Funding Opportunities   .style6 { color: #A0522D; text-decoration: underline; }     .style3 { text-align: center; } .style4 { text-align: left; } .style5 { font-size: large; }       International Sociological Association -- Research Committee 22 Sociology of Religion      Home About Us Join Newsletters Calendar Conferences Blog FAQ Links Funding Contact Search Argentina Conference (Aug 2012)          Other Places to Explore    SSSR List of Funding Opportunities The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion maintains a rolling list of funding opportunities at its website.  International Sociological Association Many of these are designed  to help scholars from the Global South.   Current announcements of grants, prizes, & competitions.     Grants in or for different countries   Funding opportunities in or from specific countries   Funding for work or study on specific themes     

      Funding Opportunities We will use this page to post links to funding opportunities for scholars in the sociology of religion.  We will pay particular attention to sources that are available on a regular basis.  

 We will post notices of irregular sources, one-time sources, and the like on our blog.   (Click HERE to visit our blog.)

 Funding from Scholarly Organizations focused on the Sociology of Religion    Association for the Sociology of Religion (USA) Travel grants to attend their conferences, focused on scholars from outside North America Fichter Research Grants McNamara Student Paper Competition    International Society for the Sociology of Religion / Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religions Travel grants to attend their conferences.   Religious Research Association (USA) Jacquet Awards for applied research in the study of religious organizations.  Typically about $15,000 per year to distribute, almost all in small grants (below $4,000).   Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (USA) Travel awards to attend their conferences, focused on scholars from outside North America. Jack Shand Research Awards.  Typically small grants (up to $3000)  for expenses only.  Some years larger grants are available.     Special awards for students, either for travel or for research (up to $3000).  The latter allow some stipend.    Other Organizations:    American Council of Learned Societies Their website claims that: "The ACLS continues to be the leading private institution supporting scholars in the humanities and related social sciences at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels."  They distribute some $15 million in grants and awards each year.   Alexander von Humbolt Foundation (from their website): "aims at strengthening regional and interdisciplinary networking between the scientists and scholars sponsored by the foundation, at supporting worldwide contacts and at introducing young scientists to the work of the Humboldt Foundation and to research in Germany."       "The program each year enables 500 young highly qualified scholars resident outside Germany who hold doctorates to carry out research projects of their own choice in Germany (age limit: 40 years).  Submission Deadline: Anytime"   Please send notices to one of our officers (click HERE for a contact list).  We will post them here or on our blog.


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