Monthly Archives: June 2014

Call for Papers - Religious Cultures & Gender Cultures - What is differenz about gender across religious cultures?

Journal of Contemporary Religion

Call for Papers

for Special Issue on

Religious Cultures and Gender Cultures

What is different about gender across religious cultures?

In social scientific approaches, religion is predominantly examined as an important source of hegemonic cultural beliefs: religion is conceived as a key factor in shaping gender arrangements and beliefs, for example, religious doctrines that legitimate the unequal treatment of women and the control of women’s sexuality or women’s access to the public domain. This focus dominates particularly the analysis of religions that include a particular body of law, such as halacha in Judaism or shari’a in Islam; religion is envisioned here as a cultural frame that prefigures the whole conduct and purpose of life as an asymmetric, gendered institution.

While religion is exclusively understood as a kind of cultural factor in these approaches, bound to traditional gender images, often viewed as ‘anti-modern’ and ‘backward’, we introduce religion in this call for papers instead as a variable that is contingent on culture itself. We suggest that religion be understood as a social sphere that mirrors cultural beliefs and (gender) codes like any other social field. In other words, we suppose that religion(s), gender beliefs in religion(s) and the social practices of religious actors vary according to social context, time and place. Consequently, the focus of this call is on the effects of the cultural construction of gender within the religious sphere in different societies and regions at various times—so that the analytical focus is on multiple religious settings, their cultural frames and how they shape gendered action and thinking in the religious field.

Following Ann Swidler’s understanding, we assume culture to be a structured set of symbolic representations and basic codes of meaning that shape social orientation, action and experience. In other words, culture is defined as the publicly available set of symbolic forms through which people express and experience meaning and through which modes of behavior and outlook within a community are shared. This includes the religious field and its various forms of social organization. As a result, religion mirrors the prior symbolic horizon of culture and its institutional crystallization, for example, notions of justice, equality or community. Through this approach, it will be possible to narrow down culture’s causal significance for gender inequality in multiple religious contexts and societies, including the directions into which religious gender relations are shifting in times of transition and crises or as a result of globalization and transnationalization. Besides, it will also be possible to explore religion’s emancipatory potential.

Against this background, we invite colleagues from the sociology of religion and other social sciences to submit abstracts for theoretical and empirically based articles, with individual case studies that focus on the intersection of gender, religion and culture and deal with the question: what is different about gender relations across religious cultures?

Articles on the following topics are particularly welcome:

● the relevance of culture for gender relations and beliefs in varying religious traditions such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. and against different societal backgrounds (including migrant contexts);

● the way gender cultures and institutions structure beliefs and practices in the religious sphere and its forms of social organization, and the way these are negotiated, debated and re-organized in different cultural contexts, not only in Western-European societies, but also in Asia, Africa, Latin America etc.;

● the relevance of cultural constraints in regards to questions of women’s participation and leadership in religion at various societal levels (local, regional, national, transnational, global);

● the influence of socio-cultural change on gender relations in the religious sphere within the context of crisis and conflict or against the background of socio-historical, political, economic and other forms of transformation.

Instructions to authors and deadlines:

Please submit an outline abstract of about 500 words (plus bibliographical references; in .doc and .pdf format) by 15 October 2014 to both heidemarie.winkel and elisabeth.arweck, outlining the following:

• Title of proposed paper

• Contributing author/s and contact details

• Significance and importance of the research question

• Key concepts, research framework, aim and methodology

If provisionally accepted, full papers are to be submitted by April 2015 for review in line with JCRguidelines. Submission of an abstract does not guarantee publication. Submitted papers will go through the journal’s usual peer-review process. Authors will not receive any payment upon publication.

