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AHRC Midlands4cities PhD scholarship opportunities
Please see below for information re PhD funding at Coventry University (and other university across the Midlands, UK). These are funded PhD opportunities both for specific projects as well as…
PhD scholarship: Religion, Materiality and the African Diaspora in Australia
Western Sydney University’s Religion and Society Research Cluster is advertising a fully-funded PhD scholarship in the ARC Discovery project “The African Diaspora in Australia: New Perspectives on Materiality, Media and…
Notices from the Australian Association for the Study of Religion
Call for Papers: Conferences International Conference on Religious Tourism (ICRT), University of Punjab, Lahore Pakistan, 8-9 January 2020. Abstract deadline: 11 November 2019. More info. “Mosques, power and politics”, Copenhagen,…
Study day: The secularism of Quebec in the mirror of its religiosity
Thursday 21 and Friday 22 November 2019. Led by: Jean-François Laniel Jean-Philippe Perreault
ICSOR Newsletter Posted
The recent Newsletter of the International Center for the Sociology of Religion has been posted on the organization’s website. Available in both English and Italian, the newsletter contains information…