Application Procedure for the 2018 Varga Prize

This award has been set in memory of Ivan Varga (1931-2012) and recognizes an outstanding new paper by a scholar who is at most three years beyond the PhD. The recipient is expected to present the paper at the next International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress.

The prize consists of the registration fee for the ISA World Congress and a sum of 1000 Euro intended to cover part of the recipient expenses to attend the World Congress.


  • Candidates do not need to be members of ISA or members of ISA Research Committee for the Sociology of Religion (RC22)
  • All areas and topics of the sociology of religion are eligible for the Varga Prize.
  • Papers should be original and written in any of the three ISA official languages (English, Spanish or French).
  • There is no set length of the paper, but as a recommendation, a journal article length is appropriate. Authors could choose any bibliographic/citation format, as long as it is scholarly and the chosen format is kept coherently through the text

Evaluation of papers

An Evaluation Committee, appointed by the President of RC22, will be made up of members of the RC22 Board plus a few other scholars. The Committee will base its judgment on the papers scholarly quality, originality, and significance for furthering the sociological study of religion.

The Committee will choose the prize winner plus a runner-up, in case the winner is unable to accept the award due to an inability to attend the World Congress. The runner-up will also receive a monetary award. The winner and runner-up will be announced by February 1st 2018.

Application Procedure:

  1. Submit your paper proposal to one of the RC-22 sessions at the ISA website
    • Deadline is September 30th 2017, 24:00 GMT
  2. Send a copy of your abstract and the full finished paper to the President and the Secretary of the RC 22, along with a curriculum vitae and a letter describing your research and its significance. The paper and other documents should preferably be sent in PDF format.