Call for Articles - Religious Cultues & Gender Cultures.pdf

Call for Chapters for the book Gender and Diversity Issues in Religious-Based Institutions and Organizations

Proposal Submission Deadline: July 15, 2014 Gender and Diversity Issues in Religious-Based Institutions and Organizations

A book edited by
Blanche Jackson Glimps (Tennessee State University, USA) Theron N. Ford (John Carroll University, USA)

To be published by IGI Global:

For release in the Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies (ARCS) Book Series

ISSN: Pending
Propose a chapter for this book

The Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies (ARCS) book series brings together a collection of scholarly publications on topics pertaining to religious beliefs, culture, population studies, and sociology. Books published within this series are ideal for professionals, theorists, researchers, and students seeking the latest research on collective human behavior in terms of religion, social structure, and cultural identity and practice.

Increasing, religious institutions and organizations have become highly visible nationally and internationally. With the increased visibility has come an awareness of the socio-cultural issues surrounding gender identity and females of color. Females of color at religious institutions and organizations are faced with multiple instances of marginality in their attempts to access the rewards and powers typically available to males or females from numerically dominant racial group. Religious institutions and organizations, whether predominately European or another race, would seem to offer an inclusive environment that manifest espoused Christian tenets. In such an environment all members would have an equal opportunity to belong and become self-actualized. Within predominately European based religious setting, males and sometimes females of European ancestry consistently find this to be true. Females of color face challenges at such institutions and organizations that are frequently unexpected and discouraging. Similarly, females of color who also are part of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (GLBTQ) community have additional barriers to negotiate in religious institutions and organizations. This reality compounds the normally arduous professional journey and contributes to the scarcity of females of color in such settings and may cause members of the GLBTQ community to hide in plain sight.

This book looks to discuss and address the difficulties and challenges that females of color have faced in religious institutions and organizations. The editors seek chapters that address different aspects of professional life ranging from a sense of belonging, visibility, and the intersecting of multiple identities. Additionally, the book will explore authors’ experience including strategies employed to sustain them in what is often a hostile and alien environment. The editors seek recommendations intended to increase the presence of females of color in religious -based institutions and organizations.

Objective of the Book
This proposed publication intends to elucidate the impact of gender identity and “race” within religious-based institutions and organizations. Such an awareness; is timely given the 21st century attention to diversity and the important role religious institutions and organizations hold within local and global communities. Of equal importance, the book will serve as an essential reference source, building on the available literature on gender and diversity issues in religious-based settings and contexts in order to examine how females of color, including those who are GLBTQ, can be most effective and successful when employed at religious-based institutions and organizations. The fulfillment of these objectives by member of the GLBTQ community and women of color should also enable religious institutions and organizations to move from mere diversity to achieve equity.

Target Audience
The content of this book will be of interest to varied audiences. Policy makers, practitioners, academicians, researchers, government officials, and religious-based representatives should find this text useful in furthering their research related to gender and diversity issues in religious-based institutions and organizations. Advanced-level graduate students could use this book as a guide if it is their desire to enter the professoriate.

Institutions and organizations with offices devoted to diversity and equity could use this book to educate themselves, administrators, faculty, clients, and community partners about the importance, to effective organizational performance, of gender and diversity issues.

Women’s Studies courses at higher education institutions would find the text highly useful as a teaching tool as would courses on Educational Studies, Social Foundations of Education, and Sociology. The text would make a good guide for administrators in their deliberations on hiring, promoting, and mentoring females of color.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Historical role of religious-based institutions/organizations, females of color and the GLBTQ community
* Changing demographic presence of females of color as members of religious-based organizations and institutions
* Minority populations (including GLBTQ-females of color) and religious-based institutions and organizational functioning * Value in gender and diversity issues
* Tracking religious-based business outcomes for females of color including those who are GLBTQ
* Intersection of Race/Ethnicity and Gender Identity in religious institutions and organizations
* Cost and benefits of inclusion of females of color including those who are GLBTQ * Reality of the context vs. the Christian Tenets
* The impact of homophobia within religious institutions and organizations * Sustaining Forces for females of color
* Gender nonconforming females of color
* Relational difficulties as a result of gender and diversity * Institutional discrimination and barriers
* Religiosity and discrimination
* Missionary mentality and the context
* Gender, Diversity, and inclusion
* Changes in the workforce and changes in culture and practice * From exclusion to inclusion
* Masculine norms, paternalistic culture, and marginalization * Societal dynamics and gender roles
* Gender and diversity as compelling issues of justice and equality * Technology access and information sharing
* Clash of Religious Values and Tenets

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to electronically submit on or before July 15, 2014, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by August 15, 2014 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted; by October 15, 2014. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.

