Category Archives: Job Openings

Notes from the Australian Association for the Study of Religion June Newsletter


Centre of Islamic Studies and Civilisation’s Islamic Studies Research Colloquium via Zoom, 26 June 2020 at 3pm-5pm. RSVP by 22 June 2020.

PhD/Job Opportunities:

PhD funding related to Islam, Switzerland

There is a PhD position in the project “Shaping the legal consciousness of intersectional subjects: accommodating, negotiating and contesting regulations on Islamic veiling in France, Switzerland and the U.K.”

Details in English and French, see below.


Par la présente, j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la mise au concours d’un poste de doctorant·e FNS pour le 1er septembre 2020 sous la direction d’Eléonore Lépinard : 

Doctorant·e FNS dans le domaine de la sociologie/des études genre - annonce en français

Doctoral student SNSF in sociology/gender studies -annonce en anglais

Le délai de candidature est fixé au 15 juin à minuit.

Open position : PhD student in sociology of religion, diversity, and ethnicity

The Institute for the Social Sciences of Religions (ISSR) at the University of Lausanne is looking for a PhD student in sociology of religion, diversity, and ethnicity.
The selected person will work in a small motivated team on the creation and administration of the second wave of the National Congregation Study Switzerland (NCS II). This is a projet funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation on the diversity of local religious groups in Switzerland, across all religions, including both autochthonous and immigration groups. Collaborating partners are based at the University of Basel (CH), University of Strasbourg (F) and Duke University (USA).
Deadline for applications: June 30, 2020

Further details and submission of applications:

Only applications through the website will be taken into account. Thank you for your understanding

ISAGRAM issue 182, March 2020


Feminist Approaches to Justice: Sexual Violence and
the Peace-to-War Continuum

UN Commission on the Status of Women
ISA Parallel event
New York, USA
March 11, 2020

Democracy in Crisis
International Social Theory Consortium
University of South Florida, USA
May 14-16, 2020
Abstracts March 15, 2020

Multidimensional Risks in the XXI Century
ISA TG04 - ESA RN22 Risk & Uncertainty
Joint Midterm Conference
Narni and Perugia, Italy
October 13-14, 2020
Abstracts: March 15, 2020

Law and Digital Society: Re-Imagining the Futures
ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Law
Lund University, Sweden
August 24-26, 2020
Abstracts: March 15, 2020

Max Weber Around the World
A Workshop in Commemoration of the 100th
Anniversary of his Death
Istanbul, Turkey
October 19-20, 2020
Abstracts: March 20, 2020

Culture, Politics, and Education in the Trump Era
Chicago Ethnography Conference
DePaul University, USA
April 25, 2020
Abstracts: March 25, 2020

Rethinking the free time/work time divide
Université Paris-Est Créteil, France
October 8-9, 2020
Proposals: April 1, 2020


 The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems
Call for papers
Abstracts: March 30, 2020

 Oxford Handbook of the Power, Politics and Social

Call for papers
Abstracts: March 30, 2020

 Elgar’s Handbook of Global Aging and Welfare

Call for papers
Abstracts: March 30, 2020

 Creating Mixed Communities through Housing
Policies: Global Perspectives

Call for papers
Special Issue of Journal of Urban Affairs
Abstracts: March 31, 2020


RC33 Best Paper Award and Best Paper by a Young
Scholar Award 2020

Research Committee on Logic and Methodology in
Sociology (RC33)
Submissions: March 31, 2020

VIII ISA Worldwide Competition for Junior

International Sociological Association
Nominations: March 31, 2021


Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences 2020
Linking Theory and Empirical Research
Berlin, Germany
July 20-30, 2020
Applications: March 22, 2020

4 Ad Astra PhD Scholarship
University College Dublin, Ireland
Applications: March 31, 2020

Travel Grant for Starting Scholars from Overseas
The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological
Matsuyama University, Japan
October 31- November 1, 2020
Applications: April 16, 2020

Full-time Assistant Professor in International

Central European University
Vienna, Austria
Applications: March 31, 2020

AASR February Newsletter

Call for Papers:


Call for Abstracts for a Thematic Session on Humour and Religion, International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS) in Bologna, Italy, June 29-July 3, 2020. If you are interested, please send an abstract/outline to Lina Molokotos-Liederman: Deadline: 20 Feb 2020

Perception and Reception of Persia research unit (EABS, Wuppertal, August 3rd-6th 2020). Submission deadline: 20 February 2020. More info.

