Monthly Archives: March 2016

Atelier doctoral à Tunis (sept 2016) Socio anthropologie des religions

Veuillez trouver ci-joint l’appel à candidature pour l’Atelier doctoral que nous organisons dans le cadre de l’ANR “Circulations religieuses et ancrages méditerranéens”.

Elle a pour titre “Une méditerranée connectée. Anthropologie des religions et introduction aux humanités numériques” et aura lieu du 26 au 30 septembre 2016 à Tunis.

Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir diffuser le plus largement possible dans vos réseaux, mais aussi de manière plus ciblée auprès des doctorants que vous connaissez et qui sont susceptibles d’être intéressés.

Attention: la date limite de candidature est fixée au 1er avril.

Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies - Relaunch

The journal Scandinavian Jewish Studies re-established


The journal Scandinavian Jewish Studies was founded in 1975 as the leading academic peer-review publication in the Nordic countries. For decades, the journal was the main forum for discussion and knowledge-creation in the interdisciplinary field of Jewish studies with contributions from the history of religions, theology, linguistics, history, education, social sciences, literature, anthropology, and much more.

Due to discontinued funding, the magazine was on hold for several years but now, thanks to support from NOP-HS, Scandinavian Jewish Studies will be re-established as an open access e-journal:

The portal is available in English (default) and Swedish (language is selected in the menu to the right). On the website, you find information about the editorial board, publishing principles and author guidelines. There are also tables of contents, abstracts, and keywords for previous issues. Hopefully, in the future, we will able to publish all the previous issues in full text.

In the future, NJ will be published only as an e-journal under the same strict scientific criteria as before. The new issues of NJ will be freely available to everyone, subscription is not required, but we recommend that everyone with an interest in the journal register in the portal. You can register as:

1) READER: that way, you “subscribe” to the journal and receive information about new issues and other interesting things going on within Jewish studies in the Nordic countries;

2) REVIEWER: by entering your interest and competence areas, we can engage you as a reviewer for manuscripts;

3) AUTHOR: you can submit articles, reviews, overviews and comments for review.

From now on, Scandinavian Jewish Studies will publish two issues per year; the first new issue will be out in early summer, 2016.

Please spread the information about the journal in your network! We hope Scandinavian Jewish Studies will once again become an important channel of information and discussion for researchers interested in Jews and Judaism in the Nordic countries.

We thank you in advance for your help in spreading the information about the re-launch of our journal.

Yours faithfully,

Ruth Illman & Karin Hedner Zetterholm, editors-in-chief

2016 UCSIA summer school on “Religion, Culture and Society: Entanglement and Confrontation”

Dear all,
We would like to draw your attention to the call for applications for the 2016 UCSIA summer school on “Religion, Culture and Society: Entanglement and Confrontation.” This summer school is a one-week course taking place from Sunday 28th of August until Saturday 3rd of September 2016. This year the programme will focus on the topic of Public Religion, Spirituality and Lifestyle

In this year’s programme, the summer school will discuss issues and questions arising from new emerging forms of religion and the way these emerge, contrast and complement existing religious histories and structures.
â€Spiritual but not religious’ youth, Green Muslims, westerners converting to Buddhism and New Age movements, the re-emergence of Confucianism in Communist China, but also sects, the anti-vaccination movement and (g)local jihadists, these examples show how different forms of religion and religiosity meander through social realities today. On the one hand these (new) spiritual movements may want to move away from fixed dogmatic religious formulations and embedded power structures to give form to a deep desire to live a meaningful life, at the other hand they may also look for ways to contest expressions of modern day life. At the same time also organized religions look at ways to give an answer to contemporary issues by renewing their religious traditions, dogmas and structures.
Guest lecturers are Candy Gunther Brown (Religious Studies, Indiana University); Thijl Sunier (Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, VU University Amsterdam); Dan Smeyer Yü (Anthropology, Yunnan Minzu University, China); & Linda Woodhead(Sociology of Religion, Lancaster University).
Practical details:
Participation and stay for young scholars and researchers are free of charge. Participants should pay for their own travel expenses to Antwerp.

