A Special Issue on the Gülen Movement: Sociology of Islam Journal (Edited by Joshua Hendr ick) Volume 1, Issue 3-4, 2014 (Brill)

Sociology of Islam explores modern social, political and economic transformations in Muslim Societies through the lens of sociological analysis, social theory, industrialization, modernity, social movements, secularism and political economy. It provides a unique sociological approach in addition to a multi-disciplinary approach.

Sociology of Islam Journal

A Special Issue on the Gülen Movement

Volume 1, Issue 3-4, 2014


Perspectives on the Gülen Movement
Approaching a Sociology of Fethullah Gülen
“Is Hizmet Liberal?” Mediations and Disciplines of Islam and Liberalism among Gülen Organizations in Istanbul
The Netherlands and the Gülen movement
The Sohbet: Talking Islam in Turkey
Said Nursi’s Notion of ‘Sacred Science’: Its Function and Application in Hizmet High School Education
Translocal Ethics: Hizmet Teachers and the Formation of Gülen-inspired Schools in Urban Tanzania
  • Author: Kristina Dohrn
  • Source: Volume 1, Issue 3-4, pp 233 –256
What is the Hizmet Movement? Contending Approaches to the Analysis of Religious Activists In World Politics
  • Author: Sabine Dreher
  • Source: Volume 1, Issue 3-4, pp 257 –275