CFP: Transnational Death, an edited volume
Editors: Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto (Postdoctoral Researcher, European
Ethnology, University of Helsinki), Samira Saramo (Postdoctoral
Researcher, John Morton Center, University of Turku), and Hanna Snellman
(Professor of European Ethnology, University of Helsinki) Publisher:
Finnish Literature Society (SKS), Studia Fennica Ethnologia series (the
final publishing decision will be made after the review process)
When people move and migrate, at some point families face the loss of
their loved ones. Death in the transnational migrant context raises
questions of distance and distinct traditions: What kinds of options for
burial and commemoration rituals exist in different places and cultures?
How are such practices shaped by time and place? Where and how do people
themselves wish to be buried, and how do burial choices speak to
identifications with home? Is it important for relatives to be present
at funerals and to be able to visit graves? How can transnationalism be
viewed through deaths occurring at war or peacekeeping in distant
frontiers? How are funerals and mourning rituals arranged in unusual
circumstances when people are on the move, such as during the current
refugee crisis? How has death and mourning been narrated by migrants,
and how do these narrations speak to transnationalism and identity?
This volume addresses the practices and representations of transnational
death. It welcomes articles based on ethnographic and historical studies
of transcultural mourning and commemorative practices in migrant
families, communities, and transnational cemeteries, with a broad
geographic lens. Abstracts (300 words) and a short bio can be sent to by February 29, 2016.
Timeline: Article abstract submission deadline: February 29, 2016
Notification of article acceptance: March 30, 2016
Submission of article (7000-8000 words): September 30, 2016
Articles returned with Editors’ comments: January 30, 2017
Deadline for final articles: May 30,
2017 Post-Review Revisions and Editorial work: Fall &Winter 2017