You can submit your application via the electronic submission form on the summer school website. The completed file as well as all other required application documents must be submitted to the UCSIA Selection Committee not later than Sunday 15 May 2016.

For further information regarding the programme and application procedure, please have a look at our

Please help us to distribute this call for applications among PhD students and postdoctoral scholars who might be interested in applying for this summer school.
For all further information, do not hesitate to contact us on the address below.
Best regards,
Sara Mels
Project coordinator

Conference: “Shia Minorities in the Contemporary World: Migration, Transnationalism and Multilocality”, Chester (UK), 20-21 May 2016


“Shia Minorities in the Contemporary World: Migration, Transnationalism and Multilocality”


Chester Centre for Islamic Studies (CCIS)

University of Chester, Chester (UK), 20-21 May 2016

The conference brings together researchers working on Shia minorities outside of the so-called “Muslim heartland” (North Africa, Middle East, Central and South Asia). The conference focuses on Shia minorities in Western and Eastern Europe, North and South America, Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia that emerged out of migration from the Middle East and South Asia in the 20th and 21st centuries, in particular. The papers presented at the conference offer unique comparative insights into Shia minorities in a variety of contexts across the globe. The conference is organised by the new Chester Centre for Islamic Studies and held in conjunction with a research project on transnational Shia networks that operate between Britain and the Middle East, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation.

For the provisional programme see:

To register and further enquiries, email

Job Opening: Research Fellow at the Centre for Science, Knowledge, and Belief (Newman University)

Salary scale: £31,656 - £35, 609 per annum

Closing date for applications: 15/04/2016

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Research Fellow to work within the Centre for Science, Knowledge and Belief in Society (CSKBS) at Newman University. This post is a full time appointment, offered on a permanent basis. Up until November 2018 the post holder will work principally on the large scale grant funded ‘Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum’ project within CSKBS. Beyond 2018 there will be opportunities to work collaboratively across a range of projects and contribute to the development of the ‘Science across diverse societies’ research theme within CSKBS.

Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum’ project overview: Our project seeks to build an understanding of the social and cultural contexts of public perceptions of the relationship between ‘science’ and ‘religion’ across all faiths and none. This innovative and unique research project employs five intersecting approaches: social science field research; oral history, historical and media analysis; experimental social psychology; and a large-scale survey of public perceptions, attitudes and identity formation in the UK and Canada. For further details, please go to:

The Centre for Science, Knowledge and Belief in Society (CSKBS) is a multidisciplinary Research Centre that fosters open-minded social science and humanities based research on: the public understanding and communication of the relationship between science and religion, research into the sociology and psychology of religion, and the role of science, knowledge and belief in diverse societies. For further details please go to:


Research Fellow candidates should expect to undertake and play a significant role in the Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum’ project, to contribute to project publications and the development of future research within CSKBS. Therefore, they are expected to have a relevant disciplinary background and an interest in/enthusiasm for the subject matter of the project and the Centre’s wider research.

You will hold a relevant doctoral qualification. You will have a record of research activity commensurate with your career stage. It is essential that the post holder have experience of working with survey based methodologies and expertise in the usage of relevant statistical software to conduct appropriate analysis.

We welcome applications from experienced, enthusiastic and creative early career researchers with backgrounds in:

  • science and technology studies
  • quantitative sociology
  • human geography
  • other related areas of social scientific research

Where relevant mentoring and support will be provided to assist you to develop your own subsequent research projects in this field, and to undertake teaching and doctoral supervision as part of your career development within CSKBS.

The post is expected to start in May/June 2016.

Informal enquiries regarding the above post may be made with, Dr, Fern Elsdon-Baker,,

Further particulars can be obtained from our vacancies web page or alternatively e-mail: or telephone 0121 476 1181 ext. 2398

Please note that we reserve the right to remove this advert prior to the advertised date, dependent on the level of response received. You are therefore advised to apply at your earliest convenience.

