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Call for Papers: ISA-RC22 Mid Term Conference - “Religion, Politics and Uncertainty: Shifting the Boundaries”

Vilnius, Lithuania - November 11th to 14th


Please submit an abstract of your presentation through the website of the conference by September 1, 2021

Religion has always been an important resource helping people intimes of uncertainty. The current world is rife with uncertainty:throughout the world societies struggle with the ongoing COVID-19pandemic, recent waves of migration and a torrent of human rightsviolations of large scale, as well as threatening processes indicatedby manifestations of climate change and the like. In thesecircumstances, religion remains important both in the private life ofmany believers and in public for a variety of actors, and often enjoysnew opportunities to engage in a variety of public roles.Accordingly, we can observe a vigorous return of religion into publicspace and policies on local, regional, national, transnational andglobal levels evidenced, for example, by a growing role of religion inimplementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals.

With questioning of the secularization thesis and a broadeningscope of research to include a variety of non-Western contextsprompted, a public role of religion in modern societies has alreadybeen recognized. However, emergent social and political contextsraise new challenges in understanding and conceptualizingreligious and secular actors, actions, politics and ideologies, theirinteractions and boundaries between them. How scholars andvarious other actors redefine religion in the context of increasinglyconspicuous fluidity of boundaries between religion and politics onthe transregional, transnational and global levels? How religion istransformed and relocated by diverse and shifting interactions ofsecular and religious actors, secular and religious ideologies andpolitics of the past and memory? What impact different historicalcontexts and their interactions have on the role of religiouscommunities in relation to the increasingly international or globalnature of policies and implementing communities? These and otherissues related to religions, politics and uncertainty in contemporarysocieties we invite to discuss by presenting papers based on bothempirical (case or comparative) and/or theoretical studies.

Sub Themes

  • Conceptualizations of Boundaries of the Public and the Private in the Context ofReligion
  • Religion and Politics in Regional, National and International Communities
  • Religion and International Relations
  • Religion and Politics of Climate Change
  • Religion and Politics of Gender
  • Religion, Power and Politics
  • Religion and Human Rights
  • Religion, Populism and Ideologies
  • Religion and Politics of Migration
  • Ethnicity, Politics and Citizenship
  • Religion and National Identity
  • Religion and Politics of Past and Memory
  • Religion and History of Colonialism and Socialism
  • Religion, Politics and Media
  • Religion and Public Policy
  • Public Sociology of Religion
  • Religion and Science in Contemporary World
  • Religion and the Pandemics