Job Opening: Professor of Anthropology position at UWS, Sydney, Australia

Professor of Anthropology position at UWS, Sydney, Australia

The School of Social Sciences and Psychology is launching a new anthropology program organised around a new Bachelor of Anthropology that will provide students with the opportunity to undertake a field placement either internationally or in Australia. Anthropology will also be available as a major within the existing Bachelor of Social Science. Currently the School and its associated research centres and groupings includes a number of anthropologists whose ethnographic areas include Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, and whose broad research themes include economic anthropology, nations and identity, globalisation, gender, and religion. The School plans to recruit further in order to develop an anthropology program that is world class, in both teaching and research. The Level E appointment is to provide leadership for the program, to grow the staffing, research and research student base for Anthropology as a discipline within the University.

Position Enquiries: Associate Professor Mary Hawkins, (+61 2) 9772 6352, email:

Closing Date: 30 August 2015

For more on the position:

Ref 1003/15 Professor of Anthropology, School of Social Sciences and Psychology