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Multiple Modernities and Social Inclusion

International Seminar on

Multiple Modernities and Social Inclusion

25th - 27th February, 2014
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Organized by

Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, U.P., India Contact: (+91) 7275881996, 9839713089, 9452823866

Structure of the Seminar
Main Theme: Multiple Modernity and Social Inclusion

Technical Sessions:


Modernity came as a package to the world in the early 18th century and had emphasis on the European centrality and conviction in the linearity of history. It believed in the emergence of society on homogenization on referent monoculture, a process on melting pot thesis. However, the bloody history of the previous century beginning from the World War 1 to the demise of the Cold War not only caused the disillusionments with the Enlightenment Project but also marked bankruptcy of ideologies with the breakdown in the process of modernization. The advent of the new century witnessed a global world with boundaries transcendent and life chances and strategies based on the material referent. It created a new social and political consciousness across the world on identity and economics fused realms. Globalization came with coherence, hybridity and contradictions affecting the history, culture and diversities of the nation states. Modernity no longer remained an ideal. If 1960s witnessed the collapse of Functionalism, the close of the century marked the bankruptcy of ideologies. The societies across the world opted for the retention and rejection process from culture and history and these adaptations were not identical. While, there was some predictable convergence in institutions and exchanges through the flow of capital and goods but the culture and intergroup accommodations find new patterns of differentiations. Since the demise of the cold war has prompted pluralism, diversity and multiculturalism, modernity has assumed new variations in the era of the global world. The critical sociology soon after world war one had raised questions about the Modernity project and there were always apprehensions whether modernity remains an unfinished agenda of enlightenment or the capitalism has taken another turn to mark the break with the past. The conventional notions were challenged from the west itself.

An enormous body of literature from history, sociology and literature have from the close of the century been debating the questions of modernity and the emergence of the new world, economically, politically and socially different. These authors including the seminal work of Eisenstaedt contextualizing the meaning of modernity in terms of history and culture of the societies and explaining how the transnational migration, technological developments, and changing communications have shifted the ground on which theories of society were once built. However the revisiting of the past cannot be taken for granted. It needs rigorous intellectual exercises for clear comprehension.

It is in this context the conference will deliberate upon the following themes, which will have technical sessions also depending on the nature of abstracts.

Themes 1: Democracy, Pluralism and Development.
Themes 2: Globalization and Lived Religion.
Themes 3: Post Colonial narratives and Comparative Methodologies. Themes 4: Open session (Papers on related themes)

Call for Abstracts

Abstracts of papers on topics relevant to the technical sessions are invited from those who want to present papers at the Seminar. The abstract should be within 300 words (maximum half A-4 size page) and the length of the full paper should not exceed 5000 words (not more than 15 A-4 size pages). Individual may submit maximum two abstracts in different technical sessions. Those who are not submitting the abstract and still interested to attend the Seminar, can do so as OBSERVER by paying non-refundable registration fees.

Registration Fees:

Registration Fees for Teachers and Others: Rs. 1000/- Registration Fees for Overseas Participants: Rs. 3000/-

Note: The last date of acceptance of abstract with registration fees is 15th December 2013

Registration Fee Payment

Filled-in Registration form along with the Non-refundable Registration fee by DD payable at Varanasi drawn in favour of “Seminar: Multiple Modernities and Social Inclusion” State of Bank of India, BHU Campus (Code 0211), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, should be sent to the Seminar Convener according to the dates mentioned above.

Registration Fee Covers: Seminar Kit, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

For accommodation, arrangements have to be made by the participants on their own on payment basis.

Chief Patron
Professor Lalji Singh
Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221005

Prof. Chandra Kala Padia
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221005

Prof. Ashok Kumar Kaul
Coordinator, CSSEIP
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221005

Co- Convener
Prof. Sanjay Srivastava
Deputy Coordinator, CSSEIP
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221005

Dr. Vinita Chandra
Dr. Amar Nath Ram
Dr. S.D. Sharma
Mr. D. K. Sharma
Mr. Arvind Kr. Vishvakarma
Mr. Vijay Singh
Mr. Satosh Kumar

Brochure for International_Seminar_25-27 Feb._2014.pdf