All proposals should be submitted through the link at the bottom of this page.

This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the Information Science Reference (formerly Idea Group Reference), Medical Information Science Reference, Business Science Reference, and Engineering Science Reference imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This book is anticipated to be released in 2015.

Important Dates
July 15, 2014: Proposal Submission Deadline August 15, 2014: Notification of Acceptance October 15, 2014: Full Chapter Submission December 15, 2014: Review Results Returned January 30, 2015: Revised Chapter Submission February 15, 2015: Final Acceptance Notification February 28, 2015: Final Chapter Submission

Inquiries can be forwarded to
Dr. Blanche Jackson Glimps
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Tennessee State University 211D Clay Hall, 3500 John Merritt Blvd., Nashville, TN 372099 Tel.: (615) 963-1346


Dr. Theron N. Ford
312 Administration Building, 1 John Carroll Blvd., University Ht. OH 44118 Tel.: (216) 397-4694

Spam: Islam, Democracy,and Cosmopolitanism: At Home and in the World

Islam, Democracy, and Cosmopolitanism:
At Home and in the World

Ali Mirsepassi, New York University
Tadd Graham Fernée

Cambridge University Press
May 2014

This book presents a critical study of citizenship, state and globalization in societies that have been historically influenced by Islamic traditions and institutions. Interrogating the work of contemporary theorists of Islamic modernity such as Mohammed Arkoun, Abdul an-Na’im, Fatima Mernissi, Talal Asad, Saba Mahmood and Aziz Al-Azmeh, this book explores the debate on Islam, democracy and modernity, contextualized within contemporary Muslim lifeworlds. These include contemporary Turkey (following the 9/11 attacks and the onset of war in Afghanistan), multicultural France (2009-10 French burqa debate), Egypt (the 2011 Tahrir Square mass mobilizations), and India. Ali Mirsepassi and Tadd Graham Fernée critique particular counterproductive ideological conceptualizations, voicing an emerging global ethic of reconciliation. Rejecting the polarized conceptual ideals of the universal or the authentic, the authors critically reassess notions of the secular, the cosmopolitan and democracy. Raising questions that cut across the disciplines of history, anthropology, sociology and law, this study articulates a democratic politics of everyday life in modern Islamic societies.

Introduction: citizenship, state, and globalization 1. Ways of being in the world: religion and secularism 2. Islams and modernities: Al-Azmeh’s secular critique 3. Talal Asad’s romance with Islamism 4. Arkoun’s The Unthought in Islamic Thought 5. An-Na’im’s Islamic reformation: the reconciliation of equality of rights and the Shari’a 6. Fatima Mernissi: ‘locally’ rooted cosmopolitanism Conclusion.

CFP – Appel à contribution – Religion, droit et l’État

APPEL À CONTRIBUTION – « Religion, droit et l’État : interférence, intersection et interface »

La revue « Religiologiques »


