Dear colleagues,
The Chair of Law and Religions, the Research Institute of “Religions, Spiritualties, Cultures and Societies” (RSCS) at the Université Catholique de Louvain, and National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) Belgium, jointly organize the international conference on halal “Rethinking Halal: Genealogy, Current Trends, and New Interpretations,” to be held at the Université Catholique de Louvain, in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, on 18-19 June 2018.
Please find attached the poster and two-day programs’ conference for more detailed information. If you happen in Belgium this incoming Summer, please join us and register at the link below:
Kind regards,
Ayang Utriza Yakin
Chaire de droit et des Religions
Institut de recherche Religions, Spiritualités, Cultures, Sociétés (RSCS),
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL),
Collège Albert Descamps, Grand Place, 45, Bte.L3.01.02
B-1348, Louvain-la-Neuve, la Belgique.
Téléphone portable : (+32)