Lecture: “Ignored Arab Christian Voices: Contextual Theology in the Era of Colonial Modernity”

The Von Hügel Institute for Critical Catholic Inquiry together with the Faculty of Divinity and the DAAD-University of Cambridge Research Hub for German Studies invite you to the public lecture:

Ignored Arab Christian Voices: Contextual Theology in the Era of Colonial Modernity by Professor Heidemarie Winkel (University of Bielefeld and DAAD Visiting German Scholar, Cambridge)

on Monday 25 September, 4pm.

VENUE: Runcie Room, Faculty of Divinity, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9BS
Within Palestine, Arab Christians are publicly visible as providers of religiously based discourses on social solidarity and the common good, for example in the form of contextual theologies. The paper shortly reflects how far this has to be seen against the background of colonial history, both with British and with German roots, and to what extent Arab Christians construct their socio-political identity against the background of entangled histories as well as the ongoing reality of socio-political crisis today. A second concern is how contextual theologies relate to the European public and how Arab Christian subaltern voices are coming to the attention of a western-European public.
Heidemarie Winkel is Professor of Sociology at the University of Bielefeld (Germany). She will present some highlights from her research as DAAD Visiting German Scholar based at the VHI, St Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge. Professor Winkel specializes in sociology of religion, gender, and Arab societies. She is a board member of several sociological research networks and editorial boards, including the Council of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR) and the Journal for Religion, Society and Politics. Recent publications: Multiple Religiosities, Entangled Modernities and Gender: What is Different about Gender Across Religious Cultures?, Journal for Religion, Society and Politics 1(1), 2017;  with K. Sammet (eds), Thinking Religion Sociologically: Reflections on Current Theoretical and Empirical Developments, Springer, 2017.

The event is free and open to all. Please find attached a poster for further circulation. For more information visit www.vhi.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk.
To learn more about the DAAD in Cambridge contact ingrid.hobbis@admin.cam.ac.uk