Monthly Archives: September 2013

Chinese Pentecostalism in the Global East

Global ReOrient:

Chinese Pentecostal/Charismatic Movements in the Global East

This symposium seeks to assess the status and characteristics of Chinese Pentecostal/charismatic movements in the “Global East” where both the economy and Christianity have been growing fast. The speakers include renowned and emerging scholars specializing in global Pentecostalism and/or Chinese Christianity. The presentations will especially focus on Chinese charismatic churches in mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and North America.

Date: October 30-31 (Wednesday-Thursday), 2013

Location: Stewart Center Room 214, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

Attendance is free, but reservation is required because of the limited space and available seats.

RSVP by email to CRCS.

Please include your full name, title, affiliation, and contact information.

October 30 (Wednesday): 9:00 – 12:00; 1:30 – 5:00 pm

Allan Anderson, University of Birmingham, UK

Daniel Bays, Calvin College, Michigan

Gordon Melton, Baylor University, Texas

Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, University of Hong Kong

Ke-hsien Huang, Northwestern University, Illinois

Sian-chin Iap, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

Kim-Kwong Chan, Hong Kong Christian Council

Weng Kit Cheong, Sabah Theological Seminary, Malaysia

7:30 – 9:00 pm: Video Presentation of Chinese Pentecostal Churches in Asia

October 31 (Thursday): 9:00 – 12:00; 1:30 – 5:00 pm

Donald Miller, University of Southern California

Karrie Koesel, University of Oregon

Mark McLeister, University of Edinburgh, UK

Michael Chambon, Boston University

Hsingkuang Chao, Tunghai University, Taichong, Taiwan

Jiayin Hu, Purdue University, Indiana

Joy Tong, Indiana Wesleyan University

Pamela K. Sari, Purdue University, Indiana

Elisa Jiexia Zhai Autry, George Mason University, Virginia


Dr. Fenggang Yang, Director of Center on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University

Dr. Joy Tong, Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies, Indiana Wesleyan University

Co-sponsors: International Programs, Religious Studies, Asian Studies, & American Studies.

International Interfaith Conference in Melbourne (May 2014)


Greetings from the Australian Catholic University. Please find in the link below an announcement for an international conference on Interfaith Dialogue which will be held in Melbourne from 26-29 May 2014.

We invite you to consider participating or to consider having your institution serve as co-sponsor. We are presently accepting proposals for plenary speakers as well as paper presenters.

Warm Regards,
Centre for Inter-Religious Dialogue

CFP. RC22 The Best of All Gods: Sites and Politics of Religious Diversity in Southern Europe - ISA CONFERENCE 2014

Call for papers, deadline 30 September

Please find below description for a session to held at the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology in Yokohama, Japan 13 - 19 July 2014 ( Paper proposals can be sent via the site ( starting on June 3rd, with a deadline for submission of September 30th, 2013.

RC22 The Best of All Gods: Sites and Politics of Religious Diversity in Southern Europe

Session Organizer
Jose MAPRIL, CRIA-FCSH, New University of Lisbon, Portugal, jmapril

Ruy Blanes, University of Bergen and ICS, University of Lisbon

Clara Saraiva, IICT and CRIA-FCSH, New University of Lisbon

Session in English

After decades of relative obscurity, the research about religion in Europe has re-surfaced and forced new academic debates regarding new religious landscapes, secularism and post-secularism. In truth, the social sciences of religion never ceased to question the place of the religious and the secular in society within the historical framework of modernity and post-modernity. This has been extensively described in sev-eral contexts such as the UK, France, Germany, among several others, but in the Southern European case, despite the existence of compelling research, a systematic, comparative debate seems to be missing.

The objective of this panel is to explore, both empirically and theoretically, the sites and politics of religion and secularism in Southern European countries. We would like to invite authors to address the complex relations between the multiple religiouscapes and the sites and politics of the religious in Southern European countries. By ‘sites’ we are referring to:

  1. spatial settings such as mosques and other religious edifices and grounds;

  2. spaces and itineraries of religious mobilities – from pilgrimage paths to networks and circulations of ideas and objects;

  3. but also arenas - political and apparently secularized – where policies, ideologies and discourses are produced in the context of claims made by religious groups to “good” citizenship (see for instance, Pentecostal and Islamic social services in the current period of economic crises and austerity policies)

Our goal, therefore, is to focus on the existing debates about the place of religion and the secular in Southern European public spheres.

