About ISA/RC22: Sociology of Religion   .style1 { font-family: Georgia; }     .style3 { text-align: center; } .style4 { text-align: left; } .style5 { font-size: large; }       International Sociological Association -- Research Committee 22 Sociology of Religion      Home About Us Join Newsletters Calendar Conferences Blog FAQ Links Funding Contact Search          RC22 Governance Officers:  President Adam Possamai, University of Western Sydney, Australia, a.possamai@uws.edu.au Vice-Presidents Sinisa Zrinscak, Zagreb University, Croatia Inger Furseth, KIFO Centre Church Research, Norway Secretary/Treasurer Afe Adogame, University of Edinburgh , UK, a.adogame@ed.ac.uk  Board Members:  Asia/Australia/Pacific Esmeralda Sanchez, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines Seyed Hossein Serajzadeh, Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran Europe Claude Proeschel, GSRL, France  Per Pettersson, Uppsala University, Sweden North America James V. Spickard, University of Redlands, USA Ephraim Shapiro, Columbia University, USA Latin America Eloisa Martin, University of Brasilia, Brazil Daniel Gutierrez-Martinez, Colegio de Mexico, Mexico Africa Afe Adogame, University of Edinburgh , UK Pratap Kumar Penumala, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa   Past President Roberto Blancarte Pimentel, Mexico, blancart@colmex.mx Honorary President Ivan Varga, Queen's University, Canada    Committees: From time to time, the Board appoints various committees.  There are no standing committees at present.

 Other:  Click to view the RC22 Governing Statutes.   Click to view a list of past Boards of the Research Committee       About the Research Committee The ISA Research Committee on the Sociology of Religion (RC22) is the section of the  International Sociological Association tasked with advancing theory and research in the sociology of religion, in the context of world sociology.

 Formed in 1959, the Research Committee has set the following goals:

   to secure and develop personal and institutional contacts amongst sociologists of religion throughout the world

   to encourage the international dissemination and exchange of information on significant developments in the sociology of religion

   to promote the development of scientific activities in the sociology of religion world-wide

   to facilitate and promote international meetings and research in the field of the sociology of religion

   to pay special attention to the development of the sociology of religion in countries without strong national support for the sub-discipline.

   Membership in the Research Committee is open to all members of the International Sociological Association. Click HERE for information about joining our efforts.

 Conferences: The Research Committee participates in the ISA's quadrennial World Congress of Sociology.  It also typically sponsors at least one conference between these Congresses.

  The next World Congress will take place in 2014 in Yokohama, Japan.  Click HERE for information. We have organized an interim conference in Nigeria in January, 2012.  Click HERE for information. We will be taking part in the ISA's 2nd Forum on Sociology, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1-4 August 2012.  Click HERE for information.  Membership: Membership in the Research Committee is open to all members of the International Sociological Association. 

 Dues for a 4-year period vary by country of residence:  Category A countries USD 30;  Category B USD 20 and  Category C USD 10.  (Clicking a link takes you to a list of countries in each category.)

  This fee is in addition to ISA dues.

  Click HERE to join the ISA &/or the Research Committee.  (The link connects you to a secure ISA website.)


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