Diaspora: 22 March 2019 University of Leicester conference on migrants’ rights, the UN Global Compact on Migration & the SDGs 2030

Dear All, 
please find attached the programme for a very exciting conference, generously supported by the Modern Law Review, to be held at the University of Leicester on Friday 22 March on the prospects for migrants’ rights protection in light of the UN Global Compact and the SDGs 2030. 
To register for the conference, please follow this link: https://shop.le.ac.uk/product-catalogue/events-at-leicester/leicester-law-school/migrants-rights-at-a-crossroadsMigrants’ Rights at a Crossroads | shop@leSeizing the Moment(um) of the Global Compact and the SDGs 2030 to forge a new path for the protection of migrants’ rights One-day conference, supported by the Modern Law Review, on migrants’ rights in the context of the UN Global Compact and the SDGs 2030 The conference will take place from 9am - 5.15pm on 22 March 2019 in Council Suite Rooms 1 & 2 in the Fielding Johnson Building at the …shop.le.ac.uk