Joint Conference - ISA RC22 & ACSRAL (MONTEVIDEO, 22-26 JULY 2024)
We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for our upcoming meeting, organized in partnership with, and amidst the 30th Conference of the Association of the Social Sciences of…
Registration Grants #ISAWCS23
ISA & RC22 members in good standing (i.e. who have paid their individual membership fees) and who will participate in the academic program (as presenters, chairs, discussants, and session organizers)…
Call for Papers: Religion and Spirituality as Sites of Learning,
I invite all of you to participate our conference Religion and Spirituality as Sites of Learning, organized by the Donner Institute and the LeNeRe-project (Learning from new religion and spirituality) that will take place on site…
Don’t miss the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology!
We want to remind you that the Call for Papers for the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology will close on September 30, 2022, at 24:00 GMT. Remember that…
RC22 Call for Session Proposals and Organizers for the 2023 ISA World Congress
Melbourne, Australia June 25th – July 1st This is an open call to propose sessions for the Research Committee 22 on the Sociology of Religion Program at the International Sociological Association…