Depuis plusieurs années, les rapports complexes et souvent tendus entre la religion, le droit et l’État n’ont cessé d’être propulsés à l’avant-scène de l’actualité politique (québécoise, canadienne, américaine, européenne et internationale), de défrayer les manchettes, et de soulever de nombreux et nouveaux défis au « vivre ensemble », ici comme ailleurs. Dans l’état actuel des choses, l’État ne peut ignorer le fait religieux (Koussens 2011). Cependant, comment l’État devrait-il s’en saisir sans que la liberté de conscience et de religion de ses citoyens et citoyennes soit entravée (Prélot 2013) ? Les tribunaux sont fréquemment interpellés et sommés de se prononcer sur diverses questions, certaines demeurant, à l’occasion, sans réponses : Peut-on permettre, au nom de principes religieux, le non-respect d’une entente contractuelle librement négociée ? Une compagnie de transport aérien peut-elle interdire le port de signes religieux visibles (ex. une croix) à ses employés ? Peut-on permettre à une adolescente d’aller à l’école avec un petit kirpan, fût-il inoffensif, mais investi d’une forte charge symbolique religieuse ? Peut-on interdire le port de signes ostentatoires (ex. kippa juive, turban sikhe, ou voile musulman) dans la fonction publique ou dans les écoles publiques financées par l’État, même si cela doit aller à l’encontre de droits individuels garantis par différentes chartes ? Comment aborder la question de la polygamie ou de l’arbitrage religieux (ex. dans les cas de divorce) ou encore la finance islamique ? Peut-on utiliser les deniers publics pour financer des écoles confessionnelles ou la construction de lieux de culte ou pour encadrer la formation de rabbins, d’imams ou de prêtres ? L’État doit-il octroyer des exemptions fiscales aux Églises et aux organisations et institutions religieuses ? (Messner 2012). Toutes ces questions soulèvent fort éloquemment la problématique des rapports complexes et tendus qu’entretiennent la religion, le droit et l’État. Demeurés encore fort trop peu étudiés, ces rapports interpellent pourtant les substrats culturels, sociaux, économiques et politiques dans lesquels s’inscrivent les systèmes normatifs que proposent le religieux et le droit contemporain avec leurs mécanismes respectifs de régulation sociale (constitutions, chartes, lois, jurisprudence ; valeurs et codes moraux, interdits et lois religieuses).

Pour ce numéro thématique, Religiologiques sollicite des contributions qui proposeront soit des réflexions sur la question de l’intersectionalité du religieux, du droit et de l’État, soit des études sur les défis et problématiques religio-légales émergentes, soit des analyses des tensions et conflits normatifs engendrés par les rapports de ces trois éléments (Ferrari et Cristofori 2010; Durham et al. 2012). Il est espéré que d’innovatrices réflexions interdisciplinaires sur les rapports complexes qu’entretiennent ces trois éléments permettront d’élucider de nombreuses interférences, intersections et interfaces, voire inter-normativités, du fait religieux, du droit et de l’État et des milieux culturels, sociaux, économiques et politiques dans lesquels ils s’inscrivent. À travers le prisme de ces études, un nouvel éclairage pourra être apporté à un certain nombre d’enjeux contemporains : statut juridique de la famille et des différents types d’unions, l’éducation, la sphère médicale, le travail, les soins de santé, l’alimentation, les calendriers, les tenues vestimentaires, les ententes contractuelles, les enjeux de fin de vie, etc.

Notons quelques axes (non exhaustives) de réflexion, d’exploration et d’analyse possibles des rapports entre religion, droit et l’État :

  • Nouveaux interdits : mouvements contre le halal, la circoncision, le voile, la construction de lieux de culte, etc.

  • Types de neutralité religieuse au sein de différents États

  • Constitutions, chartes et droits individuels et/ou collectifs

  • Liberté de religion et de croyance et espace publique

  • Rapports entre différentes normes : religieuses, sociales, juridiques, etc.

  • Voies de conciliation : pratiques d’harmonisation ou d’accommodements

  • Institutions et organismes de soutien et de recours

Longueur des articles

Les articles devront être de 6,000 à 8,000 mots et soumis en format WORD (.doc) à l’adresse courriel suivante Les consignes de présentation des textes se trouvent sous la rubrique « Soumission d’articles » sur le site internet de la revue (


Vous êtes invités à nous faire parvenir titres et résumés de vos propositions. Les articles devront être soumis fin décembre 2014 pour une publication prévue à l’automne 2015.

