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Call for Papers: “Radicalisation and Islamophobia: Roots, Relationships and Implications in Religiously Diverse Societies”

“Radicalisation and Islamophobia: Roots, Relationships and Implications in Religiously Diverse Societies”
23–24 November 2015 – Sydney, Australia

Abstract submission date:         30 March 2015

While the themes of radicalisation and Islamophobia have been broadly addressed, to date there has been little or no investigation into the relationship between the two. Is radicalisation a response to Islamophobia? Or is Islamophobia a peripheral issue in light of the serious threat posed by radicalisation? Despite seeming to be independent from one another, there is a counter-intuitive link between radicalisation and Islamophobia as each serves to perpetuate its own radical narrative and generalisations. While radicalisation of Muslims causes fear and anxiety in the broader society, Islamophobia can be a source of excessive legal measures, discrimination of Muslims and vilification of Islam. Such Islamophobia feeding attempts are used by radical ideologues to justify their extreme narrative and recruit power which in turn increases Islamophobia.

This conference aims to explore how radicalisation and Islamophobia feed one another and work hand in hand to pull society towards polar extremes. By tackling these issues from political, sociological, psychological and theological angles, this conference aims to explore the root causes of radicalisation and in particular the significant impact of Islamophobia to that process. The 2nd Australasian Conference on Islam invites abstracts for original and critical research papers addressing the theme Radicalisation and Islamophobia: Roots, Relationships and Implications in Religiously Diverse Societies.

Abstracts of no more than 300 words must be submitted together with the contributor’s short biography (no more than 200 words) by 30 March 2015. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper must be submitted by 25 September 2015.

Submit abstracts should be submitted to Dr Derya Iner and copied to