The online facility for submitting paper proposals for the ISSR Conference “Religion, Cooperation, and Conflict in Diverse Societies” (Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-7 July 2017) is now open and available at this link:
There, you can find a document describing the sessions (list of titles below). Please have a look and decide to which session you would like to submit your paper. When submitting the paper, please use the same link and the online form. The proposal (title and abstract up to 250 words) should be only in one language – English or French – in which you would like to present your paper. Please note that you can submit only one paper proposal!
The deadline for submitting paper proposals is 10 January 2017.
For more information on the conference:
List of Session Titles:
STS #1
Convener(s) Jörg Stolz, David Voas, Pierre Bréchon
Religiosity : Analysis of international and national quantitative surveys
STS #2
Convener(s) Irene Becci, Marian Burchardt, Mariachiara Giorda
Reshaping the secular in religious superdiverse societies
STS #3
Convener(s) Géraldine Mossière, Christophe Monnot
Conversion and socio-political commitment
STS #4
Convener(s) Pascal Tanner
Diversity within Non-Religion
STS #5
Convener(s) Jens Koehrsen, Alexandre Grandjean
Turning «green»: When religious actors get involved in sustainability agendas
STS #6
Convener(s) Roberto Cipriani
Homosexuality and religion
STS #7
Convener(s) Sarah-Jane Page, Anna Halafoff
Global Flows of Contemporary Buddhism
STS #8
Convener(s) Stéphanie Tremblay, Marie-Andrée Roy
Religious Diversity: Between the Majority Perceptions and Strategies of Religious Groups
STS #9
Convener(s) Kati Tervo-Niemelä
Religion and non-religion across generations
STS #10
Convener(s) Roberto M.C. Motta, Claude Ravelet, Léa Freitas Perez
Religious and Cultural Syncretism, Interpenetration, Fundamentalism, Intolerance, and Conflict in Brazil, France and Elsewhere: Comparative Views
STS #11
Convener(s) Sylvie Poirier, Françoise Dussart
Indigenous Contemporary Religiosities. Between Solidarity, Contestation, Convergence and Renewal
STS #12
Convener(s) Audrey Lim
Religion’s use of social media in society
STS #13
Convener(s) Yaghoob Foroutan
Muslims in the West: Patterns and Differentials
STS #14
Convener(s) Mina Shojaee, Yaghoob Foroutan
Gender and Religion: Correlates and Causes
STS #15
Convener(s) David Lehmann
Religion of the others : mimicry and ritual reworking
STS #16 Abstract
Convener(s) Mark R. Mullins
Neo-nationalism, Politics, and Religion in the Public Sphere in Japan and East Asia
STS #17
Convener(s) Gang-Hua Fan
Religiosity and Subjective Well-Being
STS #18
Convener(s) Wei-hsian Chi, Yoshihide Sakurai
Media and Religion in East Asia
STS #19
Convener(s) Julia Martínez-Ariño
Governing religious diversity and conflict in the city
STS #20
Convener(s) Cristina Rocha, Paul Freston, Kathleen Openshaw
Global Pentecostal Charismatic Christianities
STS #21
Convener(s) Norihito Takahashi, Tatsuya Shirahase
The Multicultural Engagement of Religious Organisations in the East Asian Context
STS #22
Convener(s) Elisabeth Arweck
Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity
STS #23
Convener(s) Philip Hughes
Pentecostalism, cooperation and conflict in diverse societies
STS #24
Convener(s) Tadaatsu Tajima, Yu-shuang Yao
Title New Religious Movements and Established Religions vs. Globalisation/Glocalisation in the Asia Context
STS #25
Convener(s) Magdalena Nordin, Lene Kühle
Title Religion in public institutions
STS #26
Convener(s) Nonka Bogomilova Todorova
“God’s Chosen Nation”: A Mythological Construct and Conflict-generating Potential
STS #27
Convener(s) Mia Lövheim
Media and Religious Diversity; conflict and cooperation
STS #28
Convener(s) Elisabeth Arweck
Religious Socialisation and Education: Ways to Promote Co-operation and Reduce Conflict in Diverse Societies?
STS #29
Convener(s) Zoran Matevski
Faith Communities and Religious Groups and the Principle of Religious Tolerance within South-Eastern Europe
STS #30
Convener(s) Elena Lisovskaya
Towards a sociology of the icon and iconography
STS #31
Convener(s) Conrad Hackett
Religion and educational attainment around the world
STS #32
Convener(s) Conrad Hackett
Opportunities and Challenges in Studying Asian Religions
STS #33
Convener(s) Kees de Groot
Religion in Prison
STS #34
Convener(s) Michele Dillon
Post-secular Catholicism
STS #35
Convener(s) Vyacheslav Karpov
Title Secularizations and Counter-secularizations: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives.
