Call for Manuscripts: Review of Religion and Chinese Society

Call for Manuscripts: Review of Religion and Chinese Society

Religion in China is rising and diversifying amid rapid social changes. Scholars, journalists, policy makers and the general public have a growing interest in knowing about religion in China. Meanwhile, we have seen significant progress in the social scientific study of religion in Chinese societies in recent years. To accommodate this growing interest in and scholarship about Chinese religion, we are excited to launch a new journal, Review of Religion and Chinese Society, beginning in spring 2014. This international, peer-reviewed journal publishes original research articles and book reviews in the social sciences and humanities. All articles will be in English, along with Chinese titles and abstracts.

² “Religion” is understood in the broadest sense, including various spiritual and meaning-making systems of beliefs and practices.

² “Chinese society” includes the societies of mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, and Chinese diaspora communities throughout the world. The journal also welcomes studies that compare religion in Chinese and other societies.

² RRCS is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in its outlook and presents theoretical and empirical studies of religion. Preferred articles are theory-driven empirical studies, although the journal also publishes articles that are primarily empirical or primarily theoretical.

² The journal publishes reviews of books that have been published in English, Chinese, and other languages. It may also publish review essays of particular fields, symposia of particular topics, interviews with renowned scholars, and reports of academic conferences relevant to the journal’s themes.

² Article submissions and proposals for special issues are welcome.

We invite scholars to submit papers for consideration for publication. Please prepare your manuscript according to the Instruction for Authors, which you may find on the journal’s homepage (top-right corner) and submit it online ( Manuscripts will be evaluated through a double-blind review process.

For inquiries about the journal or proposals for a special issue, please email to rrcs.


Fenggang Yang, Professor of Sociology and Director of Center on Religion and Chinese Society Purdue University, USA. He has been recently elected the President of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.

Associate Editors:

Ryan Dunch, Associate Professor and Chair of East Asian Studies, University of Alberta, Canada.

André Laliberté, Professor of Political Science, University of Ottawa, Canada.

Book Review Editor:

David A. Palmer, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Hong Kong.

The international Advisory and Editorial Boards are composed of well-known and renowned scholars in different disciplines. Please see the homepage for a complete list (

RRCS Call for Manuscripts .docx