The Call for the 13th conference of The Ritual Year WG is now open!
Our 13th conference will take place in Bucharest, 7-9 November 2018.
Paper submission deadline 15 April 2018.
The conference theme is City Rituals.
Click here to download the Cfp.
For the 2018 conference of The Ritual Year Working Group, we ask ethnologists, anthropologists, sociologists and scholars in related fields to reflect on the following questions and topics in relation with the ritual year:
• The ritual year in the city (life cycle customs, calendric customs, other customs);
• Differences and similarities between the ritual year of multicultural urban and traditional rural societies;
• Religious versus non-religious rituals in the city;
• Urban holidays, celebrations and ceremonies;
• Urban feasts, festivals, events, carnivals;
• Cityscape before-during-after the celebration;
• Advertising city celebrations (media channels, actors, implications);
• Actors of city celebrations (organizers, performers, spectators, inhabitants);
• City celebrations and their multiple implications (political, social, economic, religious);
• The use of rituals in city planning and place marketing;
• The use of public urban space in the performance of rituals;
• Any other subject connected to the ritual year;
Please submit the title of your paper, an abstract of no more than 250 words, together with your name, academic affiliation, postal address and e-mail to A confirmation message will be sent to you upon arrival, if you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours of your submission, please resubmit. The papers must be written and presented in English or French. The conference papers will be published in a volume (as part of The Ritual Year Working Group’s yearbook series).
Romanian Academy (Casa Academiei - The House of the Academy) Calea 13 Septembrie nr.13 050711 Bucharest ROMANIA 44°25’20.6″N 26°05’13.6″E
Looking forward to being your host, in Bucharest,
Irina Stahl
Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy
Secretary of The Ritual Year Working Group (SIEF)