12th Annual International Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage (IRTP) Conference, 24th – 27th June 2020, Braga, Portugal (Catholic University of Portugal). Abstract deadline 21 Feb 2020. More info.

Worship and the Megachurch: Australasia and Beyond, 18-10 September 2020, Melbourne. Abstract deadline: 31 March 2020. More info.

3rd ANU Religion Conference - Religion and Migration: Culture and Policy. Canberra, 8-10 December 2020. Proposal deadline 30 April 2020. More info.

Call for chapters on Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion, Gender and Sexuality. Deadline 31 April 2020.

Call for papers on Religions special issue: Islamic and Muslim Studies in Australia.Deadline 31 May 2020.

Call for papers on Religion & Ecology for a special issue of Religions. Deadline 31 May 2020.
CISAC Islamic Studies Colloquium for 2020, 28 Feb 2020, 3-5pm, RSVP by 22 Feb. Online participation via Zoom. More info.
Job Opportunities
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Catholic Studies, Durham University

Professorship for Jewish Studies, University of Freiburg

Research Assistant in Jewish-Christian Relations in Past and Present, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Faculty of Theology

University Lecturer in Old Testament Studies, University of Helsinki

Lecturer in Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies
Australian National University, College of Arts and Social Sciences

Research and Outreach Associate (Fixed Term), Centre of Islamic Studies, Cambridge University

Research Associate. Islamic Art (Fixed Term), Centre of Islamic Studies, Cambridge University

Have you a new event, job opportunity or latest publication to share with AASR? Please get in touch with the AASR’s Communication Officer, Dr Enqi Weng, at with details by mid of 2nd and 4th week of each month to be included in our newsletter. Thank you.

Postdoctoral research post: Sex Abuse within the Catholic Church

Three-year postdoctoral research vacancy at Durham University, UK, on the project: Boundary Breaking: Exploring the Ecclesial Implications of Sex Abuse within the Catholic Church.

This is an excellent opportunity for an ECR. The candidate needs a thorough knowledge of Catholic ecclesial systems and a competence in the scholarly analysis of the doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church. In the light of the experienced difficulties facing the church, how might positive change be facilitated? Candidates will be required to work with a broad range of people, and with complex and sensitive issues; candidates will also need to be sensitive to gender and power dynamics. A job share will also be considered. Please see below for more details:

News: ISAGRAM issue 181, February 2020

Original Site


Seventh Annual Conference on the History of
Recent Social Science

Institute for the History and Philosophy of
Science and Technology,
University of Toronto, Canada
June 12-13, 2020
Abstracts: February 7, 2020

Heated Identities: Differences, Belonging, and
Populisms in an Effervescent World

XI Portuguese Congress of Sociology
Lisbon, June 29-July 1, 2020
Abstracts: February 13, 2020

Immigration Politics, Refugee Crises, and Ethnic
Dynamics in the Turbulent 2010s: Canada and

Canadian Ethnic Studies Association
Saint Mary’s University, Canada
October 16-17, 2020
Abstracts: February 15, 2020

What People Leave Behind: Marks, Traces,
Footprints and their Significance for Social

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
June 15-16, 2020
Abstracts: February 15, 2020

Living in a World of Nation States

Institute of Sociology of the Russian
Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
April 15-16, 2020
Abstracts: February 28, 2020


Bandits, Brigands, and Militants: The Historical
Sociology of Outlaws

Call for papers
Special issue of Journal of Historical Sociology
Abstracts: February 15, 2020

 Childhoods at the Core of Research
Call for papers
Special issue of Sociedad e Infancias
Abstracts: February 15, 2020

Systemics and Complexity Theories
Call for papers
Special issue of World Complexity Science
Academy Journal

