Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada has been selected to nominate a prestigious Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration and Integration(https://www.ryerson.ca/research/resources/funding/cerc/) with a one-time investment of $10 million in funding over seven years. We are currently in the active search for a global research leader to nominate for this Chair position.
For details regarding the posting please click here(https://hr.cf.ryerson.ca/ams/faculty/preview.cfm?posting_id=514605). Applications should be emailed to cerc@ryerson.ca and will be accepted until February 25, 2018 at 11:59 p.m.
I would be happy to address any questions you may have on the initiative and our search. You may contact me at cerc@ryerson.ca. Thank you in advance for interest and assistance.
Sincerely yours,
Dayle Ann Levine
Manager, Institutional Projects
Office of the Vice President, Research and Innovation
Ryerson University
Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration at Ryerson University
Responding to one of the most pressing global issues our generation faces, we are seeking a visionary research leader for the Chair in Migration and Integration to head an internationally recognized research program. The global movement of people – whether it be permanent or temporary, within a country or cross-border, forced or voluntary – is increasingly shaping the political, economic and social processes of the 21st century. Ryerson is well positioned to support the program of a talented researcher who will make important contributions to this ongoing conversation and create solutions that will have a positive impact on the lives of migrants in Canada and abroad.
One of the most significant research awards in Canada and internationally, the CERC program supports and builds the global reputation of Canadian universities and leaders in research and innovation and funds top-tier, world-renowned international researchers and their team to build a robust research program addressing significant challenges.
Ryerson’s Centre for Immigration and Settlement (https://www.ryerson.ca/rcis/) is a leader in immigration studies, exploring migration, integration, as well as refugee and diaspora studies, and has a stellar track-record of creating knowledge that impacts policy and practices. The Chair will be particularly relevant in Ryerson, with its ethnically diverse faculty and student population, and based in Toronto, where immigrants make up more than half the population.
This is an exciting time to be in Canada, in Toronto, and at Ryerson University. Ryerson Universityis on a transformative path as Canada’s leading comprehensive innovation university. Located in the heart of Toronto, one of the world’s most cosmopolitan, culturally and linguistically diverse urban centres, Ryerson’s high quality programs and scholarly, research and creative activities extend beyond the walls of the University. Longstanding partnerships with community, industry, government, and professional practice drive research and innovation that respond to real-world problems.