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter

Direction du numéro thématique :

Roxanne D. Marcotte et Jean-René Milot Département de sciences des religions

Rachel Chagnon Département de sciences juridiques

Université du Québec à Montréal, UQAM

Courriel : marcotte.roxanne


RELIGIOLOGIQUES___est une revue de sciences humaines qui s’intéresse aux manifestations du sacré dans la culture ainsi qu’au phénomène religieux sous toutes ses formes. Elle s’intéresse également au domaine de l’éthique. Les articles qu’elle publie font l’objet d’une évaluation (à double insu ; minimum deux évaluateurs) des comités de lecture spécialisés, indépendants de son comité de rédaction.

RELIGIOLOGIQUES___est la revue phare de la recherche francophone en sciences des religions en Amérique du Nord publiée de 1990 à 2005 (plus de 31 numéros, dont plusieurs disponibles en ligne sur le site de la revue et qui reprend, en 2014, sa longue tradition de publication de numéros thématiques, d’articles hors thèmes – acceptés en tout temps – et de numéros réguliers.

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

Département de sciences des religions
Montréal, QC, Canada

Faith in Motion: Religion in the 21st century


Faith inMotion: Religion in the21stcentury

Conveners: Debra McDougall, Farida Fozdar, Samina Yasmeen and Mark Jennings

WHEN: Friday, August 15 2014

WHERE: University of Western Australia (UWA); WA Trustees Building Level 2, 133 St Georges Terrace Perth WA

The twenty-­â€first century is often characterized as an era of unprecedented mobility and interconnectivity, but it is also marked by efforts to reinforce national borders and curtail human movement. Paradoxes of mobility and immobility in our increasingly unequal world come into sharp focus when viewed through the lens of religion. Sociologists, anthropologists, and scholars of comparative religion have long called attention to the way that religion constitutes space and place, linking particular localities to encompassing cosmic schemes. The world’s major religious traditions emerged in the context of expanding empires and markets becoming, arguably, the first truly global social movements. In the current globalizing context, relocating individuals re-­â€establish religious communities, or transport portable, malleable beliefs and rituals. Some ‘lose their religion’ in increasingly secular contexts; others adopt

‘foreign’ religions. What is certain is that religion mutates and accommodates with movement.

With the support of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation ‘Faith and Globalisation’ Initiative, the UWA Mobilities and Belonging research cluster, and the Centre for Muslim States and Societies, we welcome contributions that explore the role of religion in understanding and negotiating the possibilities and challenges of global mobility.

Topics may include:

• Religion and migration

• The transformation of religion in diaspora

• Multiculturalism, religious pluralism, and secularization

• Faith-­â€based responses to refugee policies and other issues of global social justice

• Religious cosmopolitanism

• Deterritorialized or individualized spiritualities

• Transnational religious art, architecture, fashion, and material culture

• Social media and religion

• Religious tourism

• Global transformations of indigenous religiosity

• The geographic re-­â€orientation of world traditions

• Missionary activities in the colonial and postcolonial era

Please email your paper title, abstract (200 words or less), and brief bio (50 words) or, to

attend without presenting, to mark.jennings no later than Friday, 25 July 2014.

Assistant Professor in Religious Studies with Special Focus on East Asian Religions, Copenhagen University

Tenure-track assistant professorship in Religious Studies with Special Focus on East Asian Religions/The Religions of East Asia

The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (ToRS), Faculty of Humanities, Copenhagen University, Denmark, invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in Religious Studies to be filled by 1 January 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The position will link the Religious Studies programme at ToRS with Asian studies programmes in Japanese, Korean and Chinese Studies. It requires a command of a relevant East Asian language as well as a disciplinary foundation in Religious Studies including the theories, methods, and research history of Religious Studies.

