Online Chat about Proposed Mentoring Café
Socrel and M2M (Misogynoir to Mishpat) are hosting an online coffee chat on November 15th, between 1-2pm (UK Time). Our focus will be on the proposed launch of a joint…
The International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society (INSBS) 2022-2023 Grant Programmes
INSBS 2022-23 Grant Schemes are now open for applications We are excited to launch our 2022-2023 Grant Programmes. There are four schemes now open for applications Seed Funding Grants (deadline Oct…
Obituary: Professor Maria Immacolata Macioti (8 December 1942-10 July 2021)
Gentile Collega, dolente, annuncio la scomparsa della Professoressa Maria Immacolata Macioti, studiosa e docente della Sapienza, Università di Roma. Roberto Cipriani Maria Immacolata Macioti (8 dicembre 1942-10 luglio 2021), membro dell’International Advisory Board dell’ICSOR…
PhD Scholarship Funding
An ESRC funded PhD studentship is now available for a project that researches Muslim women in higher education institutions in Britain. The project is jointly supervised by Dr Khursheed Wadia…
Call for Sessions & Papers: Association for the Sociology of Religion, August 2021
82nd Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion Call for Sessions and Papers Theme: “Communicating Religion’s Relevance” Location: A specially designed virtual conference platform (see note 1…