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Call for Abstracts: RESEARCH COMMITTEE 22: SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION: “Challenges of the 21st century for sociology of religion”

Program Coordinators:

  • Eloísa Martín, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Juan Cruz Esquivel, University of Buenos Aires/ CONICET, Argentina
  • Mar Griera, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The debate on religion, its role, its development, and its future has been intense, extensive and sophisticated during the last few decades. Religion is both a central phenomenon itself and a key variable that can be used to explain economic, social, and political phenomena. Both facets require continuous in-depth research. In recent years, many sociologists have begun to identify limits to the current approach to religious phenomena, and especially to the definitions of religion developed in the West. A number of authors have extended this critique to the ways sociologists currently explain and interpret “religion” in the 21st Century. Though still emerging, such accounts have opened new paths by which sociologists of religion can face both the empirical and theoretical challenges of our era.

  • Entanglements among science, religion and spirituality in COVID times
  • Wtf? (“What the Faith?”) - Peering Anew into the Conceptual Domains of “Religion”, “God”, “Spirituality”, “Faith” and Related Constructs
  • Religious, Spiritual and/or Non-religious young people
  • Religion, Environment, and Social Movements
  • Revisiting ‘religion’ from a Gender Perspective
  • The Public Role of Religion
  • Beyond Western Centrism of Religion: To Study Africa Inspired Religions in the 21st Century
  • Civil Society and Religion

The ISA CONFEX website is now open for abstract submissions from October 26 – November 12, 2020, 24:00 GMT

Submission of new abstracts via online platform.

Abstracts must be submitted in English, French or Spanish.

A person may be listed in the Program:

  • up to 2 times as author or co-author (oral or poster presentation, distributed paper, roundtable presenter)
  • up to 2 times as chair or co-chair, panelist, critic, discussant

To be included in the program the participants (presenters, chairs, discussants, etc.) need to pay full registration fees by December 15, 2020. If not registered, their names will not appear in the Program Book and in the Abstracts Book.

ISA offers registrations grants to those persons that need it. Please, let us know if you would like to be considered for a registration grant.

Please address any questions to any of the Program Coordinators:

  • Juan Cruz Esquivel,
  • Eloísa Martín,
  • Mar Griera,