The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies works with languages, cultures, religion and society, primarily in the world outside Western Europe and the US. Cross-cultural competences
and knowledge of the complexity of the world are of vital importance in the globalised world - politically, economically, and culturally. Further information can be found at

Job content

The tenure-track assistant professorship is offered in Religious Studies with focus on modern Asian religion(s).

In selecting an applicant, special emphasis will be placed on the scope of the applicant’s research, future research plans and the research’s solid and well-documented grounding in knowledge of a relevant Asian language and its cultural and social contexts.

The successful applicant must be able to teach and supervise at BA and MA levels and in relation to religion in the relevant Asian society, and, where necessary, he/she must be able to include materials in the relevant language in his/her teaching. He/she must be able to supervise at PhD level.

The successful candidate should be willing to undertake outreach activities and to communicate academic research to the general public.

The applicant must be able to document experience in research-based teaching at all levels in his/her disciplinary field.

The applicant should be willing to contribute to cross-disciplinary teaching and research within the department.

Applicants specializing in the religion(s) of any of the modern East Asian regions are encouraged to apply. The department expects that the applicant’s research on and teaching of the modern religion(s) of the region is based on good and well-documented historical knowledge and acquaintance with the relevant classic religious traditions. The applicant should demonstrate some experience in university administration.

A tenure-track assistant professorship is a six-year, fixed-term academic position involving research and teaching. The person appointed to the post will be obliged to complete a course in university teaching designed especially for assistant professors, and is expected to be able to take part in all the activities of the Department, including examinations and administration.
Approximately six months before the end of the six-year period as assistant professor, a committee set up by the Dean will assess if the assistant professor can be considered for promotion to a tenured position as associate professor.
Read more about the tenure-track program at the University of Copenhagen at this homepage:

Qualification requirements

Applicants must have a PhD degree or its equivalent within the area advertised. Furthermore, it will be considered an advantage if applicants can demonstrate teaching experience at university level.

The duties of the position are evenly distributed on tasks related to teaching and tasks related to research (including relevant administration and knowledge-sharing). Documented competences in both of these main fields of activity, as well as the ability to reflect on them, will be weighted in the assessment process (see further below).

Furthermore, emphasis will be placed on the following academic and personal qualifications:

* Research qualifications, which will be assessed in relation to the period of active research, the degree of originality, and academic output.
* The applicant’s scientific record, academic breadth and depth, rigour, thoroughness, and accuracy * Teaching qualifications. See also our Educational Charter at
* Experience and qualifications with regard to dissemination of research, knowledge-sharing and engagement with the wider public, the media and the world of politics * Documentation of possible administrative qualifications

Tenure-track assistant professors must hold an academic record demonstrating internationally competitive research, and/or have internationally recognized potential to make a future impact.

Assessment of applicants will primarily consider their level of documented, internationally competitive research. Teaching qualifications are not mandatory, but documented teaching qualifications and teaching experience will be taken into account. Applicants’ outreach qualifications, including the ability to attract external funding, will also be considered.

Within a reasonable period of time (max. 2 years), non-Danish-speaking appointees are expected to acquire proficiency in Danish sufficient to teach in Danish as well as interact with colleagues and students.

For further details about the qualification requirements for assistant professorships, please refer to the job structure for academic staff

For further information about the position, please contact Head of Department, Ingolf Thuesen, e-mail:

Applications must be submitted online in Adobe PDF or Word format. ZIP-files cannot be uploaded.

Please note that each field in the application form must contain a single file of max. 20Mb.

Please click on the “Apply online” icon at the bottom of the page.

The application must include the following enclosures:

Application letter/cover letter
Appendix 1: CV.
Appendix 2: Documentation of qualifications (examination certificates/PhD diploma, etc.).
Appendix 3: List of referees/reference letters Appendix 4: Complete and numbered list of publications. The enclosed publications must be marked with *.
Appendix 5: Research plan, including a short description of previous research and a plan for the coming years that includes an account of involvement in organising research, establishment of research seminars, symposia and congresses, etc.
Appendix 6: Documentation of teaching qualifications and research dissemination (organisation of classes, materials, courses and other forms of teaching).
Appendix 7: Publications. Applicants may choose a maximum of five publications for assessment, of which at least two must have been published within the five years immediately preceding the deadline for applications. At least two of these publications must have been published in internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journals or in comparable high-ranking series published with internationally recognized publishing houses. Publication dates must be clearly marked on the publication list. The publications selected must be uploaded as attachments and listed from 1 to 5.

