Buddhism & Australia 2019: Call for Papers

The 8th International Conference Buddhism & Australia

’History, current presence and future directions for Buddhism in Austral-Asian region’

7-9 February, 2019

The IC Buddhism & Australia is pleased to invite abstracts for panel sessions and individual papers for the 8th International Conference Buddhism & Australia that will be held on 7-9 February 2019 in Perth, Western Australia.

This conference investigates the history, current and future directions of Buddhism in Australasia and is a platform for scientists and Buddhists to present their latest researches on Buddhism. Researchers across a broad range of disciplines are welcomed as well the submission of pre-formed panel proposals.

The main themes of the Buddhism & Australia 2019 are

*Buddhism and its History in India

*Buddhism and its History in Sri Lanka

*Buddhism and Computers

*Buddhism in Our Days Tibet

What to Send

Proposals may be in Word or RTF formats with the following information:
*affiliation as you would like it to appear in program
*email address,
*title of proposal,
*body of proposal; no more than 300 words,
*up to 10 keywords.
*CV max 2 pages

Proposals should be submitted by October 20, 2018 by the following email: info@buddhismandaustralia.com
If a proposal is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by December 20, 2018. We acknowledge receipt and answer to all proposals submitted.


To participate in the 8th International Conference Buddhism & Australia, please contact Marju Broder by the following email: info@buddhismandaustralia.com

For more information: www.buddhismandaustralia.com

Marju Broder
Organizing Chair
Mob + 610405549923