Closing date for applications: 15th April 2016 - 1pm BST

Interviews will be held on Monday 25th April 2016

Summer School “Beyond the City Limits: Rethinking New Religiosities in Asia” / Göttingen July 2016

Göttingen Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology (GISCA)

Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS)

Centre for Modern East Asian Studies (CeMEAS)

Deadline extended to March 29

CfA Summer School Göttingen SPIRIT 2016

Beyond the City Limits: Rethinking New Religiosities in Asia

18-22 July, 2016

University of Göttingen, Germany


With the rapid urbanization across Asia, with new cityscapes, glittering skyscrapers, shopping malls, globalized forms of consumption it is easy to assume that cities are the primary sites for the production of the new. Indeed, urbanity is often used as a synonym for modernity and Asian futures would appear to be increasingly urban. But if cities are the future, is the country then the past? Does the focus on cities as sites of “the new” ignore the complex ways rural contexts, settings and imaginaries are implicated and contribute to contemporary religious practice? And to what extent does the notion of “urban religion” implicitly depend on its “others”? Does it reproduce the urban/rural distinction as one of the “great divides” (Latour 1993) that have been central to the experience of modernity? This Summer School takes up these issues and asks how the study of contemporary religious life in Asia can benefit from “thinking beyond the city”, whether “the city” is understood as a spatial entity, a site of enquiry, or as an analytical category.

Speakers will include:

• Prof. Michael Herzfeld, Harvard University

• Prof. Ursula Rao, Leipzig University

• Prof. Christina Schwenkel, UC Riverside

• Prof. Tim Winter, Deakin University

• Prof. Julia Huang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (tentative)

• Dr. Radhika Gupta, Göttingen University

Application deadline: March 29, 2016. Successful applicants will be informed by mid-April.

Please find more information about the thematic scope and the program and at

Please submit your applications to

CFP: 2nd Biennial Conference on Spirituality and Healthcare

The Centre for Contextual Ministry (University of Pretoria) and HospiVision presents:
2nd Biennial Conference on Spirituality and Healthcare: Wholeness in Healthcare
Where and when
Cape Town: 19-21 October 2016
Pretoria: 24-26 October 2016
Call for papers
The George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health (GWish) was established in May 2001 as a leading organization on education and clinical issues related to spirituality and health. The director of GWish (Prof Christina Puchalski) was one of the editors of the Oxford Textbook on Spirituality in Healthcare1. In the preface Pellegrino observes: ‘Experienced clinicians have long known that true healing extends beyond the artful use of medical knowledge. They grasped intuitively that serious or fatal illness was an ontological assault, an existential assault on the whole of the patient’s lived world. To heal, the physician must recognize the starkness of the patient’s encounter with his own finitude, i.e. with his mortality and inherent limitations. Healing of the psychosocial-biological is of itself insufficient to repair existential disarray of the patient’s life without recognizing the spiritual origins of the disarray’ (Cobb et al. 2012)
It is against this background that this conference is presented as part of the Research Programme on Spirituality and Healthcare hosted at the Cluster for Healing and counselling of the Centre for Contextual Ministry at the University of Pretoria and coordinated by HospiVision.
Major themes to be addressed at the conference

  • Spirituality and wholeness in healthcare
  • Spirituality and healthcare in resource poor environments
  • Ethical issues in spirituality and healthcare
  • Spirituality in the life of the healthcare worker
  • Children / Youth and spirituality in healthcare (3rd day of the conference)

We want to invite you to submit an abstract for a paper/ workshop at this conference.
Your proposal/abstract should include the following
1. Name, surname and affiliation
2. Contact information (Email and Telephone/cell)
3. Theme of the paper / workshop
4. Description of the articulation with the conference theme
5. A three hundred word abstract
6. Format for this presentation (e.g. paper to be read, workshop, panel discussion, etc.)
7. Please indicate whether you presentation will be only in Cape Town or Pretoria or at both cities
Please email your proposal/abstract to
Closing date for abstracts 1 June 2016
The conference task team will evaluate proposal and their decision will be final.
1 Cobb, M.R., Puchalski, C.M., and Rumbold, B., 2012, Oxford Textbook on Spirituality in Health Care, Oxford University Press, New York.