Call for panels and Papers: Populism as movement and rhetoric (Jyväskylä, Finland 17-19 March 2016)


Populism as movement and rhetoric

International conference

Jyväskylä, Finland on 17–19 March 2016

Venue: University of Jyväskylä, Seminarium (S)

Period for applying until October 7th 2015

In Finland as elsewhere in Europe, rapid social change, multicultural challenges, social inequality, and the way different kinds of threat are disseminated by the media for public imagination, have given rise to populist protests and appeals to cultural values usually combining anti-elite and anti-immigrant nationalism with nationally and locally bounded demands of social justice. In the conference, the populist movement and populist rhetoric are in the focus. We invite papers that study populism as a phenomenon with multiple sources and multiple agendas. Issues of nationality, Europeanness, ethnicity, gender, and environmental issues can be explored against the backdrop of the new public sphere and the intermingling of the private and the public in it.


Keynote speakers:

Yannis Stavrakakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Ruth Wodak, professor emerita, Lancaster University

Eoin Devereux, University of Limerick,

Mikko Lehtonen, University of Tampere


Coordinators of the conference: PhD Urpo Kovala and PhD Tuija Saresma, Department of Art and Culture Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Conference secretary: Irma Hirsjärvi Tel +358 40 8053518

Possible topics of the panels and presentations include, but are not limited to:

  • abusive empowerment in the rhetoric of protest
  • articulations of religion in populist agendas
  • from protest to power: populism in the margin and in the centre
  • cultural expressions of populism; cultural populism
  • politics and culture of populism
  • populist discourse
  • populist movements
  • populist rhetoric
  • populism and the ‘people’



Submissions for panel sessions
The deadline for proposals for panel sessions is October 7th 2015. The proposal has to include the title and a general description of the panel as well as the names of the individual contributors and the titles of their presentations. The maximum length is 300 words, excluding possible references.


Submissions for individual paper presentations
Individual paper presentations are organized in parallel sessions with 30 minute slots that include discussion time. The deadline for individual paper proposals is October 7th 2015. The maximum length is 300 words, excluding possible references. The acceptance will be notified in two weeks after the deadline

If you wish to participate without presenting a paper, please contact the conference secretary.

Submissions and registration (will open 22.9.2015)

Fees, scholarships and grants

Early bird fee is 140 euro (students 40 euro) until February 14th. Lunches, refreshments and conference dinner are included. Further information about travel and accommodation in Jyväskylä can be found in the conference website

A number of scholarships and grants for PhD students and those coming from the low income countries and are in need of financial support will be provided. They consist in a reduction of the participation fee and include all meals. Please note that the deadline for applying for a scholarship or grant is October 7th. The application process and criteria are explained in greater detail on the website:

Practical information

The conference takes place in the city of Jyväskylä ( It is organized by the research project Populism as Movement and Rhetoric, funded by the Academy of Finland (2014–2016) together with the Department of Art and Culture Studies, University of Jyväskylä (

About the research project:


Facebook: Populism as movement and rhetorics


Web page:


Twitter: during the conference #populistculture