Less Than One Week to Deadline! Abstract Submission for Inform International Conference


Less Than One Week to Deadline!

Inform’s Anniversary Conference

Minority Religions: Contemplating the Past and Anticipating the Future

London School of Economics, WC2A 2AE

31 January – 2 February 2014

Celebrating over a quarter of a century of providing information that is as reliable and up-to-date as possible about minority religions, Inform invites you to submit a (maximum) 200-word abstract and 150-word CV on topics relevant to the title of the conference to inform. The deadline for papers is Tuesday 1st October2013, with decisions by 1st November 2013. Participants who wish to organise special (90 minute) sessions should submit the name, abstract and CV of each of the contributors to their sessions.

Unfortunately no subsidies can be offered to participants, who will be responsible for making their own arrangements for travel and accommodation.

Registration will open on 1st November 2013. See for further details.

Draft Programme Outline(21/9/13)

Friday 31 January

15.00: Registration opens (tea and coffee will be available)

15.30: Introductory talk about the London School of Economics and tour of the campus

17.30: Welcome and Plenary Panel A: “Stakeholders”

when representatives of some of the sections of society that have used Inform will briefly describe what they have gained from their association with Inform and what they would like Inform and students of minority religions to focus on in the future:

The Established Church: The Right Reverend Graham Jones, Lord Bishop of Norwich

The Media: Dr Damian Thompson, columnist for the Daily Telegraph

Politics: Stuart Hoggan, Deputy Director, Integration Division, Department for Communities and Local Government

The Police: Ron Gilbertson, former police officer

The Law: Philip Katz QC, Barrister

Academia: Professor Conor Gearty, Professor of Human Rights Law, LSE

19.30: Reception and Launch of the Ashgate/Inform Series on Minority Religions and Spiritual Movements

Saturday 1 February

09.30–11.00: Plenary Panel B: Members or former members of new religious movements

with high visibility in the 1980s (the Unification Church; the Church of Scientology; ISKCON; the Children of God/Family International) will talk about how their respective movements have changed over the past 25 years and how they envision their future.

11.00–11.30: tea/coffee

11.30–13.00: Parallel Sessions I

13.00 –14.00: lunch

14 .00 –15.30: Parallel Sessions II

15.30–16.00: tea/coffee

16.00–17.30: Parallel Sessions III

19.00: Anniversary Dinner (the cost of this will not be included in the registration fee)

Sunday 2 February

09.30–11.00: Parallel Sessions IV

11.00:11.30 coffee/tea

11.30–13.00: Parallel Sessions V

13.00–14.00: lunch

14.00–15.30: Plenary Panel C: “Cult Watchers”

15.30: Conference ends

Call for papers: Journal of Global Buddhism

Dear colleagues,

The Journal of Global Buddhism is interested in producing a special issue on the theme of “Family and Buddhism.” We are looking for contributions of about 5000 words in length (although there is flexibility regarding length) and we hope to have all contributions submitted by January 15, 2014. The submissions can be historical, textual, philosophical or ethnographic in nature.

The Journal of Global Buddhism is peer-reviewed and seeks to explore contemporary issues (see this link to take a look at the journal online:

If this is something that interests you, please contact myself ( or Franz Metcalf ( at your earliest convenience.

With best wishes,
Vanessa R. Sasson and Franz Metcalf

CfP EASR ‘Religion and PLuralities of Knowledge’, Deadlines 15 October and 1 December

Dear all,

This is a friendly reminder that the deadlines for proposing papers and panels for the 2014 EASR/IAHR/NGG conference on "Religion and Pluralities of Knowledge," to be held in Groningen from11-15 May 2014, are15 October (for panel themes) and1 December (for papers). Please submit your proposals toeasr2014.thrs.

