Author Archives: Jim


Centro Internazionale di studi sul Religioso Contemporaneo/CISRECO in collaborazione con AIS-Associazione Italiana di Sociologia Sezione di Sociologia della Religione e Unione Comunale del Chianti Fiorentino

San Gimignano/Tavarnelle V.P. — 22-25 agosto 2018

La religione oltre le religioni

Online Program at:

Segreteria Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Religioso Contemporaneo/CISRECO
C.P. 11 – Via San Giovanni, 38 – 53037 San Gimignano (SI)
Tel. 0577 906102
Sito Internet:

Call for chapters: “Doing Diversity in Teaching, Writing, and Research”

A proposed volume edited by Abby Day, Lois Lee, and Jim Spickard
working with Policy Press

Concerns are growing about the dominance of a narrow set of perspectives and interests across all areas of society. For universities, debates have centred on the ways in which people from specific identity-categories dominate the production and dissemination of academic knowledge in teaching, writing, and research. The dominance of such elites – crudely equated to ‘white men of the Global North’ – poses challenges to how all supposedly democratic institutions function. It hits at the heart of the academy. There, it distorts the knowledge universities produce, it disserves students from non-dominant groups, and it threatens the humanistic values on which the modern university is founded.

Elite domination affects the academy on many levels – ethical, epistemic, and economic among others. It includes the dominance of perspectives from particular gender, ethnicity, sexuality and class positions, as well as issues such as of Eurocentrism, androcentrism, Westernization, indigenization, and colonialism . These affect everyone working in the academy, elites included.

Building on the remarkable achievements of the recent wave of critique and the emergence of new initiatives responding to it, this new volume aims to gather, consolidate, and share practical actions that institutions and individuals within the academy – staff and students alike – can take to address issues of elitism. It seeks to encourage positive and decisive steps beyond critique and towards the growth of ‘pluriversity’ – processes of knowledge production that are, in Achille Mbembe’s words:

‘open to epistemic diversity … [pluriversity] does not necessarily abandon the notion of universal knowledge for humanity, but … embraces it via a horizontal strategy of openness to dialogue among different epistemic traditions.[*]

Our proposed volume focuses on what we can all actually do, both practically and theoretically, to bring about the change that is needed. What visions do we need? How can we each contribute to attaining them?

Doing Diversity provides case studies detailing the initiatives that both individuals and institutions have been including in their everyday teaching, writing, and research practices. It also includes chapters locating these initiatives in wider theoretical contexts and chapters reflecting on these initiatives’ achievements, their problems, and the work that they leave undone.

We are seeking proposals for chapters that share practices and/or address these themes. Chapters might, for example, engage with the following questions:

  • - What new methods can we bring to our teaching, writing, and research to challenge any form of elitism?
  • - How are the challenges different for teaching, writing, and research? What factors encourage or impede working for diversity in each of these areas?
  • - What are the successes, problems and limitations of current initiatives, such as e.g. gender quotas for conference speakers, publication contributors, and/or citations?
  • - What issues arise from field-specific variation? What, if anything, should we do in those fields or topic areas where non-elite groups dominate the discourse? Do we need to consider bringing elite perspectives into those locations?
  • - What challenges do institutions and individuals face in taking up successful methods of ‘doing diversity’? What support can institutions and colleagues offer to others doing this work? How do we manage the workload in our already busy, often over-stretched lives?
  • - How are students involved in these processes – or how could they be? How is diversity negotiated in the classroom? What works? What doesn’t?
  • - Do new institutional and individual innovations cluster in particular areas? What does this tell us about our current ways of thinking about elitism and diversity? What might we be missing?
  • - How adequately do concepts like ‘diversity’, ‘anti-elitism’, ‘liberating’ and ‘decolonising’ the academy frame these activities? What work are these concepts doing? Are there better or best ways to frame this work?

Final chapters are expected to be between 5,000-8,000 words (including all notes and references), though shorter submissions will be considered for the case study section.

