Call For Book Proposals
Religion and the Social Order
A Book Series from Brill Academic Publishers and the Association for the Sociology of Religion
We are now seeking book proposals for Religion And The Social Order book series. The series was initiated by the Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR), which is an international scholarly association that seeks to advance theory and research in the sociology of religion. The aim of Religion and the Social Order (RESO) is to publish edited volumes or single topic monographs that center around a particular set of current interests within the sociology of religion. It specifically aims to advance theory and research within this field of study. The series seeks to publish at least one volume per year. Under the auspices of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, RESO has been published by Brill since 2004 and under the General Editorship of Inger Furseth since 2016. Please view the full Call For Proposals and find out more about the Manuscript Proposal Guidelines.
General Editor:
Inger Furseth, University of Oslo, Norway
Editorial Committee:
Lori Beaman, University of Ottawa, Canada
Michele Dillon, University of New Hampshire, USA
David Herbert, Kingston University London, UK
Juan Marco Vaggione, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Rhys Williams, Loyola University, Chicago, USA
Melissa M. Wilcox, University of California at Riverside, USA
Visit the Series on the Brill Website