We are pleased to announce the publication of the August 2017 issue of Critical Research on Religion (Volume: 5, Number: 2)
Below you will find the table of contents:
Special Section: Foucault and religion: Critical engagements:
- “A genealogy of critique: From parrhesia to prophecy” Tom Boland, Paul Clogher
- “Reexamining Foucault on confession and obedience: Peter Schaefer’s Radical Pietism as counter-conduct” Elisa Heinämäki
- “Pastoral power, sovereignty and class: Church, tithe and simony in Quebec” Bruce Curtis
- “Contextualizing “religion” of young Karl Marx: A preliminary analysis” Mitsutoshi Horii
- “Nomad self-governance and disaffected power versus semiological state apparatus of capture: The case of Roma Pentecostalism” Cerasela Voiculescu
Response to April 2017 Editorial:
- “On neither burying nor praising religion” Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi
Book Reviews:
- “Donovan O. Schaefer, Religious Affects: Animality, Evolution, and Power” Lucas Scott Wright
- “Carlin A Barton and Daniel Boyarin, Imagine No Religion: How Modern Abstractions Hide Ancient Realities” Nickolas P Roubekas
- “Vincent L Wimbush (ed), Scripturalizing the Sacred: The Written as Political” Michael J Altman
Editorial Team: Warren S. Goldstein, Jonathan Boyarin, and Rebekka King
Critical Research on Religion Editorial Office