Authors are invited to submit a 500-word chapter proposal to the editors at,, &


  • - Submission deadline for abstract: 31 October 2018
  • - Decision of acceptance: 30 November 2018
  • - Deadline for chapter submission: 31 July 2019

[*] “Decolonizing the University: New Directions,” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 15/1: 37, 2016.

Registration Open: British Muslims and health at the University of Bradford (12 Sept)

British Muslims and health: addressing inequalities and promoting access

Register at the following link:

Numerous studies have shown that British Muslims suffer from chronic diseases such cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, childhood obesity and genetic and mental health conditions at a significantly higher rate than the wider UK population. Typically, the reasons for these inequalities are described in terms of the higher levels of poverty and deprivation among the British Muslim population. However, the phenomenon of health inequalities is more complex than that. Lower levels of physical activity, dietary practices, gendered notions of fitness and taboos around certain activities all raise questions and require open and informed discussion between academic researchers, clinicians and those active within British Muslim communities. Such questions are often drowned out, however, by more post-9/11 narratives about British Muslims in society.

This conference seeks to create a space to present new research and debate issues relating to health and health inequalities among British Muslims. It will cover:

  • How the concept of disease is negotiated within British Muslim communities in personal, cultural and religious terms vis-à-vis Islamic narratives on the body and health;
  • The structural dimensions of the health inequalities among British Muslims, covering the effects of migration, ethnicity, everyday life and government on health issues;

  • The possible role of Islamic religious settings and leaders in responding to the challenges of health inequalities among British Muslims.

The conference is being organised by the Muslims in Britain Research Network in partnership with the Born in Bradford (BiB) project ( BiB is a cohort study examining the reasons for high rates of illness among children, adults, families and communities, by exploring ethnic dimensions of health and illness. It involves a multi-disciplinary team of researchers. As part of BiB study, Dr Sufyan Abid Dogra is exploring how Islamic religious settings can be used for health promotion in the UK, funded by National Institute for Health Research.

Confirmed speakers and organisations include (more TBC):

  • Professor Neil Small, University of Bradford
  • Professor Carolyn Summerbell
  • Professor Kamran Siddiqui, University of York
  • Muslim Council of Britain
  • Community Health Organisation Bradford
  • Bradford Council of Mosques

23rd International Congress of Sociology, Castilla-La Mancho (en español)

En nombre de la Asociación Castellano-Manchega de Sociología, parte nuclear de la Federación Española de Sociología (FES), y desde el año 2014 miembro institucional de la Asociación Internacional de Sociología (ISA), se recuerda que el XXIII CONGRESO DE SOCIOLOGÍA EN CASTILLA-LA MANCHA. CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL, tiene como fecha límite para la presentación de propuestas de ponencia, dos (2) máximo, hasta el día 15 de septiembre de 2018, por lo que se anima a todos a su participación y presentación de trabajos de investigación y estudios en los que la sociología y la ciencia política, tengan una parte central e interdisciplinar dentro del amplio espectro de las disciplinas de las ciencias sociales, así como la transversalidad con otras ciencias, que aunque poco relacionadas entre sí, favorecen y enriquecen el desarrollo de los diferentes temas de estudio a tratar durante el congreso.

Durante veintidós (22) años, se ha celebrado este congreso, creciendo año tras año en participantes y en mesas de trabajo, en este entorno atractivo y natural de la Mancha, donde Don Quijote, nos ha situado internacionalmente dando a conocer esta maravillosa tierra. Ahora este congreso cumple veintitrés (23) años, su título es “INSEGURIDADES Y DESIGUALDADES EN SOCIEDADES COMPLEJAS” y se celebra en una de las ciudades más emblemáticas de esta tierra, Valdepeñas, rodeada del Campo de Montiel, Campo de Calatrava y Sierra Morena, aprovechando ahora para agradecer a su Alcalde D. Jesús Martín y Tte. Alcalde D. Manuel López, su colaboración y compromiso con la cultura, la educación y para con esta asociación, favoreciendo con su apoyo este encuentro de profesionales, de intercambio de experiencias y vivencias, que potencian los estudios y la investigación.
Se anima a todos a la participación activa, dando las gracias al Comité de Organización por su apoyo y dedicación, cuyo trabajo voluntario, solidario y desinteresado, permite que las cuotas del congreso sean lo más económicas posibles.

