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Call for Papers: “Communicating Religion’s Relevance”


Program Theme: “Communicating Religion’s Relevance”

Location: San Francisco, California
Hotel: Hotel Nikko San Francisco, 222 Mason Street

Date: August 7 (welcome reception) – August 9 Program

Program Chair: Brian Starks, Kennesaw State University

Although scholars of religion are keenly aware of the relevance of religion in today’s world, too often social elites and academics diminish the importance of religion. Even scholars who are well aware of religion’s relevance sometimes do an inadequate job explaining how religion permeates practically every aspect of social life. As sociologists of religion, we understand the relevance of religion to individuals as well as its consequences in the social, cultural, political, and economic dimensions of modern societies. The 2020 annual meeting’s thematic sessions will focus on several key topics:

  • What is the role of sociologists of religion in communicating the relevance of religion to their (our) fellow academics and to the broader public?
  • Are there ways that various sectors of our society have misunderstood, or failed to fully understand, religion, which sociologists of religion can remedy?
  • How do social and political elites, as well as ordinary citizens, employ religion when communicating about, or working to address, issues of local, national, or international concern?
  • How do social actors, including social movement leaders, draw upon religion and religious narratives to frame social problems? To appeal to human cognition, emotion, and morality?
  • What are religion’s unique features that distinguish it from other social phenomenon and help explain its distinct capacity to influence human and social life?
  • How, and under what circumstances, does religion contribute to new forms of identity, community, meaning, expression, moral conviction, and social control? How do we, as sociologists of religion, communicate religion’s relevance in these facets of our lives, to others?

Papers and sessions may be thematic or focus on any topic within the sociology of religion. Those that pursue and stimulate new avenues of research and innovative theoretical and methodological approaches are especially encouraged.

Specialty sessions, including book salons, teaching and professional development, and discussions that focus on a particular question, are also welcome.


  • Session proposals: March 31, 2020
  • Paper abstract submissions: April 30, 2020

All submissions should be made through the ASR website at

ASR Membership is required for organizing a session, presenting a paper, serving as a panelist, or holding another role in the program. All are expected to register for the meeting by July 1, 2020.

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