ISSR 2019 Conference,
International Society for the Sociology of Religion (Barcelona, 9-12 July 2019)
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Dr Yaghoob Foroutan,
Associate Professor at The University of Mazandaran
Abstract :
This panel provides an avenue to consider religious minorities with specific attention to the world’s fastest growing religion. It includes two interconnected parts: while the first part focuses on the status of Muslim minorities in the western societies, the second part looks at the status of religious minorities in the Islamic societies. In these varying contexts, this panel addresses such key questions as, but limited to, whether and to what extent do these religious minorities differ in terms of socio-economic and demographic experiences and religiosity in their residing society? In particular, do Muslim minorities differ from other religious groups in terms of these experiences? Are such experiences different within Muslim minorities by ethnicity and compositional characteristics? Whether and how significantly are such experiences influenced by the religiosity of Muslim minorities? Such particular questions can be also referred to religious minorities in the Islamic contexts. Accordingly, this panel primarily aims to explore the dimensions, determinants and differentials associated with socio-economic and demographic experiences and religiosity among Muslim minorities in the western societies and religious minorities in the Islamic societies. The contrasts designed in this panel will also provide evidence to examine Huntington’s theory asserting that Western ethno-religious minorities in the Islamic states are more discriminated against than Islamic minorities in Western states. The panel welcomes both quantitative and qualitative papers which address each of these two parts of this panel outlined above from cultural, economic, demographic and sociological perspectives.