Para cualquier consulta o cuestión estamos a vuestra disposición en, y en la web del congreso:

Miguel Clemente Díaz y José Miguel Moreno Carrillo, Dirección Congreso

Conference CFP: Following ‘The Way’: Historicizing the Interspace among Indic Religions

Panth, matam, dharm, rah, and ṣirāṭ, meaning ‘The Way’, are some of the terms used by faith communities in South Asia to define their tradition’s path. This conference will explore how these ways were expressed in ritual, belief, and praxis to create distinction. For example, among the 19th century Khōjā of Sindh and Gujarat, the term satpanth ‘The True Way’, referred to numerous vernacular religious practices that incorporated Vaiṣṇav, Svāminārāyaṇ, Jain, Shia, and Sunni practices within a caste faith. Their liturgical materials originally were written in a caste script in a mélange of dialects from Sindhi, Gujarati, Kacchi, Rajasthani, and Urdu. This liminality was not exclusive to the north, in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka araputamiḻ, the Muslim dialect of Tamil in the Arabic script, records the cosmologies and worldview of Muslim merchant communities that intersperses Vaishnava imagery with Arabic vocabulary.

This conference is intended to bring together scholars of the Adivasi, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism to explore how aesthetics, authority, narratives, rituals, and script have been historically shared and divided by faith communities in South Asia. How do we make sense of such heterogeneity that was distant from ‘orthodox’ literature being produced in urbane Sanskrit and Persian? How did rural religion differ and connect to larger faith communities across linguistic and script divides? Where were ethno-religious boundaries drawn between pragmatic mobile merchant communities and how fluid were they until early colonization? South Asian vernacular religion in local languages is a large untapped historical archive from which scholars can produce incisive microhistories. This is an open call for scholars across disciplines who wish to engage with the themes of endangered/extinct languages and scripts, merchant religion, modern religious identity formation, and the transmission of sacred narratives across the Persianate, Turkic, and Indic worlds.

The conference will be held at the University of Mumbai, Mumbai, January 30-31, 2019. The deadline for the submission of paper proposal is July 31, 2018. Successful applicants will be notified by August 30, 2018. The travel allowances ($500) as well as accommodation and board will be covered through the ‘Khoja Studies Conference’. Send your abstracts to:

AABSC Call for Papers deadline extended

Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies Conference 2018

We are pleased to announce the 2018 AABS conference, which will be hosted by the Alfred Deakin Institute and Buddhist Studies@Deakin. This interdisciplinary conference will provide a forum for scholars and students of Buddhism to explore the rich tapestry of Buddhist cultures, philosophies, and practices in traditional settings and in modern social life.

For full details, please visit the conference website.
8–9 November 2018
Deakin Downtown, Level 12, Tower 2
727 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3008

Keynote speakers

Ann Gleig, University of Central Florida

John Powers, Deakin University

Amber D. Carpenter, Yale-National University of Singapore College
The conference committee is now inviting submissions of proposals for papers in all areas of Buddhist studies, including the following themes:

  • Buddhism in Australasia
  • Buddhism in the ‘West’
  • Buddhism and philosophy
  • Buddhism in contemporary Asia
  • Buddhist texts and contexts
  • Historical studies of Buddhism
  • Engaged Buddhism
  • Buddhism, art and architecture
  • Buddhism and meditation
  • Food, animals, and Buddhism

Panel proposals on these or additional themes with three abstracts are also welcome. Postgraduate students are especially encouraged to present their research, for which bursaries may be available. The closing date for proposals is 31 August 2018.

To submit your abstract, please visit the conference website.

