is offering 3 PhD positions for students interested in conducting field research and writing PhD theses on the topics under focus. Next to this, it offers one postdoc position. PhD-project 1 will be located at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, under the research theme Encounters, Historical Acknowledgements and Moral Landscapes Across the Atlantic (chaired by Ruy Blanes). More specifically, s/he will conduct research on “grassroots prophetism, political interventions and territorial heritagizations in contemporary South America”. For more information, contact Ruy Blanes (

PhD-project 2 will be located at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Oxford, UK, under the research theme A King in the Atlantic: Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in the Making of a Kongo Heritage. S/he will conduct research on how the historical connections between the Kindgom of Kongo and the South American continent, which started with the Atlantic slave trade, are remembered and recreated in today’s Brazil, a country today discovering and reassessing its African heritage. For more information, contact Ramon Sarró ( or visit

PhD-project 3 will be located at the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, under the research theme Slave Trade Transatlantic Heritagescapes. Reconnections and World- Making in Guinea-Conakry and the Mexican Gulf. More specifically, s/he will conduct research on “Heritagized religious traditions in the Mexican Gulf / Caribbean”. For more information, contact David Berliner (

The postdoc-project (part-time) will be located at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, under the research theme Atlantic spirits. Religion, Heritage, and the Making of the Atlantic World through Winti and Candomblé (chaired by Birgit Meyer). The research project will focus on “Candomblé in Brazil”.

For more information, contact Birgit Meyer (

The 3 PhD students and the postdoc will conduct field research in different locations. They will be based in their respective host institution, and will be supervised by the project’s Principal Investigator in that institution. They will be expected, however, to actively engage in JRP meetings, intellectual exchanges, and academic events bringing the entire international team together. Applicants should therefore be enthusiastic, well motivated and able to work independently and as part of a collaborative research team.

Applicants are expected to hold a very good MA, MSc, or MPhil degree in anthropology or a cognate field by the start of the three-year project.

The post-doc will have completed a PhD dissertation in anthropology, religious studies or a cognate field by the start of the three-year project. Fieldwork experience and familiarity with ethnographic research methods will be highly valued. Relevant research experience in one of the contexts or topics of the Joint Research Project will be particularly advantageous.

Informal enquiries about the overall Joint Research Project should be addressed to Please contact each chair for specific instructions on applications.

Applicants interested in either of these four positions will need to send the respective chair a personal statement indicating why they think they are particularly well prepared to undertake this research, a short research proposal, letters of recommendation (two or three, depending on the University they are applying for) and a sample of written work.

Furthermore they will need to satisfy the criteria for acceptance to the PhD programmes of each of the universities involved. They will need to complete the respective application forms available on the links provided by each chair upon initial contact.

Deadline: Friday 21 June 2013 (noon).

Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview.

RSRC Public Lecture

Dear All,

The Religion and Society Research Centre at the University of Western Sydney invites you to attend a Public Lecture:

‘Global Religion and the end of Secularization’

Speaker:  Emeritus Professor Roland Robertson, University of Pittsburgh, USA and University of Aberdeen, UK

Date:     Friday 7 June, 2013

Time:    1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Venue: Bankstown Campus, Building 3 Room 55, Sydney, Australia

Please RSVP to by  4 June.


In spite of or perhaps in part because of a wave of Western atheism – what some have called religious atheism – there appears to be a great wave of religiosity across much of the contemporary world. This is to be seen in various parts of Asian, Eurasia , the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. US American religiosity seems to be as strong as ever, in spite of the leading new atheists being themselves American or Anglo-American. These are, of course, very broad generalizations. Nonetheless, it is these that will form the context and the background for my presentation. Both the inter-societal and the intra-societal aspects of the global religious revival will be given attention. There will also be some consideration of extra-terrestrial factors. 

Roland Robertson is Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, USA and Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Global Society, University of Aberdeen, UK. He is also Distinguished Guest Professor of Cultural Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and he has held visiting positions in many countries. He is the author of many publications, his most influential ones being The Sociological Interpretation of Religion, Meaning and Change, and Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture (revised edition forthcoming). His major areas of specialization are cultural sociology, the sociology of religion, sociological theory, and global sociology. His present work deals with, inter alia, cosmology, antisemitism, dimensions and processes of civilization, the controversy over Southern theory, the cosmopolitanism debate, and the contemporary significance of glocality. His work has been translated into more than twenty languages.

Religions in Digital Games - Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet

Dear Colleagues,

The editors of “Online – Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet” ( are pleased to announce the relaunch of the journal. It will come up with a new design as well as improved navigation and search functions. By establishing a peer-review system, we will renew our mission of publishing articles of a high academic standard from a multitude of disciplines.

We herewith invite researchers of all disciplines to hand in articles on their research dealing with religions on the internet. We are currently planning to publish 2 issues a year, one of which will be a special issue addressing a certain topic. The next issue to be published in December 2013 will broach the issues of “Religion in Digital Games” (for further information see enclosed Call for Papers).