Should any material submitted consist of work with named co-authors, or work that is otherwise the result of collective academic endeavours, the extent of the applicant’s contribution to the work must be clearly stipulated. The Faculty may ask for a signed statement from the co-authors stipulating the extent and nature of each individual’s contribution.

Only material in English, German, French, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish will be assessed.

All material will be shredded at the end of the appointment procedure.

Appointment procedure
After the application deadline, the Dean will set up an expert assessment committee to evaluate applicants in relation to the advertised position. The applicants will be informed about the composition of the committee, and will have the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment relating to themselves before the appointment is finalised.

Applicants will be continuously informed about the progress of the procedure by e-mail.

Further information about the application procedure is available from HR and Personnel Officer Mette Christensen, e-mail:

Salary and conditions of employment
The post will be filled according to the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Additional bonuses may be negotiated on an individual basis. Compensation packages comprising a relocation bonus for international scholars and a special tax scheme are offered to researchers recruited abroad. As for the latter, see

As a tenure-track assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities you are offered a Start-up Package. See more at

If you consider applying from abroad, you may find useful information on what it is like working in Denmark before you apply for a position at University of Copenhagen. See:, and

The University of Copenhagen wishes to encourage everyone interested in this post to apply, regardless of personal background.

The closing date for applications is 4 September 2014, 23:59 CEST.

Applications or supplementary material received thereafter will not be considered.

Please quote reference number 211-0118/14-4000 in your application.

Associate Director position - SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY


The Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and Cultures >at Simon Fraser University invites applications for an appointment as >Associate Director of the Centre at the rank of Lecturer. This is a >half-time administrative position, although the individual may arrange >to teach a course within specific departments in the Faculty of Arts >and Social Sciences. The position has a term of two years. The >successful candidate will have the responsibility for implementing the >strategic reorientation of the Centre under the authority of the >Director, facilitating faculty and community communications, and >developing his/her own research interests in Muslim Studies. >
Preferred qualifications include a completed PhD in some area of the >study of Muslim societies and cultures, knowledge of a relevant >language, an active research record, administrative and outreach >experience, and demonstrated ability to work with people of diverse >backgrounds and ideas.

The position will begin in September 2014 and will be made at the >Lecturer level at a salary that matches qualifications. The half-time >salary scale ranges from $29,755 to $38,974, plus benefits, depending >on qualifications.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian >citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Simon Fraser >University is committed to employment equity and encourages >applications from all qualified women and men, including visible >minorities, Aboriginal people, and persons with disabilities. This >position is subject to approval by the University Board of Governors >and final budgetary authorizations.

The deadline for complete applications is 1 July 2014. Applicants >should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of >research interests, and three letters of reference to:

Derryl N. MacLean, PhD
Director, Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and >Cultures
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6

The Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and Cultures >was established at Simon Fraser University in 2006 to encourage the >academic discussion and public understanding of the cultures and >societies of Muslim peoples in the past and the present. It is located >within the Department of History for the purpose of facilitating and >communicating collaborative research mainly based on the resources of >the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, but it supports research and >communication at the University, among British Columbian academics and >the larger public, and increasingly at the international level. For >further information, consult

The information requested is collected under the authority of the >University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 468, s. 27(4) (a)), and the >University¹s policy on Collection of Personal Information. (I 10.05). >The information is directly related to processing your application for >a Senior Lecturer appointment and to offers of employment for >successful applicants. If you have any questions about the collection
and use of this information, please contact Derryl MacLean at the above address. >