Conference conveners: Leesa Davis, Anna Halafoff and John Powers, Deakin University

Appel è contribution pour un numéro thématique: « Religiosités, sexualités et identités LGBTQI »


« Religiosités, sexualités et identités LGBTQI »

Depuis le début des années 2000, la recherche en sciences des religions se penche sur les rapports de pouvoir en société liés aux identités LGBTQI, tant sexuelles que de genre, cherchant à mettre en relief les écarts, en termes de pouvoir, de subjectivation et de marginalisation, entre les effets des religiosités et spiritualités contemporaines sur les individus et leurs communautés et l’impact de ces dernières sur les normes sociales et leurs modes de transmission. McGuire démontre que certaines alternatives spirituelles, qu’elles soient à l’extérieur ou à l’intérieur des traditions judéo-chrétiennes, sont souvent perçues comme faisant la promotion de la diversité sexuelle et de l’égalité homme-femme. Étant le produit d’une recherche identitaire attentive au corps, à la sexualité et au genre, leurs pratiques offrent une perspective nouvelle qui permet de « négocier de nouvelles identités et de forger de nouvelles sociabilités qui ont le potentiel de surpasser les balises conceptuelles dictées par d’anciennes normes sociales sexistes, racistes et classistes » (McGuire, 2008).

Une forte adhésion d’individus LGBTQI – lesbiennes, gais, bisexuels/bisexuelles, transgenres, queer et intersexués/intersexuées – à ces nouvelles religiosités et spiritualités pousse la recherche à s’intéresser aux identités sexuelles et de genre non-binaires, car celles-ci reflètent ou reconduisent souvent des rapports de domination et de hiérarchie tels qu’ils ont cours en société (Fedele et Knibbe, 2013). Si ces pratiques religieuses et spirituelles contemporaines répondent à un besoin de réconciliation avec la tradition pour plusieurs, pour d’autres, en réaction à des expériences personnelles de souffrance ou de discrimination liées au sexisme et à l’hétéronormativité, elles mènent à une reconstruction de leur religiosité personnelle et au remodelage de leur sociabilité en attribuant une place primordiale, dans leurs pratiques religieuses, aux notions d’identités LGBTQI sexuelles et de genre.

Ce numéro thématique de Religiologiques palliera à une carence au sein des études queer et LGBTQI qui s’attardent trop peu à la dimension religieuse et au caractère spirituel de l’agentivité du sujet. À partir d’approches interdisciplinaires, les auteurs peuvent mettre en lumière les diverses manières dont ces nouvelles religiosités, certaines plus individuelles, d’autres plus holistiques (Heelas et Woodhead 1996; York 1995), s’inscrivent en continuité ou en rupture avec les traditions religieuses dominantes. Ce sera également l’occasion d’observer ces phénomènes au sein et/ou en marge de traditions qui imposent plus souvent une norme hétéronormative et de genre binaire. Plus spécifiquement, les autrices peuvent mettre en rapport les théories et pratiques d’intériorisation de la sexualité et du genre comme catégories identitaires LGBTQI et les théories des religiosités contemporaines et/ou alternatives comme lieu de performance de ces identités où s’opère l’agentivité du sujet sur sa propre position dans, et voire sur, un système symbolique social donné. Parmi les pistes possibles, mais non exhaustives, d’exploration du religieux, des religiosités et des identités LGBTQI sexuelles et de genre, notons les suivantes :

· La construction des rapports entre religion (traditions religieuses occidentales et orientales ; nouveaux mouvements religieux, etc.) et identités sexuelles et de genre ;

· Le rapport entre la pratique rituelle et la performance identitaire ;

· Le rapport entre les multiples dimensions du religieux et les expériences queer ;

· Le rapport entre pratiques religieuses et identité LGBTQI ;

· L’apport des sciences des religions à l’étude de l’agentivité et des rapports de pouvoir en société et leur contribution à la théorie queer.

Longueur des articles

Les articles doivent être de 6,000 à 8,000 mots, en format WORD (.doc) et conforme aux « Consignes de présentation » disponibles sous l’onglet « Soumission d’articles » du site Web de Religiologiques (

Soumission des articles

Les textes sont soumis à l’adresse courriel suivante


Les manuscrits sont à soumettre avant la fin du mois de février 2019. Avant de soumettre un texte pour évaluation, il est possible de d’acheminer une proposition d’article (de 300 à 400 mots).

