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AASR December Newsletter

Thank you for those who were part of the AASR Conference this year! A shout out to the amazing 85 delegates (and especially those who made special trips from the UK, New Zealand and Nepal) who engaged with discussions across all sessions. A special mention to Dr Kathleen McPhillips and team who made all this possible, with thanks to the University of Newcastle for hosting. If you missed the conference, here are snapshots of the conference (and papers presented) captured on Twitter.

Also, do consider these special call for papers as part of our conference:Call for manuscripts: special issue on ‘Religion and Violence’ on the Journal for the Academic Study of Religion
Call for manuscripts: special issue on ‘Religion, Gender and Violence’ on the Religion and Gender Journal
Call for Papers:

Rethinking​ ​Media, Religion and Secularities.
 Conference of the International Society for Media, Religion and Culture Conference location: Sigtuna Foundation, Sigtuna, Sweden. Conference dates: 4-7 of August 2020. Deadline for Paper proposals: 6 December 2019. More info.

International Communication Association Preconference on Intersectional Imaginaries in Media, Religion & Gender, Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020. Deadline extended 14 Jan 2020. More info

The XXII Quinquennial World Congress of the IAHR, hosted by the New Zealand Association for the Study of Religions, will take place at the University of Otago, in Dunedin, New Zealand from 23-29 August 2020. Submission deadline 31 December 2019. More info + latest newsletter

Navigating the non/confessional in university Islamic studies. University of Birmingham. 20-22 April 2020. Submission deadline 17 January 2020. More info

“Religion and the urban, natural and virtual environments”, Bi-Annual Conference of the ESA RN34- Sociology of Religion, Groningen (Netherlands), 26-28 August 2020. Abstract deadline 31 January 2020. More info. 

PublicationsCall for Essays: Handbook on Religion and the Body. Deadline 15 December 2019. More info

Call for Papers on Digital Visibilities of the Religious. Deadline 15 January 2020. More info

Call for papers on Religion & Ecology for a special issue of Religions. Deadline 31 May 2020.
Funding OpportunitiesCall for proposals: The Religion and Sexual Abuse Project. Deadline 1 February 2020. More info
Postgrad/ECR Opportunities

4 PhD scholarships at the University of Queensland, Atlas of Religion Project

Postdoc positions at the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Arizona State University

Postdoc Fellowship, The Center for Religion and the Human (CRH) at Indiana University

Call for Papers from Sociology of Religion for Advanced Graduate Students

Call for Applications: Workshop “Public Scholarship of Religion in an Age of Hypermediation”

Summer School on Religion and Cultural Change

Researcher, Center for Religious Studies (FBK-ISR), Trento, Italy

Also if you’re on Facebook, we have a postgrad page so do join us 🙂 
Job Opportunities

Temp Full-time Lectureship (Ethnicity, Ethnic Politics, the Sociology of Religion, Multiculturalism)
New Publications

Lam, K (2019) Young Buddhists and the cosmopolitan irony of belonging in multicultural AustraliaJournal of Intercultural Studies, 40(6): 720-735.

Milani M (2019) The “Sufism” of Monsieur Ibrahim, in Cultural Fusion of Sufi Islam: Alternative Paths to Mystical Faith, edited by Sarwar Alam. Routledge: Abingdon.Oosterbaan, M., van de Kamp, L. and Bahia, J. (2019), Global Trajectories of Brazilian Religion: Lusospheres, London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Singleton, A., Rasmussen, M.L., Halafoff, A., et al. (2019), ‘The AGZ Study: Project Report.

‘The latest Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 32(1) is out!

It includes:

Enqi Weng’s Through a National Lens Darkly: Religion as a Spectrum     

Kathleen Openshaw’s The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Australia: Local Congregants and a Global Spiritual Network       

Anna Lutkajtis’ ‘The Answer to All Your Problems?’ The Overly Positive Presentation of Meditation in the Media

Douglas Hynd’s Church-related Welfare Agencies in Australia: Contracting and Institutional Secularisation

For book reviews, click here.