Early Bird Registration ends 4th November.
Registration is now open for the next Inform Seminar, Health and Healing in Minority Religions, in conjunction with the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, King’s College, London.
Saturday 24th November 2018, 10am-5pm (registration at 9.30). Bush House Lecture Theatre 1, King’s College, London, 30 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BG.
Please visit https://inform.ac/seminar-payment to book tickets via paypal or credit/debit card.
Registration costs:
Standard: £38
Unwaged/ university student: £18
A Level student: £10
After 4th November, ticket prices will increase by £10, across all three categories and refunds will not be offered.
Provisional Programme:
10.00-10.10 Welcome
10.10-10.35 Eileen Barker, FAcSS, FBA, OBE, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the London School of Economics - Religious Attitudes to the Body, Health and Healing
10.35-11.00 Tony Brace, The European Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses - Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Transfusion: Faith or Fanaticism?
11.00-11.25 Carole M. Cusack, University of Sydney - G. I. Gurdjieff on Health and Healing: Diet, Fasting and Spiritual Exercises
11.25-11.55 Coffee
11.55-12.20 Sarah Harvey, Senior Research Officer, Inform - Illness as Impurity: practices for cleansing and purifying the body
12.20-12.45 Chris French, Head of the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit in the Psychology Department at Goldsmiths - The psychology of belief in and use of complementary and alternative medicine
12.45-13.10 Robin Harragin Hussey, District Manager of Christian Science Committee on Publication for UK and Ireland - Holiness and Healing in Christian Scientists’ Practice Today
13.10-14.10 Lunch
14.10-14.35 Suzanne Newcombe, Research Fellow at Inform, Lecturer in Religious Studies at the Open University - The Body in Contemporary Yoga and Ayurveda
14.35-15.00 Simon Dein, consultant psychiatrist in Essex UK, honorary clinical professor at Durham University – The End of Suffering: Mysticism, Messianism and Medicine in Lubavitch
15.00-15.30 Tea
15.30-15.40 Website launch
15.40-16.40 Panel
We look forward to seeing you there! Feel free to circulate the attached pdf and help spread the word.
020 7848 1132
c/o Dept. of Theology and Religious Studies, King’s College London
Virginia Woolf Building, 22 Kingsway, London WC2B 6LE.