Derryl N. MacLean, PhD
Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and Cultures >Associate Professor Department of History Simon Fraser University >8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6
tel 778-782-4437
fax 778-782-5837

Associate Director_ccsmsc.docx

Muslim marriages - Four PhD candidates, University of Amsterdam

Muslim marriages - Four PhD candidates in Anthropology or closely related discipline The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences - Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Deadline 1 July 2014

Project description

This ethnographic project employs the term ‘Muslim marriages’ in a broad sense, as it emerges in public debate and as a form of marriage practice that at least one of the parties concerned considers Islamically valid.
It investigates both when and how particular marriage forms have become subject to public debate and what kinds of new (or new uses of old) marriage forms and wedding celebrations are emerging in everyday life.
Depending on context, this includes, for instance, unregistered, visiting, temporary, interreligious, transnational, and polygamous marriages. Who are participating in these marriage forms, and how are they performed? Who are able to shape these new forms? How and by whom are such marriages authenticated, authorized or contested as Muslim marriages? Under which conditions do particular forms of Muslim marriages emerge and become licit while other forms become devalued and marginalized? The wider question this project addresses is what economic, political, religious and cultural work these new Muslim marriages do. What subjectivities and socialities do they produce? How do they shape economic relations, group boundaries, religious ethics, and cultural forms? Theoretically, this project intends to contribute to fields such as: Islam, public debate, legal practices, and everyday life; globalization, marriage and reproduction; the family, economy, and intimacy; the body, gender, and sexuality; religion, ethics and aesthetics.
PhD candidates will be based in Amsterdam at the AISSR and will conduct longer term ethnographic fieldwork, preferably in Indonesia, Lebanon, Morocco, the Gulf States and the Balkans. Candidates with strong arguments to do fieldwork elsewhere may also apply.

On Hajj and Pilgrims from Muslim Countries


King Abdul Aziz Foundation for Research and Archives, Saudi Arabia and International Islamic University, Islamabad are mutually organizing an international conference in November 2014, on the above subject. The experts from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran in the fields of Modern History, Sociology and Geography are invited to write the paper(s) on the following themes under the subject “Hajj and Pilgrims from Muslim Countries”. The detail of the themes is given in the end.
The papers will be presented in English, Arabic, Urdu and Persian languages and the authors are requested to send their paper(s) upto 15th July, 2014 via email on the following address:

The conference committee will review the paper(s) and if the paper is accepted the information regarding acceptance of the paper(s) will be communicated to the author. There is a cash award as a token of acknowledgement for the accepted papers.

For more:

RSRC Public Lecture - Kamal Nasir

The University of Western Sydney’s Religion and Society Research Centre invites you to attend a Public Lecture:

“Young Muslims and Consumer Ethics in the Asia Pacific”

Speaker: Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir, Nanyan Technological University, Singapore

Date: Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Time: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Venue: UWS Bankstown Campus, Building 1 Room 1.117

RSVP to j.fishman by Thursday, 19 June 2014


Whilst the relationship between piety and consumer ethics has gained prominence over the last few years, the idea of a “Muslim consumer ethics” has not been broached in an academic setting. This presentation proposes some key considerations in analyzing this notion. Since 9/11, Muslim minorities living in urban, multicultural and secular settings find themselves being the subject of greater securitization. This, coupled with living in an increasingly connected and digitalized world, has ushered a new phase in patterns of Muslim consumption. The consumer ethics that young Muslims exhibit today transcend a “halal consciousness” paradigm and include a global geo-political mapping of events affecting the Muslim ummah. Contrary to popular rhetoric that the consumption patterns of youth are largely determined by the mass media, the decision to purchase a particular product is very much a rational choice and places young Muslims in a position of attempting to reconcile their piety with popular consumption trends. In conceptualizing a Muslim consumer ethic, young Muslims view the moral and humanistic dimension of living in a globalized world as an extension of their religious practice.

Young Muslims Flyer.pdf