Submissions: February 20, 2020

Social Farming for Social Innovation and
Viability in Rural Areas

Call for papers
Special issue of Sustainability
Submissions: February 29, 2020

 Handbook on the Circulation of Academic

Call for contributions
Submissions: March 31, 2020


Norbert Elias Book Prize 2020
Norbert Elias Foundation
Nominations: April 30, 2020

VIII ISA Worldwide Competition for Junior

International Sociological Association
Nominations: March 31, 2021


International Postdoctoral Program
Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning
Applications: February 28, 2020

7 Doctoral Researcher Positions in Research
Training Group

Bremen International Graduate School of Social
Sciences, Germany
Applications: February 29, 2020

The Ethel Louise Armstrong Post-Doctoral
Fellowship in Disability Studies

Ryerson University, Canada
Applications: March 1, 2020

Tanis Doe Postdoctoral Fellow in Gender,
Disability and Social Justice

Ryerson University, Canada
Applications: March 1, 2020

2 Doctoral Studentships in Sociology
Södertörn University
Stockholm, Sweden
Applications: February 17, 2020

 Senior Researcher in the Area of Economic

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Applications: February 28, 2020

Jobs: Centre of Islamic Studies University of Cambridge

The Centre is looking for people to fill these three roles so please pass on to anyone who might be interested:

Current Vacancies:

Teaching and Outreach Associate

We are looking for an experienced professional to plan and deliver the Centre’s teaching programmes – namely, Arabic language courses for university students and modules on Islam for primary and secondary schools and other organisations. The deadline for applications is 24 February 2020.

Closing date – 24 February!

Research and Outreach Associate (Fixed Term)

The University of Cambridge is seeking to appoint a Research and Outreach Associate in the Centre of Islamic Studies, to begin in September 2020. The post is a three-year, fixed-term position.

Research Associate. Islamic Art (Fixed Term)

The University of Cambridge is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research and Outreach Associate to design and conduct original research into Islamic art, aesthetics and/or material culture in the Centre of Islamic Studies, to begin in September 2020. The post is a three-year, fixed-term position.

The closing date for these two roles in 19 April 2020.

Job Opening: RE Council, UK - Literature review

Short Term Contract work: March-April 2020

Expressions of interest outlining suitability for the project should be sent, along with a writing sample, to by 5pm on 7th February.

The RE Council is looking for a researcher to undertake a literature review on work engaging with the concept worldview. The literature review must include work within the disciplines of religious studies, theology, and religious education. In addition, it should acknowledge work on worldview in other disciplines where it is relevant to religious education.

The successful candidate will be working with guidance from Professors Trevor Cooling, Denise Cush, and Stephen Pattison, although it will be the successful candidate who is expected to produce the text of the literature review.

Applications are welcome from researchers who wish to undertake the whole review as well as those who would wish to share the work with another researcher.

The successful candidate(s) should have or be working towards a PhD or equivalent in a related field.

It is expected that the work will take place in March and April 2020.

The fee for delivery of the contract to the required high standard will be £8,000.

Interviews will take place on 18th February (virtual interviews will be possible). Potential candidates who would like to discuss the work prior to making an application should feel free to contact Rudolf Eliott Lockhart on

Job Opening: Program Officer opening at John Templeton Foundation

Location: Philadelphia metro area, Pennsylvania, USA

Department: Human Sciences (Programs)

Reports to: Director, Human Sciences

Salary: Competitive salary and benefits package based on qualifications and experience

Travel: Domestic and international travel as pertinent

Deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis

Organization and Position

The John Templeton Foundation serves as a philanthropic catalyst for discoveries relating to the deepest and most perplexing questions facing humankind. We support research within disciplines ranging from astrophysics, evolutionary biology, and genetics, to philosophy, psychology, and economics. We encourage civil, informed dialogue among scientists, philosophers, and theologians, as well as between such experts and the public at large. In all cases, our goal is to spur curiosity and accelerate discovery. To catalyze such discoveries, we provide grants for independent academic research on a wide range of topics that relate to the Foundation’s mission.