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter 

Martin Lepage (PhD), la direction du numéro thématique

Département de sciences des religions

Université du Québec à Montréal

Courriel :

*   *   *   *   *   *   *


RELIGIOLOGIQUES___est une revue de sciences humaines qui s’intéresse aux multiples manifestations du sacré dans la culture ainsi qu’au phénomène religieux sous toutes ses formes.  Elle s’intéresse également au domaine de l’éthique. Les articles qu’elle publie font l’objet d’une évaluation des comités de lecture spécialisés (à double insu ; minimum deux évaluatrices, évaluateurs) et indépendants de son comité de rédaction.

RELIGIOLOGIQUES___est la revue phare de la recherche francophone en sciences des religions en Amérique du Nord publiée de 1990 à 2005 (31 numéros, dont la majorité des articles est disponible dans leur intégralité en ligne sur le site de la revue : et qui a repris, depuis 2015, sa tradition de publication de numéros thématiques, d’articles hors thèmes – acceptés en tout temps – et de numéros varia. 

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

Département de sciences des religions

Call for Papers: “The “Ethical” and the “Everyday”: Interrogating analytical turns for/in the study of Islam and Muslims in Europe

29th-30th November 2018, University of Cambridge

Organizers :

Zubair Ahmad, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, Freie Universität Berlin

Amin El-Yousfi, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Mayanthi Fernando (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Samuli Schielke (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin)


For quite some time now, the analytics of a ‘cultural turn’ have been informing the study of Islam and Muslims. Enhanced through Clifford Geertz’s seminal work on Balinese and Moroccan cultures, Talal Asad was among the first to point out the assumptive (Weberian and Durkheimian) dichotomies that Geertz based his analysis of religion on; leading him “into making ill-founded assertions about motives, meanings, and effects relating to ‘religion.’” (Asad 2009 [1986]:18). In consequence, this critique led Asad to conceptualize Islam as a discursive tradition, allowing scholars of Islam and Muslims to “understand the historical conditions that enable the production and maintenance of specific discursive traditions, or their transformation and the efforts of practitioners to achieve coherence.” (Asad 2009 [1986]:23). This framework, then, resulted in an “ethical turn” (Agrama 2010; Fassin 2014, 429–435), particularly within the disciplines of anthropology as well as Islamic studies (Katz 2015, 3–4), displacing the focus from the cultural meaning to the ethical self-identification of Muslims (Mahmood 2005, Abu Lughod1998, Hirschkind 2006). In addition to the focus on the ethical, new avenues of enquiry have turned toward “everyday” Islam and its “ordinary” practices by Muslims. The work of Samuli Schielke (2009, 2012, 2015) has been considered important in this regard, introducing yet another turn. Scholars working on Islam and Muslims, however, have argued that the opposition between the “ethical” and the “everyday” have produced a whole set of dichotomies that pathologize Muslims as pious/exceptional/revivalist vs. ordinary/real/imitator (Fadil and Fernando 2015). At stake, as the ongoing debate suggests, are central questions concerning Muslims and freedom, agency, subjectivity, virtue, embodiment, selfhood, and authority.

Against this backdrop, this workshop seeks to provide a forum for critically engaging with the analytics of the “ethical” and the “everyday” in the study of Islam and Muslims in Europe. Accompanied by Mayanthi Fernando (University of California, Santa Cruz) and Samuli Schielke (ZMO, Berlin) as keynote speakers, the workshop will have three interrelated aims: Firstly, to bring into conversation and rigorously interrogate two key analytical turns in the study of Islam and Muslims: the “ethical turn” and the turn toward “the everyday”. By doing so, secondly, to make transparent their modes of enquiry as well as the analytical purchase they suggest and might hold. And, finally, to apply these turns, in a more systematic way, to the study of Islam and Muslims in Europe. The workshop is particularly interested in scrutinizing, and discussing the analytical value and implications of both these turns. What is, we ask, the analytical purchase of these turns within the study of Islam and Muslims in Europe? What, furthermore, might escape our attention while preferring one turn among the other? What happens in the “process of inquiry” while ascribing analytical weight to one rather than the other? In short, what value do these turns hold, offer, suggest, and toward what analytical consequences? And, finally, how are and can both be thought and utilized in a productive and forward-looking way for future research?