The journal is always keen to collect high quality scholarship on issues relating to religions on the Internet and welcomes submissions pertaining to all aspects of theses matters anytime to be published in a future issue!

Submissions and queries should be send to the following address:

Best regards,

Simone Heidbrink (in behalf of the editorial team)


Call for Papers

Religions in Digital Games

Multi-perspective and Interdisciplinary Approaches

Special issue of “Online – Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet” (, due for publication in December 2013!

Over the past few years, the scientific analysis of digital games and their cultural and social impact has become a growing field of research in various scientific disciplines. Sadly, the issue of religion as an (explicit or implicit) factor in the construction and reception of game worlds, rules and mechanics has been vastly underrepresented in most studies on the field. This negligence seems rather unjustified given the vast presence of e.g. religious symbols, narratives and player actions in popular games like The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim , Bioshock: Infinite and many others.

The special issue on “Religion in Digital Games” seeks to contribute to filling this gap in games research through a multi-perspective and interdisciplinary approach. We herewith invite scholars from Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Social Studies, Media Studies, Game Studies, Educational Studies, Economics, Theology and other related disciplines to hand in proposals for possible articles which deal with all kind of religious aspects in the context of digital games, i.e. computer games, console games, mobile games.

The articles could (among others) broach the issue of

* game aesthetics

* gaming culture

* reception and recipient research

* ludology

* narratology

* content analysis

In order to present a broad insight into the aspects of religion in digital games, we invite theoretical, methodical and empirical studies referring to these or related topics. We are looking forward to receive the title and a short abstract (max. 250 words) of the planned article until June 30th 2013. The language of the Journal is English, for proposals in other languages please contact the editors beforehand.

Further important dates and deadlines are:

July 15th Notification on the acceptance of your proposal by the editors.

September 30th Submission deadline for full article.

October 15th Deadline for comments, requests of revisions by the editors (if necessary).

November 15th Submission deadline for revised articles.

December 1st Publication of the Online Journal.

Please send your abstract and / or further inquiries to the following e-mail address:

online - Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet

Institute for Religious Studies

University of Heidelberg

Akademiestraß 4-8

D - 69117 Heidelberg

phone ++49-(0)6221-547482

4 PhD Studentships in Comparative Sociology, University Carlos III of Madrid

The Department of Social Sciences (formerly Department of Economic History and Institutions) is pleased to offer two fully-funded studentships for October 2013 entry to its Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme.

The Department of Social Sciences is a strategic action of the University Carlos III of Madrid. It currently includes the areas of Economic History, Sociology and Political Science and it is the home of the Institute Figuerola and the Carlos III-Juan March Institute (previously CEACS-Juan March Institute of Study and Research). In the coming years the new department will be experiencing a rapid process of expansion in both its teaching and research activities with the aim of becoming one of the very top departments in social sciences in Europe.


Studentships are offered on a two- plus two-year basis: the first up to

24 months as a PhD grant, followed by another up to two years covered by a “researcher in training” contract. After the first stage there will be an assessment of the fulfilment of the necessary criteria by the PhD programme commission, and advancing to the second stage is conditional on a favourable assessment. The regulating laws and university norms, along with the application form (“solicitud”) and the official detailed grant announcement (PIF UC3M 01-1314, of 17 May 2013) can be found here:

The monthly endowment of the grants will be 1,000 Euros, gross.

The grants will include enrolment fees for official Doctoral studies:

academic supervision and credits in the doctoral programme.

Aid for enrolment will be applied by not charging the fees corresponding to enrolment for students with valid grants.

Interested applicants should apply to the PhD program in Economic History and Institutions, which is the only program administratively available at the time of this call, but will be transferred to the new PhD Programme in Advanced Social Sciences once the latter is administratively operational.

Research Areas and Supervision

The studentships are open to applicants wishing to pursue doctoral research in the fields of Comparative Historical Sociology, Sociology of Culture and Religion, Immigration, Social Stratification, Economic Sociology and Political Sociology. Please have a look at the areas of research interest and expertise of the faculty members in the area of comparative sociology (

Dissertation proposals that fit well with existing research projects will be particularly welcomed. Supervisors will be appointed subject to the agreed research projects.

Entry Requirements

National students

- Diploma in Advanced Studies (Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA) or equivalent degree in relevant social science disciplines (Sociology, Economics, Demography, Political Science).

- In special cases, admission could be considered if the candidates have at least 60 credits completed in official Graduate programmes or a Master degree. In all cases, a minimum of 300 credits completed in both undergraduate and graduate programmes is required.

- English fluency

- Prospective students must present a dissertation project (3-5 pages).

International students

- Applicants must provide evidence that their degree is equivalent to the level required for a Postgraduate Program in the country it was obtained.

- English fluency

- Prospective students must present a dissertation project (3-5 pages).

