La recientemente publicada Newsletter de la ACSRM.
Monthly Archives: June 2016
New publication “Conceptualising Muslim Diaspora”
Announcing a Special Issue of the Journal of Muslims in Europe, entitled “Conceptualising ‘Muslim Diaspora’.”
Call for Special Issue - Islam in the 21st Century: Challenges & Opportunities for Social Work with Muslims
Affiliated with the Society for
Spirituality and Social Work
Call for Special Issue
Guest Editor, Altaf Husain, PhD, Howard University School of Social Work
Deadline: June 15, 2016
This special issue aims to fill the gaps in the existing literature on social work education, practice and research with Muslims, with a particular focus on the examination of issues of social justice and Islam, and the concomitant impact of Islamic teachings on the development of policy and the delivery of social services. The special issue is intended to allow prospective authors the latitude to delve deeper into the role of Islam in the daily lives of potential clients and in the healthy functioning of organizations and communities.
Conceptual, research-based, and practice-oriented articles are being solicited in these four broad areas:
1. Islamic beliefs and values;
2. Micro direct practice;
3. Macro direct practice; and
4. Best practices in serving Muslim clients, organizations and communities.
Guiding questions to assist with the development of original manuscripts include:
• What does the Islamic philosophy of social work look like? Is there such a philosophy?
• What are the key Islamic beliefs and values which are central to ensuring spiritual competence among social work professionals working with Muslim clients?
• How does the Islamic belief system align with the values and ethics of the social work profession?
• How are mental health and psychosocial wellbeing defined, interpreted and addressed according to the Islamic teachings?
• How has anti-Islamic bigotry impacted individuals and communities?
• How is community defined and what unique principles of community organizing and development can be discerned from the Islamic tradition?
• What best practices have emerged within social work education, practice and research with the Muslim population?
DOWNLOAD THE COMPLETE CALL FOR PAPERS or share electronically with colleagues – click here.
Manuscript Submissions
JRSSW Now on ScholarOne
In the Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, scholars, researchers, and practitioners examine the integration and impact of religion and spirituality on social work practice at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. The Journal receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its ScholarOne Manuscripts site located at ScholarOne Manuscripts allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts, and facilitates the review process and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers via a web-based platform. If you have any other requests, please contact Linda Plitt Donaldson, Editor-in-Chief, at
For complete Instructions for Authors – click here.
NEW – Open Access Article
Download in PDF format or view in HTML format.
The Development of a Concept Map for Understanding Spiritual Integration in Evangelically Based Social Service Organizations, John Ridings
PARTIAL ABSTRACT: The role that spirituality and religion play in the delivery of social services in faith-based organizations is a relative unknown. Specifically, what remain missing are well-defined operational indicators that cover the continuum of spiritual integration. This article describes results from a study using concept mapping to create a conceptual model of spiritual integration for The Salvation Army in Chicago. . . . This research presents a conceptualization of spiritual integration and identifies the constituent domains. Findings may help focus programmatic and research efforts, leading to the development of measures that open the field for further research and theory generation.
OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE – download today.
Call for Abstracts: Pilgrim economies at University of Sussex
We are pleased to announce a one day workshop on :
Pilgrimages, Ontologies, and Subjectivities in Neoliberal Economies,
to be held at the School of Global Studies, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Sussex, UK on July 18th 2016.
Sites of pilgrimage and heritage tourism are often sites of social inequality, volatility, and
impaired by historical hostilities between historical, ethnic and competing religious discourses
of morality, personhood, culture, as well as imaginaries of nationalism and citizenship. These
pilgrim sites are often much older in national and global history than the country as a modern
sovereign nation-state. Underlying these sites of worship, pilgrimage, religion and piety are also
pertinent issues to do with finance such as local regimes of taxation, livelihoods, and the wealth
of regional and national economies where these pilgrimage sites are located.
In this workshop, we discuss the ways pilgrimages are imbricated in local, national and
transnational economies. We ask questions such as:
1. What are pilgrimage travel arrangements comprised of, and who has control over the distribution of public resources and facilities such as roads, housing, accommodation, and transportation?
