Call for Papers: Shir ha-Shirim 2016
Pretoria, 31 August to 2 September
The fifth international conference on Song of Songs in the Shir ha-Shirim conference series will take place in Pretoria, South Africa, from the evening of 31 August until 2 September 2016 (thus ending two days before the IOSOT conference in Stellenbosch, well in time for colleagues wanting to combine these two events as a conference series).
Taking up the central exegetical debate identified in the previous meetings, the theme for 2016 has been formulated as:
“Song of Songs – literal exegesis in the light of new approaches”
Contributions that engage with African publications and thematics are particularly encouraged. As is the tradition with this conference series, exegetical, hermeneutical and cross-disciplinary contributions from different specialisms are warmly welcomed. All papers may afterwards be submitted for publication to the Journal for Semitics (shortened Harvard reference system); they will undergo the usual peer-reviewed process.
If you would like to attend the conference in order to present a paper, please submit a paper proposal (consisting of a title and ± 150-word abstract) no later than 15 April 2016 to
If you would like to attend the conference without presenting a paper, please reserve a seat no later than 13 May 2016.
The conference fee: R1 500.00. The fee is payable in cash upon registration, and includes the conference dinner. Receipts will be issued by the departmental secretary.
Please note: Colleagues who want to take day-trip game drives or visit important sites in Pretoria and Johannesburg (Voortrekker Monument, Mandela House in Soweto, Apartheid Museum, Mandela Square) should inform Christo Lombaard beforehand. He will arrange group trips with trusted service providers, who will convey the costs to interested participants.
For more information contact:
PD Dr Stefan Fischer
University of Vienna
Schenkenstr. 8-10
A-1090 Wien
Prof. Christo Lombaard
University of South Africa
P.O. Box 392
Pretoria 0003
South Africa