The Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society Atlanta, Georgia-April 17-20, 2013
Dear all,
I plan to organize a panel session on Sociology of the Middle East and Sociology of Islam at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia-April 17-20, 2013. Islam and the Middle East are increasingly studied by Sociologists, particularly by those interested in how Muslims are responding to globalization and capitalism. We are seeing vast social and political transformations in Muslim societies and the Middle East, especially following the Arab Spring. These transformations include increased urbanization, women’s participation in the workforce and education, migration. Importantly, more Islamic movements and parties are participating in multi-party system elections.
I welcome submissions related to, but not limited to the following
-Sociology of the Middle East
-Sociology of Islam
-Islamist Movements/Parties and Collective identity, -Political Economy of the Middle East -Education, Urbanization and work in the Middle East and Muslim societies
Please email me the following information by Monday, November 5:
-abstract, 350-400 words
-title of your paper
-your short bio, 100-150 words, including your institutional affiliation
Any questions are welcome.
Tugrul Keskin
Assistant Professor of International and Middle Eastern Studies Affiliated Faculty of Black Studies Sociology and Center for Turkish Studies Middle East Studies Coordinator (INTL) Portland State University
Editor of Sociology of Islam Journal (Brill)
Book Review Editor for the Societies Without Borders