2. What do such developments reveal about recent changes in these historical places?
3. How are discourses and practices about money interrelated with those about religion and divinity in pilgrimage sites?
4. How are neoliberal economies bolstered by these pilgrim sites through heritage tourism?
5. How are subjectivities transformed in the context of pilgrimage in neoliberal economies?
The workshop will also focus on the worshippers’ own subjectivity especially of holy sites as being situated in their imaginations of historical continuity and discontinuity and their transformative experiences of worshiping using both modern and traditional forms of infrastructures.
We would like to discuss the infrastructures that facilitate ͚the holy experiences͛ of the pilgrim
sites while also appropriating local and international demands for modernizing pilgrimage
experiences for visitors who range from being local, national, international, tourists, and the
diaspora. We welcome papers that are situated and/or ethnographic.
Please send an abstract upto 300 words, queries for being discussants, or propose panels to by 10th June, 2016.
4 PhD positions - University of Padova
The International joint PhD program in “Human Rights, Society, and
Multi-level Governance” is pleased to announce a call for applications
for 4 PhD scholarships.
The Joint PhD degree in “Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level
Governance” is a three-year, interdisciplinary, joint academic
program managed by Universities in Australia, Croatia, Greece,
Italy, coordinated by the University of Padova (Italy).
Please note that the deadline is June 17, 2016.
Please find more info at
NCSR 2016
Una spiritualità post-secolare
Una spiritualità post-secolare
Padova, 6 giugno 2016
Incontro di studio con il sociologo Luigi Berzano e il teologo Giovanni Trabucco,
promosso dalle specializzazioni in teologia spirituale di Fttr e Ftis.
Si svolgerà quest’anno nella sede padovana l’appuntamento che unisce le specializzazioni in teologia spirituale di Padova e Milano nell’approfondimento di alcuni temi cruciali per il nostro tempo. Una spiritualità post-secolare è il titolo dell’incontro di studio proposto lunedì 6 giugno (Padova, Istituto teologico Sant’Antonio dottore, via San Massimo 25, ore 9.30-13) dal biennio di specializzazione in teologia spirituale della Facoltà teologica del Triveneto e dal Centro studi di spiritualità della Facoltà teologica dell’Italia settentrionale.
Sul tema interverranno Luigi Berzano (sociologo, Università di Torino), con una relazione dal titolo Una spiritualità post-secolare. Provocazioni per il credente, e Giovanni Trabucco (teologo, Facoltà teologica dell’Italia settentrionale-Milano) su Pensiero a-teologico e fede in Dio.
Per le scienze delle religioni la spiritualità è oggi, ancor più che religione, una categoria interpretativa delle profonde trasformazioni che la secolarizzazione continua a produrre sia nella scena pubblica che nella sfera personale degli individui. Nelle società contemporanee si moltiplicano nuove forme di spiritualità al di fuori delle grandi tradizioni religiose, con un distacco tra religioni organizzate e spiritualità individuali e con la sperimentazione di altri alfabeti del religioso.
In particolare, il sociologo Luigi Berzano, nel suo ultimo volume Spiritualità senza Dio? apre il nuovo campo di ricerca sulle spiritualità sia di individui che dichiarano di non appartenere a nessuna religione sia di individui che, pur appartenendo a una religione, hanno uno stile di vita che non discende dalla propria tradizione religiosa e vivono parte della loro vita come se Dio non ci fosse, nell’imitazione, spesso, di tendenze, mode, soggetti significativi, mass media. Questa prospettiva entrerà in dialogo con quella della teologia fondamentale, espressa da Giovanni Trabucco, nell’articolazione del nesso tra fede nel vangelo e verità dell’umano, che interroga l’esistenza nella sua ricerca di Dio, nella “perdita” della fede, nello stile di vita cristiano.
Per informazioni sul seminario, rivolto particolarmente ai docenti di spiritualità: tel. 049-8200711, email -