- All academic documents produced outside the European Union or the European Economic Space must be legalised either by diplomatic means or by the Apostille of The Hague Agreements.


The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 May 2013. To apply, the official application form has to be submitted by email to [with a copy to Markus Lampe] together with the following documents:

- Copy of Spanish Identity Card (DNI), Passport or Foreigner’s Identity Number in Spain certificate (NIE)

- Copy of certificate of undergraduate and master program studies, including a complete grade record and title

- Certificate of average grade according to grade record

- Curriculum Vitae

- Application for the PhD programme in Economic History and Institutions, to be found here:

- Other documents that substantiate your ability as a researcher in training, such as PhD project proposal and recommendation letters

In case some documents are missing or incomplete, there will be a correction period after the deadline. Unfortunately, applications initiated after the deadline cannot be taken into consideration.

Information about Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and PhD program in Economic History and Institutions can be found at and,


For specific inquiries please contact Dr. Markus Lampe, / Tel. (++34) 624 9637.


New book: Claiming Society for God: Religious Movements and Social Welfare in Egypt, Israel, Italy, and the United States

Nancy Davis and Robert Robinson’s Claiming Society for God: Religious Movements and Social Welfare in Egypt, Israel, Italy, and the United States (Indiana University Press, 2012) has been awarded the gold medal in the Religion category of the Independent Publishers Book Awards, which recognize books by university and independent presses. The book also won the Scholarly Achievement Award of the North Central Sociological Association. The book focuses on common strategies used by religiously orthodox (what some would call “fundamentalist”) movements around the world. Rather than using armed struggle or terrorism, as much of post-9/11 thinking suggests, these movements use a patient, under-the-radar strategy of taking over civil society. Claiming Society for God tells the stories of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Sephardi Torah Guardians or Shas in Israel, Comunione e Liberazione in Italy, and the Salvation Army in the United States, showing how these movements, grounded in a communitarian theology, are building massive grassroots networks of religiously based social service agencies, hospitals and clinics, rotating credit societies, schools, charitable organizations, worship centers, and businesses. These networks are already being called states within states, surrogate states, or parallel societies, and in Egypt have now brought the Muslim Brotherhood to control of parliament and the presidency. This bottom-up, entrepreneurial strategy is aimed at nothing less than making religion the cornerstone of society.

The Facebook page for the book, which includes news stories on orthodox movements and study questions for the book is at

New book: Islam and Society: Sociological Explorations

Islam and Society: Sociological Explorations

Riaz Hassan

· Paperback $59.99

Sociological Explorations

The central focus of this volume is to explore and highlight the nexus between the ideology of Islam and social and cultural milieus with the aim of reconceptualising the sacred as a socially constructed reality and not a transcendental supernatural phenomenon. From this perspective, human agency and society become the main focus for shaping, perpetuating and institutionalising religious beliefs, ideas and practices, opening up space for empirical and sociological analyses of religious phenomena. The seven essays in this volume seek to explore and examine some of the key debates in contemporary sociology of Islam. The topics explored are: social factors in the origins of Islam; social theory and Muslim society; Islam and politics in South Asia; Muslim piety; anti-Semitism; the social foundations of Muhammad’s prophetic mission, with a special reference to Arab historical memory and the role of his first wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid; and the barriers to social inclusion of Australian Muslims in Australian society.

About the author

Professor Riaz Hassan has published extensively on Muslim societies in an academic career that has spanned more than 40 years.

Publisher Melbourne University Press

- See more at:

Islam in the West: Iraqi Shi’i Communities in Transition and Dialogue


Islam in the West: Iraqi Shi’i Communities in Transition and Dialogue

By Kieran Flynn

Oxford: Peter Lang

259 pp. | ISBN 978-3-0343-0905-9 | £40.00

This book studies the historical, religious and political concerns of the Iraqi Shi‘i community as interpreted by the members of that community who now live in the United Kingdom and Ireland, following the 2003-2010 war and occupation in Iraq. It opens up a creative space to explore dialogue between Islam and the West, looking at issues such as intra-Muslim conflict, Muslim–Christian relations, the changing face of Arab Islam and the experience of Iraq in the crossfire of violence and terrorism – all themes which are currently emerging in preaching and in discussion among Iraqi Shi‘a in exile. The book’s aim is to explore possibilities for dialogue with Iraqi Shi‘i communities who wish, in the midst of political, social and religious transition, to engage with elements of Christian theology such as pastoral and liberation theology.

Contents: Shi‘i Muslim Migration and Settlement in Ireland and the UK – Shi‘i Religious Narratives in History and Ritual Memory – The Narrative of Emancipation Among Shi‘a in Iran – Narrative Shi‘i Opposition and Emancipation in Iraq – Shi‘i Political Empowerment in Iraq – Shi‘i Sermons and Narratives – Catholic Theology in Dialogue with Shi‘i Narratives.

Available from <>