Proposed Panel at CRESC Annual Conference (SOAS, London, September 4-6 2013)
Abstract Deadline: April 8 2013
The Mediating Religion Network invites proposals for papers on the topic of “Media, Religion and In/vulnerabilityâ€. The Network aims to contribute several panel sessions at the 2013 Annual Conference of the Centre for Research into Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC). This year’s CRESC conference title is In/vulnerabilities and Social Change: Precarious Lives and Experimental Knowledge, and we are convinced that scholars of religion and media can make a valuable contribution to academic discussion of this important theme.
The CRESC Annual Conference Call for Papers can be found here:
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from “” claiming to be The conference focuses on “the relationship between vulnerability and invulnerabilityâ€, including the precarious lives of the majority and the precarious knowledge and status of religious, political and media elites.
Contributions may take historical and/or ethnographic perspectives and may approach the concept of media broadly to include either a direct focus on specific media (e.g., print or digital) and religion (e.g., religious broadcasting) or a wider theoretical focus on mediation as a problematic of social theory in which religion and its (in)vulnerability to processes of rapid social change is a recurring question.
Specific topics could include:
- Migration, Diaspora and Identities
- Media and Public Spaces
- Authority and Power
- Knowledge and Memory
Proposals for papers should include a title, a 200-word abstract and a very brief statement of the applicant’s affiliation and research interests. We would like to keep a focus around issues of blame and trust in our explorations of in/vulnerabilities.
Submissions should be sent to Dr Tim Hutchings (CRESC Research Fellow) at Feel free to contract Tim or to discuss paper proposals. Deadline for Proposals - April 8th 2013.
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