Conference / Call for Papers: Formatting Nonreligion in Late Modern Societies - Institutional and Legal Perspectives

26-27 sept. 2018 Oslo (Norway)

The conference is jointly organised by the research project Good Protestant, Bad Religion? Formatting Religion in Modern Society (GOBA) at the University of Oslo and the Eurel project.

Conference deadlines:

  • submission of abstracts 28 February 2018
  • notification of results 31 March 2018
  • Conference 26-27 September 2018

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Formatting Non-religion in Late Modern Society - Institutional and Legal Perspectives invites scholars across disciplines to address the conceptualisation and knowledge of nonreligion in the late modern society. The starting point of the conference is that nonreligion is a culturally contingent concept that displays sociocultural variations across different geographical regions and socio-political systems. With an increasing nonreligious population, the maps of religious belonging needs to be reconfigured, which also could impact how both religious and nonreligious affiliations are recognised by the state. 

The conference features keynote speeches by Professors Lori Beaman (University of Ottawa) and Lois Lee(University of Kent).

The conference invites papers with approaches based in political science, sociology, and law. Sociological approaches can draw on both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Papers will address any of the following questions: 

  • How can nonreligion be defined, and how can the “nones” be grasped and taken into account in studies on religion?
  • How does the sociocultural and religious backdrop of different countries affect the regulation and representation of nonreligion in law and policymaking?
  • Where and how do nonreligious individuals and collectives fit into institutions in contemporary societies?
  • In which ways do services developed to satisfy the existential needs of citizens provided by the state through law and politics (“from above”) – recognise worldviews and sentiments that are something other than religious? How can nonreligious beliefs be addressed by the law?
  • How does nonreligion “from above” affect notions of citizenship and national belonging? 

Paper proposals of no more than 300 words can be submitted here by February 28th, 2018. Proposals must specify which conference theme the paper addresses, and indicate the author’s contact information and institutional affiliation.

The Eurel prize will be awarded at the 2018 conference. It is open to PhD students and young researchers (less than 3 years after defence of the doctorate). Specify in your proposal if you are in such a situation.

Authors will be notified by March 31st 2018 if their proposal has been accepted. The organizers will cover accommodation for one night and all meals for presenters. Transportation fees will not be taken in charge.

Papers must be presented in English or French, normally no more than 20 minutes. If possible, the presentation documents will be in the language not used for the presentation. Although not not mandatory for participation, this would be appreciated.

Scientific Committee: Helge Årsheim (Norway), Erlend From (Norway), Sylvie Toscer-Angot (France), Michał Zawiślak (Poland), Anne-Laure Zwilling (France).