Publishing Opportunities
CALL for journal articles: “Building an Open Qualitative Science”
CALL FOR ARTICLES RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences ISSUE ON: Building an Open Qualitative Science The qualitative research tradition appears to be on an upward…
CFP for Journal Special Issue on Religion and Bioethics
Dr Tyler Tate from Oregon Health and Science University, United States, and Dr. Hossein Godazgar from University of Warwick are editing the Research Topic of ‘Religion and Bioethics: A Sociological…
Waikato Islamic Studies Review - Call for Papers
Waikato Islamic Studies Review - Call for Papers&nbhttps://ttp:// On behalf of the University of Waikato Islamic Studies Group, I warmly invite submissions of papers which examine Islam in…
Call for Papers: Transformations of Latin American Catholicism
Call for Papers: Transformations of Latin American Catholicism since the mid-20th Century for International Journal of Latin American Relihttps://ttp:// Call for Papers: Transformations of Latin American Catholicism since the…