Call for Papers and format:

While we are happy to include paper presentations which rigorously address theoretical discussions as well as analytical and methodological reflections on the “ethical” and “everyday”, we encourage panellists to particularly pay attention to the study of Islam and Muslims in Europe from within the “ethical” and “everyday” turn – without necessarily assuming a clear-cut dichotomy between both. In doing so, papers should be both ethnographically based on European context, and illustrative analytically or methodologically of one or both of the two turns. Papers invested in the “ontological turn” by a reference to the “ethical” or the “everyday” are also welcome. Also, we invite submissions to take into consideration the complexities of positionality and representation, particularly within the larger political economy of knowledge production vis-à-vis Islam and Muslims.

Name, Institution/affiliation, short-biography, contact details must be submitted along with abstracts (300-500 words). All abstracts should be sent by August 31st to Amin El-Yousfi ( and Zubair Ahmad ( Applicants will be notified by September 9th about the outcome of their submission. Successful applicants will each have 30 minutes of presentation time, plus Q&A. The format will involve sending the workshop paper (2500-3000 words) to the relevant discussant two weeks ahead of the workshop (15th November). Following the workshop, participants will be invited to submit developed papers for a special issue of a leading journal.


We are most grateful for the sponsorship of the Centre of Islamic Studies ( and the Woolf Institute (

New Book: “Bringing Back the Social into the Sociology of Religion”

Editors: Veronique Altglas and Matthew Wood.

The contributors to Bringing Back the Social into the Sociology of Religion explore how ‘bringing the social back into the sociology of religion’ makes possible a more adequate sociological understanding of such topics as power, emotions, the self, or ethnic relations in religious life. In particular, they do so by engaging with social theories and addressing issues of epistemology and scientific reflexivity. The chapters of this book cover a range of different religious traditions and regions of the world such as Sufism in Pakistan; the Kabbalah Centre in Europe, Brazil and Israel; African Christian missions in Europe; and Evangelical Christianity in France and Oceania. They are based upon original empirical research, making use of a range of methods - quantitative, ethnographic and documentary.


  • Introduction: An Epistemology for the Sociology of ReligionVéronique Altglas and Matthew Wood
  • Protestant Churches and Same-Sex Marriage in France: “Theological” Criteria and Sociological ApproachesGwendoline Malogne-Fer
  • Deconstructing Archer’s (Un)Critical RealismPeter Doak
  • Spirituality and Discipline: Not a Contradiction in TermsVéronique Altglas
  • Congregational Studies, Worship and Region BehaviourMatthew Wood
  • Unmasking the Relations of Power within the Religious FieldChristophe Monnot
  • An Affective (U-)Turn in the Sociology of Religion? Religious Emotions and Native NarrativesYannick Fer
  • “Reverse Mission”: A Critical Approach for a Problematic SubjectEric Morier-Genoud
  • “We are Peace-Loving People.” Sufism, Orientalist Constructions of Islam and RadicalizationAlix Philippon

Call for Session Proposals: SISR/ISSR Conference in Barcelona, 9-12 July 2019

Dear all,

The call for for Session proposals, is open. You may propose a Thematic Session by using this link.

You can submit proposals until 30th August 2018 (200-250 words in English; please also provide a French translation).

The call for paper proposals will be opened in mid-September.

Attention: you do need to be an ISSR member, or renew your membership to submit a session proposal.

chers tous,

L’appel à propositions de sessions thématiques est ouvert. Il est possible de proposer une session thématique utilisant le lien suivant.

Vous pouvez  soumettre votre proposition jusqu’au 30 Aout 2018 (200-250 mots en en français; nous vous prions d’ajouter également une traduction en Anglais).

Ceci n’est pas encore un appel pour des contributions individuelles (“Papers”). L’appel à contributions individuelles (“Papers”) commencera en mi-septembre.

Attention: Vous devez être membre de la SISR, ou renouveler votre adhésion pour proposer un projet de session.