Abstract and a short bio statement by 1st of November at the latest
Here is a Call for Papers for a special issue of the Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society. The topic of the special issue which will be guest edited by Gerald Hödl (Vienna) and myself, is the transformation of African derived American religions. The journal is published by Brill, fully open access (no costs for the authors as the journal is sponsored by the research centre Religion and Transformation at the University of Vienna). More information in the link:https://www.religionandtransformation.at/fileadmin/user_upload/p_religions_transformation/J-RaT/Call_for_papers_From_Syncretism_to_Hybridity.pdf
If you are interested please email us (hans.hoedl@univie.ac.at and b.schmidt@uwtsd.ac.uk). We will need abstract and a short bio statement by 1st of November at the latest. The article (if accepted) will be due in July 2021. Feel free to circulate the CfP. Thank you.