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Australian Association for the Study of Religions (AASR) - July Newsletter

A final reminder that the Journal for the Academic Study of Religion has a special issue call for paper on ‘Religion, Spirituality and the New African Diaspora’ which might be of interest to you. Deadline 31 July 2020. More details here

Call for Papers:


36th ISSR/SISRReligion in Global/Local Perspectives: Diffusion, Migration, Transformation’ Conference, 12-15 July 2021, Taipei, Taiwan. Call for sessions: 15 July to 15 September 2020. Call for papers: 1 October to 15 November 2020. More info.

3rd ANU Religion Conference - Religion and Migration: Culture and Policy. Canberra, 8-10 December 2021 (new date). Proposal deadline 21 May 2021. More info.


Call for paper: Embracing religion as counter-conduct: Ethics and “political spirituality” among western youth. Deadline 15 July 2020.

Call for paper: Religions‘ special issue: “Pandemic, Religion and Non-religion”. Deadline 31 August 2020.

Call for papers on Religions’ special issue: ‘Religion, Law and Politics‘. Deadline 18 December 2020.

Call for papers: Special Issue on “Historizing Islamophobia”. Deadline February 2021.

PhD/Job Opportunities:

PhD Scholarship in Religion, Materiality and the African Diaspora in Australia, Western Sydney University

PhD Scholarship in Social Science for Migration, Mixed Marriage and Integration in Australia, Monash University

Acting Professorship of Islamic Studies, University of Hamburg Faculty for Humanities

Professorship of Jewish Religion, University of Hamburg Faculty of Humanities

Professorship of Theology, University of Hamburg Faculty of Humanities

Professorship for Islamic Theology in contemporary and Historical Perspective, University of Hamburg Faculty of Humanities

Junior Professorship of Theology of Alevism, University of Hamburg Faculty of Humanities

Junior Professorship of Islamic Philosophy and Normative Teaching, University of Hamburg Faculty of Humanities

Acting Professorship of Islamic Studies, University of Hamburg Faculty for Humanities

Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Studies, Harvard University Harvard Divinity School

Latest Publications:

Kim, David W. (2020) “A Transnational Grassroots Movement: Jinja Shintō and Japanese Religions in the Pre-Colonial Joseon Society,” The Review of Korean Studies, 23, 1: 211-235. 

Weng, Enqi and Halafoff, Anna. (2020) ‘Media Representations of Religion, Spirituality and Non-Religion in Australia’, Religions 11, 332.

Have you a new event, job opportunity or latest publication to share with us? Please get in touch with the AASR’s Communication Officer, Dr Enqi Weng, at with details by mid of 2nd and 4th week of each month to be included in our newsletter. Thank you.