October 14-17, 2019
Struga, Republic of North Macedonia
One of the key questions that contemporary sociology is faced is what exactly is the role of different religions when conflicts emerged between civilizations, ethnic groups and states? How do religious individuals and groups use their power in a development tending toward either peace or conflict? Sociological, philosophical, anthropological, historical, psychological and theological approaches are welcome in this Conference to contribute in an attempt to answer these questions.
The First European Conference on Religious Dialogue and Cooperation will provide scientific analysis of this global challenge. It will pay particular attention to their interconnections and to possible solutions.
We encourage authors to submit paper proposals based on the results of their scientific studies, as well as the methodological and theoretical aspects of the study of religion in Europe. The official language of the conference is English. All papers that successfully pass the reviewing process will be published in a journal with an international editorial board.
Please submit a 200-300 words abstract of your presentation by e-mail to: Ivana Dragovic, M.Sc., President of the Conference Organizing Committee email : by June 15, 2019.
Key dates:
- Submission of paper proposals: June 15, 2019.
- Notification of acceptance and opening of the registration: July 1, 2019.
- The final date of the registration for the conference: September 15, 2019.
- Final program: October 1, 2019.
- Submission of full papers: March 1, 2020
Registration Fee: 150 Eur The costs of travel and accommodation have to be covered by the conference participants. We offer organized transport from the Skopje Airport to Hotel Drim in Struga.
For participants of the conference, Hotel Drim ( offers reduced prices for accommodation with included meals.
All necessary information can be obtained from the official website of the Conference
We are looking forward to receiving your papers!
PROFESSOR ZORAN MATEVSKI, Ph.D. Director of the Center for Intercultural Studies and Research At the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje