Nordic Journal of Migration Research (NJMR) is a scholarly and professional, international open access journal, founded by Nordic Migration Research (NMR). NJMR aims to promote and advance the circulation of the multidisciplinary study of ethnic relations and international migration that is conducted in the Nordic countries. The language of the journal is English.
We are looking for people to review the books listed below. Unfortunately we are unable to pay our book reviewers, but you will get to keep the book. The book might come in electronic form. The language of the review is English even if the book is in other language.
If you are interested in the following 3 books, please send an e-mail directly to Jaana Palander ( in which you highlight with a few words your research background and suitability to do the review. Please remember to ADD YOUR POSTAL ADDRESS.
- Conny Rijken & Tesseltje de Lange (eds.) (2018). Towards a Decent Labour Market for Low-Waged Migrant Workers. Amsterdam university press.
Central to this edited volume is the legal position and the labour situation of non-EU and EU low-waged migrant workers. Towards a Decent Labour Market for Low-Waged Migrant Workers presents ground breaking research on policies and practices in search of striking a right balance between the economic ambitions and the negative consequences thereof, for labour market dynamics such as down-ward wage pressures, unfair competition, the abuse of migrant workers and even the long-term setback for the children of previously low-waged migrant workers. Imbalances or presumed imbalances between free market mechanisms, labour migration policies, labour market protection and corrective mechanisms to protect migrant workers, thus come to the fore. The contributors to this volume will deconstruct some of these imbalances, and shed light on its causes, consequences and interrelatedness with other factors. Possible solutions that contribute to a decent labour market, in which rights of low-waged migrant workers are more respected, will be discussed.
- Ellis Hurd (ed.) (2018). The Reflexivity of Pain and Privilege – Auto-Ethnographic Collections of Mixed Identity. Brill.
The Reflexivity of Pain and Privilege offers a fresh and critical perspective to people of indigenous and/or marginalized identifications. It highlights the research, shared experiences and personal stories, and the artistic collections of those who are of mixed heritage and/or identity, as well as the perspectives of young adolescents who identify as being of mixed racial, socio-economic, linguistic, and ethno-cultural backgrounds and experiences. These auto-ethnographic collections serve as an impetus for the untold stories of millions of marginalized people who may find solace here and in the stories of others who are of mixed identity.
- Hille Haker & Molly Greening (eds.) (2018). Unaccompanied Migrant Children Social, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives.Lexington Books.
This volume gathers international experts from the fields of social work, social science, law, philosophy, and Catholic ethics. Social science, psychological, and social work studies, analyses of US and international law of child migration, refuge and asylum policies, and several case studies regarding law enforcement highlight the more recent shifts in policies both in the United States and Europe. The current policies are confronted with two major normative frameworks that go beyond migration laws or the international refugee and asylum provisions: the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, and the approach of the Catholic social ethics of migration. The authors address the challenges of childhood under the conditions of migration: the uprooting of lives, the journey and transition into foreign countries and cultures, and the transition into adulthood. They discern the legal provisions and obstacles of the immigration process, the securitization of the borders, and the criminalization of unaccompanied migrant children.
Unaccompanied Migrant Children: Social, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives - 9781498574532rowman.comInternational scholars from different disciplines examine the experiences of unaccompanied migrant children before, throughout, and after their journeys and analyze US and European policy changes in…
If you are interested in the following 5 books, please reply directly to Anne Häkkinen ( in which you highlight with a few words your research background and suitability to do the review. Please remember to ADD YOUR POSTAL ADDRESS.
- Nina Glick Schiller & Ayse Caglar (2018). Migrants and City-Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration. Duke University Press.