STS #36
Convener(s) Giuseppe Giordan, Siniša Zrinščak
Religions and Human Rights
STS #37
Convener(s) Yoshihide Sakurai, Kikuko Hirahuji
Religious Research and Religious Education in Contemporary Asia-Pacific Regions
STS #38
Convener(s) Heiner Meulemann
Celebration of life course transitions: A cultural residuum of religion after secularization
STS #39
Convener(s) Roberto Cipriani
Diffused Religion. Beyond secularization
STS #40
Convener(s) Torkel Brekke
Love thy neighbour? The roles of Christianity in shaping attitudes and policies to Muslim immigrants in Europe
STS #41
Convener(s) Victor Roudometof
The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Churches
STS #42
Convener(s) Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun
Judaism, judaicities. Mutations and evolutions of the contemporary jewish world
STS #43
Convener(s) Suzana Ramos Coutinho
Migration, Religion and Identity
STS #44
Convener(s) Dorota Hall, Dinka Marinović Jerolimov
“Refugee crisis” in Central and Eastern Europe
STS #45
Convener(s) Juliette Galonnier
Muslims and Race in Europe
STS #46
Convener(s) Vivarelli Clementine, Massignon Bérengère
Atheisms and religions in conflict ? Beliefs, paths, organisations
STS #47
Convener(s) Robert Dixon
Current Concerns in Parish and Congregational Research
STS #48
Convener(s) Pål Ketil Botvar, Ann Kristin Gresaker
Religion and humor – negotiation and conflict
STS #49
Convener(s) Irena Borowik, Katarzyna Zielinska
Religion in the public sphere: social discourses on biopolitics
STS #50
Convener(s) Frank Usarski, Edin Sued Abumanssur
Cooperation and conflicts among Latin American Religions
STS #51
Convener(s) Yannick Fer, Véronique Altglas, Hicham Benaissa, Juliette Galonnier, Gwendoline Malogne-Fer
Agenda for a Critical Sociology of Religion: subjective experience and social determinants
STS #52
Convener(s) Antonius Liedhegener, Anastas Odermatt, Conrad Hackett
Contested Religious Belonging in Europe. Measuring Old Traditions and New Identities in Comparative Perspective
STS #53
Convener(s) Anna Halafoff, Gary Bouma, Elisabeth Arweck
Worldviews of Millennials: Education, Social Inclusion and Countering Violent Extremism
STS #54
Convener(s) Louis Audet Gosselin
Title Media and Religious Radicalization: Gatekeeping and the Construction of Extremism
STS #55
Convener(s) Olaf Glöckner, Karine Michel
Conflicts, cooperation and completion among Jewish religious groups worldwide
STS #56
Convener(s) Andrea Rota, Rafael Walthert
Religious communities: Between public participation and internal tension
STS #57
Convener(s) Effie Fokas, Alexia Mitsikostas
The European Court of Human Rights at the Grassroots Level: exploring the Court’s role in governing religion-related tensions on the ground
STS #58
Convener(s) Heinrich W. Schäfer, Jens Koehrsen, Cecilia A Delgado-Molina
Religion and Social Inequality: Empirical Insights and Theoretical Reflections
STS #59
Convener(s) Rodrigo Toniol, Brenda Poveda Carranza, Mari Sol Garcia Somoza
Body, Politics and Religion. Theoretical approach, methodological articulations and ethnographic studies in Latin America
STS #60
Convener(s) Ludovic Bertina, Anahita Grisoni, Jean Chamel, Mathieu Gervais, Luis Martinez Andrade
Ecology, religions and spiritualities: from socio-environmental conflicts to cosmopolitcs
STS #61
Convener(s) Leni Franken, Sivane Hirsch
Religion and education in contemporary plural societies: a matter of neutrality?
STS #62
Convener(s) Titus Hjelm, James V. Spickard
Social Theory and Religion
STS #63
Convener(s) Inger Furseth
Religious Radicalism and Extremism
STS #64
Convener(s) Thea D. Boldt, Hubert Knoblauch
Religion as Communication: Materiality, Mediatization and Objectivation
STS #65
Convener(s) Uta Karstein, Thomas Schmidt-Lux
Architecture as a Medium of Religious Conflicts
STS #66
Convener(s) Carlo Nardella
Pope Francis and the Crisis
STS #67
Convener(s) Sara Teinturier, Sarah Scholl, Sivane Hirsch
Schools and religions : methodological challenges
STS #68
Convener(s) Anne Lancien
“Laicity”: an answer to conflicts in diverse societies?
STS #69
Convener(s) Igor Bahovec
Thomas Luckmann, Religion and Society: 50 Years of The Invisible Religion
NRF #1
Convener(s) Carolina Falcão
Thinking of religion, a multidisciplinary exercise