International Workshop on Religion & Civil Society


XII. International Workshop
Religion and Civil Society:

November 20 - 25, 2013, Yalta, Livadia (Crimea, Ukraine)

Organizers: Western Michigan University (USA) and TAURIDA NATIONAL V.I.Vernadsky UNIVERSITY (Ukraine), NETWORK OF CULTURAL EXCHANGE AND INTERETHNIC TRUST (Ukraine)

Dear Friend:

We are writing this letter to you, in order to invite you wholeheartedly to our 12th. international course on Religion and Civil Society: Between Fundamentalism and Secularization, to take place in Yalta, Livadia, Crimea, Ukraine, November 20-25, 2013. It is a sister - course to our international Dubrovnik, Croatia, course on the Future of Religion, in every April since 1977 without interruption. Our new theme in Yalta is certainly of highest actuality in the present world-historical paradigm-change from Modernity to Post-Modernity: particularly after the global financial and fiscal crisis of 2008, the consequences of which still continue around the globe. Please see the attachment for details [IT IS FREE OF VIRUSES — IT HAS BEEN CHECKED BY THE BLOG MASTER] and for some thoughts and ideas may help us to stimulate and give guidance to our discourse, and may inspire our papers.