We invite contributions from various disciplines and perspectives to explore the nexus of religion, pluralism, and knowledge. We encourage a conversation among theoretical, historical, and empirical contributions. Papers and panels may address topics such as the following:

  • The pluralistic nature of knowledge about religion, including different disciplinary perspectives and new concepts: history as imaginative knowledge, sociology of knowledge, knowledge and space, materiality of knowledge (goods, objects, machines, instruments), aesthetics of knowledge, knowledge as related to gender and race, etc.;
  • Various forms of knowledge about religion: rational knowledge, imaginative and poetic knowledge, explicit and implicit knowledge, embodied knowledge, ritual knowledge, etc.;
  • Historical developments, changes, and reconfigurations of knowledge systems that relate to the field of religion;
  • Procedures and politics in the organization of knowledge about religion: production, reception, circulation, transmission, (de)legitimization, (de)canonization, traditionalization, but also the rejection, marginalization, and exclusion of knowledge.

In addition to these subtopics and approaches, we encourage contributions that address other aspects of the conference theme. Proposals of contributions and panels that are not directly linked to the conference theme will also be considered. There will be panels for the presentation of ongoing doctoral research.

Requirements for proposals

Proposals for individual papers and for pre-arranged sessions need to consist of an abstract of no more than 150 words (to be used in the program book, should the paper and/or session be accepted) and an outline of the proposed paper and/or session with no more than 500 words. We also welcome suggestions for open panels, asking for submission of individual papers to fit with the proposed panel. Proposals will have to provide names of presenter(s)/convenors and their email address(es).

  • Deadline for submitting themes for open panels and pre-arranged sessions: 15 October 2013
  • Announcement of approved panels and sessions: 1 November 2013
  • Deadline for submitting proposals for individual papers: 1 December 2013
  • Notification of acceptance individual papers: 15 January 2014

Please indicate clearly whether you are applying for an individual paper fitting in with the conference theme, a pre-arranged session, an open panel or the presentation of ongoing doctoral research. All proposals should be sent as an e-mail or as a Word document attached to an e-mail to easr2014.thrs.

There will be a double-blind peer-review process. All proposals will be evaluated by an independent committee, consisting of members of the organization committee and the scientific advisory board.

For more information, please visit:

Kind regards,

On behalf of the NGG board and the conference organization committee,

Annet van der Meer
Communications officer, NGG (Dutch Association for the Study of Religion)

Deadline 30 Sept abstract submission ISA World Congress

Dear RC22 e-mailing list members,

The deadline for submitting abstracts for the Yokohama World Congress of Sociology is fast approaching. The ISA is using a new, computer-based system, which has a firm deadline of midnight, September 30th, Greenwich Time. Submissions happen at the ISA website:

As you know, computers are very good at causing trouble. We recommend that you submit your abstract well in advance of the deadline, to avoid glitches. Unfortunately, computers are very good at enforcing deadlines. Late glitches plus firm deadlines could produce chaos, which we cannot solve. Please submit your abstracts now.

Jim Spickard
Esmeralda Sanchez
Program Coordinators.

Mutations des croyances et pratiques religieuses migrantes : rejets, retours et rinvention, CFP Religiologiqu es



Numro thmatique :

Mutations des croyances et pratiques religieuses migrantes : rejets, retours et rinventions


la remorque des trajectoires migratoires des individus, le croire et la pratique religieuse se retrouvent, leur tour, migrants. Dtaches de leurs contextes dorigine, les croyances, les pratiques, les identits, les organisations et les institutions religieuses migrantes se voient interpeles inlassablement par les nouveaux environnements dans lesquelles elles sinscrivent et par les pratiques sociales et culturelles indites avec lesquelles elles doivent dornavant interagir.
La prennit des formes et des structures du croire et des pratiques religieuses sen trouve alors branle par un processus de rinscription dans de nouvelles ralits sociale, politique, conomique et culturelle, processus qui entrane dinluctables reconfigurations des croyances et des pratiques religieuses individuelles et collectives selon les alas de leurs diverses expriences de continuit ou de discontinuit, de dracinement ou denracinement.