The Human Sciences department maintains a grants portfolio of more than $70 million of projects around the world. The department supports basic and applied scientific research on a wide array of topics within the social, behavioral, cognitive, and health sciences, especially as they relate to human nature, human flourishing, and the scientific study of religion. Current strategic priorities include health, religion, and spiritualityreligious cognition, the science of character virtue, the dynamics of religious change, and intellectual humility. The Human Sciences department is particularly interested in building capacity and enthusiasm for neglected topics within the academy.

To advance the Foundation’s mission and strengthen our team, the Foundation is seeking a Program Officer for Human Sciences. The Program Officer will work with the Senior Program Associate and the Director of Human Sciences to develop and commission new initiatives to advance the strategic priorities, recruit and review grant proposals, communicate with applicants and grantees regarding the application and review process, and collaborate with our evaluation team to determine the impact of our grants.

Areas of Responsibility

  • Review and analyze grant proposals, prepare funding recommendations, monitor grant performance, and manage the Foundation’s relationship with principle investigators.
  • Develop and commission new ideas for grants and projects, including in collaboration with the Director, Human Sciences, and Vice President, Programs.
  • Evaluate the performance of grants and grantees in conjunction with the Foundation’s department of Planning and Evaluation.
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of strategic priority plans.
  • Communicate the mission of the Foundation both internally and externally, especially to researchers, academic institutions, and in related networking opportunities.
  • Identify and communicate with other funding agencies whose goals overlap with the Foundation’s interests in the human sciences.
  • Organize and participate in conferences, workshops, and symposia relevant to the goals of the Human Sciences department.
  • Participate in professional development opportunities.

Required Qualifications, Skills, and Abilities

  • Graduate degree in the social, cognitive, behavioral or health sciences (Ph.D. preferred).
  • At least three years of professional experience in a foundation or academic setting.
  • A track record of excellence in writing and editing program-related content, proposals, papers, and presentations.
  • Highly organized with strong analytical skills.
  • Skilled communicator able to work collaboratively with scholars and members of the academic community as well as across internal departments in an interdisciplinary environment.
  • Strong personal interest in the Foundation’s mission.

Preferred Skills and Abilities

  • A track record of scholarship in scientific study of religion and/or clinical research.
  • Demonstrated interest in at least one of the department’s current strategic priorities.
  • Experience in interdisciplinary academic research.
  • Ability to communicate with scholars and members of the academic community.
  • Ability to build relationships and to maintain professional networks.
  • Ability to understand the Foundation’s mission and core themes.


We are committed to caring for our employees and their families through exceptional benefits. We pay for 100% of employee medical, dental and vision premiums, and generously contribute to family premiums. We provide life insurance, short-term disability coverage and long-term disability coverage at no cost to employees. We offer a 401(k) retirement savings plan with an employer match and additional discretionary contributions. Paid time off includes generous vacation, sick, and personal days. The Foundation offers a unique donation program, enabling employees the ability to direct a $5,000 donation to a mission aligned organization of their choice, with no employee donation required.


The Foundation’s offices are in West Conshohocken, PA, a short drive (~15 miles) from Philadelphia and within walking distance of a commuter train station into downtown Philadelphia. The offices are close to residential and commercial districts with multiple restaurants, as well as Philadelphia’s Main Line suburbs where Villanova University, Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College are located. The surrounding area has many walkable communities with an affordable cost of living and a robust variety of cultural and entertainment opportunities, including a vibrant food scene, five professional sports teams, world-class museums, galleries, gardens, and a broad array of music venues and other performing arts institutions. The offices are in close proximity to major highways, with New York City, the Jersey shore, the Pocono Mountains, and the heart of Pennsylvania’s Amish country all within a two-hour drive. The offices also provide easy access to Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor (making New York City or Washington, D.C. an easy day trip) and to Philadelphia International Airport, an American Airlines hub serving destinations throughout the U.S. (more than a hundred routes), Caribbean (a dozen routes), and Europe/MENA (more than twenty routes).

To Apply

To learn more about the role, or to apply, please visit