In Migrants and City-Making Ayse Çaglar and Nina Glick Schiller trace the participation of migrants in the unequal networks of power that connect their lives to regional, national, and global institutions. Grounding their work in comparative ethnographies of three cities struggling to regain their former standing—Mardin, Turkey; Manchester, New Hampshire; and Halle/Saale, Germany—Çaglar and Glick Schiller challenge common assumptions that migrants exist on society’s periphery, threaten social cohesion, and require integration. Instead Çaglar and Glick Schiller explore their multifaceted role as city-makers, including their relationships to municipal officials, urban developers, political leaders, business owners, community organizers, and social justice movements. In each city Çaglar and Glick Schiller met with migrants from around the world; attended cultural events, meetings, and religious services; and patronized migrant-owned businesses, allowing them to gain insights into the ways in which migrants build social relationships with non-migrants and participate in urban restoration and development. In exploring the changing historical contingencies within which migrants live and work, Çaglar and Glick Schiller highlight how city-making invariably involves engaging with the far-reaching forces that dispossess people of their land, jobs, resources, neighborhoods, and hope.
Migrants and City-Making | Duke University Presswww.dukeupress.eduAuthor(s):Ayse Çaglar, Nina Glick Schiller
- Olivia Killias (March 2018 ). Follow the Maid. Domestic Worker Migration in and from Indonesia. NIAS Press.
This finely observed study unveils the workings of the Indonesian migration regime, one that has sent hundreds of thousands of women abroad as domestic workers each year. Drawing on extended ethnographic research since 2007, the book literally follows migrant women from their recruitment by local brokers in a village in upland Central Java, via secluded ‘training’ camps in Jakarta, employment in gated middle-class homes within Indonesia and in Malaysia and back home again. Killias’ analysis uncovers the colonial genealogies of contemporary domestic worker migration and unmasks the gendered moralizing discourses on ‘illegal’ migration and ‘trafficking’ as constraining migrant mobility. By exploring the moral, social, economic and legal processes by which Indonesian women are turned into ‘maids’ for the global care economy, Olivia Killias brings the reader directly into the nerve-racking lives of migrant village women, and reveals the richness and ambiguity of their experiences, going beyond stereotypical representations of them as ‘victims of trafficking’.
- Bernardo E. Brown and Brenda S.A. Yeoh (eds.) (2018). Asian Migrants and Religious Experience From Missionary Journeys to Labor Mobility. Amsterdam University Press.
Typically, scholars approach migrants’ religions as a safeguard of cultural identity, something that connects migrants to their communities of origin. This ethnographic anthology challenges that position by reframing the religious experiences of migrants as a transformative force capable of refashioning narratives of displacement into journeys of spiritual awakening and missionary calling. These essays explore migrants’ motivations in support of an argument that to travel inspires a search for new meaning in religion.
- Christiane Timmerman, Noel Clycq, François Levrau, Lore Van Praag, Dirk Vanheule (eds). (2018). Migration and Integration in Flanders. Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Leuven University Press.
Across the world, and due to ongoing globalisation, migration is increasingly becoming a part of daily life. But more than ever, migration can no longer be viewed as a simple linear trajectory from A to B. The emergence of transnational communities and intense interactions between regions of origin and of destination have led to new forms of social–cultural praxis and (sub)cultures which exert an important influence on the integration of immigrants. The case of Flanders, the northern part of Belgium and a reference point for the impact of these processes across Europe, is presented as a case study in this book. The growing complexity of migration leads the contributing authors to look beyond borders, both of national frontiers – as migration by definition implies cross-border research – and of disciplines and research methods. In doing so, the present volume offers thought-provoking essays on topical issues that stir public and political debates across Europe, and contributes to fundamental discussions on changing societies.
Migration and Integration in Flanders – Leuven University Presslup.beThought-provoking insights on the nexus of migration and integration beyond the national contextAcross the world, and due to ongoing globalisation, migration is increasingly becoming a part of daily life. But more than ever, migration can no longer be viewed as a simple linear trajectory from A to B. The emergence of t
- Hashas, Mohammed, Jan Jaap de Ruiter, and Niels Valdemar Vinding (eds) (2018). Imams in Western Europe: Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
As European Muslims and Muslims in the Middle East diverge, imams in Europe have emerged as major agents of religious authority who shape Islam’s presence in Western societies. This volume examines the theoretical and practical questions concerning the evolving role of imams in Europe. To what extent do imams act as intermediaries between European states and Muslim communities? Do states subsidise imam training? How does institutionalisation of Islam differ between European states?
With kind regards,
Jaana Palander & Anne Häkkinen
Book review editors
Nordic Journal of Migration Research