Mais quen est-il de ces croire et religieux, patries portatives (Bastenier), inscrits dornavant au cur dun processus de recomposition identitaire ethnoconfessionnelle (Rousseau ; Castel) ? Ce processus sopre aux niveaux des croyances, des pratiques, des identits, des reprsentations, voire des organisations et des institutions, et cela, en fonction des attitudes ou stratgies identitaires (Berry ; Camilleri) dployes par des individus et des communauts dracines de leurs terreaux dorigine, mais en qute de renouvellement dunit de sens. Se profilent alors lhorizon plusieurs modalits de rinscription de cette unit de sens : multiples rejets, retours varis, et rinventions innovatrices (Rouvillois) dont les exemples sont innombrables, notons, pour nen donner quun, lexemple des nouvelles pratiques croyantes (Hervieu-Lger) des musulmans de deuxime gnration en France (Saint-Blancat).

Ce numro thmatique se propose dexplorer, entre autres, les critres, les structures, et les thories de transformation, de mutation, de reconfiguration et de rinvention de croyances et de pratiques religieuses aux prises, dune part, avec le dplacement, la dislocation, la (re)diasporisation, ou lerrance et, dautre part, limplantation, linsertion, lintgration ou la rinscription sociale, tout cela dans des contextes de dynamiques dinteractions quelles entretiennent avec les nouvelles pratiques sociales et culturelles des environnements dans lesquelles elles se retrouvent. Parmi les pistes possibles mais non exhaustives dexploration, notons les suivantes :

  • Enculturation, acculturation, dculturation du croire migrant - Dterritorialisation et translocalisation de lautorit religieuse - Mutations du religieux, du croire et des appartenances transplants - Nouvelles croyances et pratiques religieuses migrantes
  • Religion migrante, genre, politique, et thique ( intersectionalit ) - Processus de recomposition et stratgies identitaires religieuses - Nouveaux rseaux transnationaux et construction de sens
  • Rinscription dans une lign croyante en contexte minoritaire

Longueur des articles

Les articles devront tre de 6,000 8,000 mots et soumis en format WORD
(.doc) ladresse courriel suivante Pour les consignes de prsentation des textes, voir Soumission darticles sur le site de la revue (


Les manuscrits devront tre soumis pour valuation, au plus tard, avant la fin du mois de novembre 2013. La version finale des articles retenus devra tre achemine, au plus tard, avant la fin du mois davril 2014 (pour publication automne 2014 / printemps 2015).

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter

Roxanne D. Marcotte
Dpartement de sciences des religions
Universit du Qubec Montral
Courriel :

“Facing Inequality from the Perspective of Islamic Organizations”, XVIII ISA Congress 2014, Yokohma

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for our Roundtable 1B (RC22) at the XVIII International Sociological Association Congress
(13-19 July 2014, Yokohama). The Roundtable is entitled: “Facing Inequality from the Perspective of Islamic Organizations”.

The deadline for submission is September 30, 2013.
Please register your abstract online at the following address:

The purpose of this session is to comparatively discuss how organized Muslims perceive the changing public discourse on Islam, how they respond in their organizational developments, and which challenges they have been confronted with during the turbulent last decade. Muslims living in countries where Islam is not the majority religion have received increasing public and media attention after the 2001 terrorist attacks in the USA and subsequent attacks worldwide. Although Muslim communities (their organization, their integration or discrimination against them) were already subject to scholarly studies in previous decades, this research area has gained prominence since the turn of the 21st century.

In contrast to existing studies, which often stress differing institutional systems in a top-down perspective (focusing on integration policies and state-church relations), this session underscores the benefits of a bottom-up perspective focusing on Islamic organizations.
Scholars from various schools of sociology applying different theoretical, empirical, and comparative approaches are invited to discuss their research on Islamic organizations in different parts of the world. With regard to the conference topic of facing inequality we seek studies that address Islamic organizations as advocates of societal change and equal recognition as well as studies that analyze Islamic organizations’ adaptation to changing environments and societal inequalities.

We especially welcome paper proposals from sociologists from different countries who analyze Islamic organizations from a bottom-up-perspective. Comparative papers are also especially welcomed.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Yokohama.

Best regards,
Matthias Kortmann
Kerstin Rosenow-Williams

Dr. Matthias Kortmann
University of Munich
Department of Political Science
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 München
Tel. +49 (0) 89 2180 9047