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Chinese Overseas and China: Through A Global Lens

Call for Papers

International Conference of ISSCO X

Chinese Overseas and China: Through A Global Lens

Organizers: organized by the School of International Studies and Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China and the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO)

Dates: 8-11 November, 2019

Arrival Date: 8 November 2019

Conference: 9-10 November 2019

Fieldtrip: 11 November 2019 (qiaoxiang)

Languages: Chinese English

Venue: Jinan University, Guangzhou

As we move deeper into the 21st century, we are witnessing an intensification of various global flows impacting on a changing socio-economic, socio-political, and socio-cultural landscape. Existing communities have been reconfigured and new communities have arisen as a result of these global flows intersecting and inter-relating in variable ways. From territorial-based to virtual communities, at the local and global levels, communities have become more diverse.

Historically, the Chinese overseas have maintained different kinds of identity, affinity, and relationship with China, as an actual or imagined ancestral homeland. The sentiments and relationships of this group of people with China vary from place to place and change over time, depending on the politics of the respective host countries, China’s position in the world-system, and China’s policies towards ethnic Chinese abroad. In the 21st century, with China’s rise to a position of power on the global stage, a different set of opportunities and challenges for the Chinese overseas has also emerged. The opportunities and challenges are intertwined with mixed feelings about China’s role on the global stage (whether a powerful ally or competitive foe), robust or weak connections to China as an ancestral homeland, and personal life and economic strategies, among other forces. Irrespective of their actual relationships with or sentiments about China, however, the Chinese overseas are implicated in all things related to China.

The ISCCO X Conference theme “Chinese Overseas and China: Through A Global Lens” welcomes multidisciplinary scholarship on Chinese Overseas and China that will shed light on various issues including migration, identity and cultural formation, social, economic and political interaction.

Proposed topics include, but are not limited to the following:

· Chinese diaspora identities and China

· Transnational, circulatory, and talent migration

· New and old Chinese diaspora communities and the nation-state

· Chinese overseas entrepreneurship and China

· Gender, marriage, and kinship

· Religion and spirituality

· Chinese overseas cultural activities and China

· Histories and personalities


· Individuals are welcome to organize and propose their own panels. Each panel cannot exceed four panelists. The abstract proposal for a panel should be within 500 words and include a list of the participants (title, affiliation, and role in the panel).

· Individuals are also encouraged to submit their own abstract proposals. Individual abstracts should be within 300 words.

· Please submit all abstracts (word/pdf named as ISSCO2019_Your last and first names) to and

· To submit your abstract, please download the form from the following website: OR

Important Deadlines

Deadline for submitting abstract: 15 March 2019

Notification of selected abstracts: 10 May 2019

Deadline for submitting full paper: 16 September 2019

Further Details

· English and Chinese will be the main languages used during the conference.

· There will be no registration fee, but all conference participants will pay for their own transportation and accommodation.

· On the last day of the conference (11 November 2019), there will be a self-paid excursion to a Chinese overseas village (qiaoxiang) in Guangdong Province.

· Information on hotels in Guangzhou will be provided in May.


Contact person: Ms. XU Hanpeng

Tel. (+86) 15626210541 (mobile); email:
