American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting CFP

American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting CFP Deadline March 1, 2018

AAR Religion and Migration Unit Call for Papers

The Religion and Migration Unit seeks proposals for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion to be held in Denver, Colorado related to the following themes:

• First, second, and third generation migrant differences in religious identity (construction, maintenance or conversion in the diaspora)
• Forced migration, religion, and refugees
• Religion, migration, and Paganism
• Religion, migration, and transcending difference through performance
• Religion, migration, and film
• Religion, migration, and the politics of a good death

We also invite submissions for a possible co-sponsored session with the Religion in Europe Unit on the following topic:

• The role of religion in migration both to and within Europe, either historical or contemporary. This includes the religious ramifications of forced migration to Europe and the rise of the alt-right in Europe in relation to non-majority religious groups and migration. Co-sponsored with the Religion and Migration Unit and the Religion in Europe Unit.

Finally, we offer an open call for any other topics dealing with religion and migration, especially proposals that address theoretical and methodical issues in the field of migration in relation to religious studies.

Chair - Ramji, Rubina, Cape Breton University
Chair - Marshall, Alison, Brandon University