Call for Applications – Four Junior Fellowships
Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies – Jewish Scepticism, University of Hamburg
The application deadline for the fall 2015 semester fellowship is June 30, 2015.
The application deadline for the spring 2016 semester fellowship is December 31, 2015.
The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies – Jewish Scepticism (MCAS-JS) offers four Junior Fellowships, i.e. two for PhD candidates and two for Post-Docs, in each case for a period of six months, either during the fall or spring semester 2015-16. In well-founded cases according to an evaluation of the fellow’s results achieved so far an extension of the period of six months up to one year is negotiable. The award supports original research on (Jewish) scepticism in Ancient Times at the MCAS-JS. In this context, scepticism is understood as enquiry into (secular and sacred) belief and knowledge, the expression of doubts toward any kind of authority – raising the question of the criterion of truth (including implicit and explicit sceptical paradoxes) – and the purposefully evoked suspension of judgement to avoid dogmatism. Applications are welcome from young scholars in any field who are in the final stage of their thesis or Post-Doc research project. Fellowships carry a stipend of €1,400 for PhD candidates respectively €1,700 for Post-Docs.
Responsibilities of Junior Fellows
o Conduct original research at the MCAS-JS on a full-time basis; Fellows are required to spend a minimum of three days per week in residence.
o Deliver at least one workshop at the MCAS-JS based on the research conducted.
o Participate actively in the scholarly community at the MCAS-JS.
o Acknowledge MCAS-JS in all publications resulting from the fellowship.
o Submit a detailed report upon completion of the fellowship describing the experience as a MCAS-JS Fellow.
o Open to all scholars who are in the final stage of their PhD or Post-Doc project.
o It is the responsibility of the applicant to have the appropriate visa for acceptance of the stipend for the duration of the award.
Applications should include
1. Cover letter stating area of interest, knowledge of relevant languages, and how the project relates to the agenda of MCAS-JS, and preferred fellowship start date.
2. Curriculum Vitae, including contact information, education, publications, scholarly activities, teaching experience, and any other relevant work experience, as well as a transcript of records (PhD candidates) respectively PhD diploma (Post-Docs).
3. Research proposal of no more than three double-spaced pages, including clearly stated goals for research during the period of the fellowship.
4. A one-page bibliography of important secondary sources for the project.
5. Two letters of recommendation, which address the significance of the candidate’s work for his or her field as well as the candidate’s ability to fulfill the proposed research project. Letters of recommendation should be submitted directly by the referees to the address below; please list the names and email addresses of the referees in your CV. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that letters of recommendation are submitted by the deadline.
6. Please submit application, point 1-4, by email as one continuous PDF file.
Application schedule
o Applications for the fall 2015 semester are due June 30, 2015; applications for the spring 2016 fellowship are due December 31, 2015. For consideration all application materials, including the letter of recommendation, must be received by the deadline.
o Announcement of grant recipients: August 2015 for the fall semester; February 2015 for the spring semester.
o Commencement of grant period: October for the fall semester; April for the spring semester.
Applications are to be submitted to:
Dr. Bill Rebiger
Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies
- Jewish Scepticism
University of Hamburg
Rothenbaumchaussee 34
20148 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 428 38 8997