Conference: “The Faith Lives of Women and Girls: Identities, Experiences, Practices, and Beliefs
26- 27 March 2019
Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham
- Dr Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor, Centre for Trust, Peace, and Social Relations, Coventry University
- Prof. Chia Longman, Director of the Centre for Research on Culture and Gender, University of Gent
- Dr Yafa Shanneik, University of Birmingham
- Prof. Nicola Slee, Queen’s Foundation (Birmingham) and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
This two day conference explores the diverse faith lives, identities, experiences, practices, and beliefs of self-identifying girls and women, in their individual, community, and institutional contexts. The conference welcomes
- postgraduate
- early-career
- academic researchers
- grassroots practitioners
The conference examines gender and feminism in religions, spiritualities, and theologies. The event is grounded in qualitative and quantitative approaches and also addresses the methodological questions that arise when researchers consider contemporary female faith.
We welcome 200 – 300 word abstracts for 20 minute papers from a range of disciplines and religious and spiritual traditions, and emerging themes in non-religion. We are very open to broad range of topics and issues. Alternative formats, panel proposals, and posters are also encouraged.
The conference is committed to ensuring an inclusive environment for discussion and the dissemination of work.
Please submit your abstract as a word document and include your name, affiliation, title of paper, and email address, and send to both the following email addresses:
- Prof. Nicola Slee
- Dr Dawn Llewellyn